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Title:Vpliv pandemije covida-19 na mednarodno trgovino
Authors:ID Gantar, Tara (Author)
ID Romih, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Gantar_Tara_2020.pdf (718,92 KB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0814bc8a-6f3c-4651-aea5-e34fc7dc2f0c
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V današnjem času je mednarodna trgovina, ki jo opredeljujemo kot izmenjavo blaga, storitev, kapitala in ljudi med državami sveta, vedno bolj prisotna v naših vsakdanjih življenjih. Posamezniki, podjetja in države se za mednarodno trgovanje odločajo iz različnih razlogov, predvsem pa vsi od nje pričakujejo določene koristi. V teoretičnem delu smo proučili pojem mednarodne trgovine, njen nastanek in razvoj skozi zgodovino ter do danes, različne prednosti in slabosti, njen pomen v sodobnem svetu ter dejavnike udeležencev za nastopanje v mednarodnih poslih. V empiričnem delu smo po opredelitvi pandemije covida-19 z metodo analiziranja raziskali njen vpliv na mednarodno trgovino in različne omejitve, ki so posledično nastale na svetovnem trgu. Raziskali smo vpliv pandemije covida-19 na mednarodno trgovino z blagom in storitvami, tako da smo primerjali gibanje pred pandemijo covida-19 in med njo ter z grafom prikazali gibanje mednarodne trgovine ter 2 možna scenarija za njeno okrevanje v prihodnosti. V nadaljevanju smo proučili odzive mednarodnih organizacij, pri čemer smo se osredotočili na Svetovno trgovinsko organizacijo in Svetovno banko, in odzive držav za ohranjanje odprte in stabilne mednarodne trgovine. Prikazali smo, kako se spopadajo s tako imenovano koronakrizo in kakšne gospodarsko- ter trgovinskopolitične ukrepe sprejemajo za omejevanje posledic pandemije covida-19 na mednarodno trgovino.
Keywords:mednarodna trgovina, mednarodna trgovina z blagom, mednarodna trgovina s storitvami, pandemija covida-19, koronakriza, koronavirus SARS-CoV-2
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Gantar]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77253 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:33711619 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.10.2020
GANTAR, Tara, 2020, Vpliv pandemije covida-19 na mednarodno trgovino [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Gantar. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77253
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Licensing start date:24.08.2020

Secondary language

Title:The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on International Trade
Abstract:International trade, which we define as the exchange of goods, services, capital and people between countries, is increasingly present in our daily lives. Individuals, companies and countries choose international trade for various reasons, but above all, they expect certain benefits from it. In the theoretical part we studied the concept of international trade, its origin and development throughout history to the present day. We addressed various advantages and disadvantages of international trade, its importance in the modern world and factors of participants to appear in international business. In the empirical part, after defining the COVID-19 pandemic, we used the analysis method to investigate its impact on international trade and the various restrictions that have arisen on the world market. We investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the international trade in goods and services by comparing trends before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We used a graph to illustrate international trade trends and two possible scenarios for its future recovery. We examined the responses of international organizations, focusing on the World Trade Organization and the World Bank, and the responses of countries with regard to maintaining open and stable international trade. We have shown how they are coping with the so-called corona crisis and what economic and trade policy measures they have taken to limit the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade.
Keywords:international trade, international trade in goods, international trade in services, COVID-19 pandemic, corona crisis, coronavirus SARS-CoV-2


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