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Title:Primerjava klavne kakovosti goveda, vzrejenega v ekoloških in konvencionalnih pogojih reje
Authors:ID Fošnarič, Davorin (Author)
ID Prevolnik Povše, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Fosnaric_Davorin_2020.pdf (598,28 KB)
MD5: C47B89DC92E4021ED96C17ED34D9FB36
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/09fd334a-dae2-4782-8bc5-30c368b05c67
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V raziskavi smo primerjali rastnost in klavno kakovost različnih kategorij goveda iz konvencionalne in ekološke reje. V raziskavo smo vključili 124 ekoloških kmetij s skupno 3.990 zaklanimi živalmi in 146 konvencionalnih kmetij s skupno 4.405 zaklanimi živalmi. Zajeli smo območje SV Slovenije (Maribor s širšo okolico) in obdobje 10 let. Vse ekološke kmetije so imele enak način reje (paša poleti, prosta reja v hlevih pozimi). Rezultati so pokazali velike razlike med ekološko in konvencionalno rejo v vodenju kmetij in rezultatih pitanja. Teleta so v obeh sistemih reje dosegala podobne rezultate, kasneje (pri bikih in telicah) pa sta se tako rastnost kot klavna kakovost živali precej zmanjšala. V ekološki reji je bila močno zastopana kategorija starejših telet, ki je v konvencionalni reji skoraj ni bilo (bil pa je večji delež kategorije bikov). Razlike smo ugotovili tudi v časovni porazdelitvi zakolov; v ekološki reji je bila le-ta pretežno enakomerna pri vseh starostih, v konvencionalni reji pa je bilo največ živali zaklanih tik pred 24 meseci starosti, povečana pogostost je bila tudi pri starosti 4 mesecev. Možni razlogi za omenjene razlike med ekološko in konvencionalno rejo so: i) prostorska stiska v hlevih, zaradi česar gre v ekološki reji okrog enega leta starosti precej živali v zakol, ii) izrazit upad rastnosti (in klavne kakovosti) po odstavitvi teleta od materinega mleka (drag dokup ekološke krme) in iii) velik delež prodaje mesa na domu v ekološki reji, s čimer je možno doseči zadovoljiv zaslužek ne glede na starost in intenzivnost rasti živali.
Keywords:govedo, ekološka reja, rastnost, klavna kakovost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77370 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.09.2020
FOŠNARIČ, Davorin, 2020, Primerjava klavne kakovosti goveda, vzrejenega v ekoloških in konvencionalnih pogojih reje [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77370
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of carcass quality in organically and conventionally reared cattle
Abstract:The aim of the present study was to analyse growth performance and carcass quality of different cattle categories reared under conventional and organic rearing systems. The study comprised 124 organic farms with a total of 3,990 slaughtered animals and 146 conventional farms with a total of 4,405 slaughtered animals. North-eastern part of Slovenia (Maribor with its wider surroundings) and a period of 10 years was included. All organic farms had the same rearing technology, i.e. pasture in summer and free range in stables in winter. The results showed significant differences between organic and conventional rearing in farm management and fattening results. Calves showed similar results in both rearing systems, while in older categories (in bulls and heifers) growth and carcass quality decreased significantly. In organic rearing, the category of older calves was very frequent, but very rare in conventional system (consequently there was a larger proportion of bulls). Differences were also found in the time distribution of slaughters; in organic system it was quite uniform, while in conventional system most animals were slaughtered slightly before 24 months of age, the frequency was also increased at the age of 4 months. Possible reasons for obtained differences between organic and conventional system are: i) space constraints in stables, which leads more frequent slaughters in organic system at the end of pasture period (around one year of age), ii) a considerable decline in growth (and slaughter quality) after weaning of calves (and high price of organic feeds) and iii) a large proportion of home sale of meat in organic system, which results in a satisfactory income regardless of the age and growth intensity of the animals.
Keywords:cattle, organic livestock production, growth performance, carcass quality


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