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Title:Terorizem in turizem
Authors:ID Željko, Katja (Author)
ID Brumen, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Zeljko_Katja_2020.pdf (1,55 MB)
MD5: C81DFD2FBD90946416ADEFC8055B966C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a1352b36-4f0b-49cb-934f-f53bbb10ae5d
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:V svetu je varnost danes osrednjega pomena in tudi prednostna tržna niša v turizmu. Eno izmed ključnih groženj mednarodni in nacionalni varnosti v sodobnem svetu predstavlja terorizem. Osrednja tema diplomskega dela je terorizem v povezavi s turizmom. Terorizem predstavlja najtemnejšo plat globalizacije, turizem pa celovitost le-te. Na osnovi tega presojamo, da sta terorizem in turizem znotraj okvirja globalizacije zelo povezana. Spoznanja dela kažejo, da terorizem negativno vpliva na turizem, saj spreminja turistične tokove in aktualnost destinacij. Turistične destinacije so vse bolj obljudene in ravno na podlagi tega postajajo vse pogostejša tarča terorističnih napadov. Terorizem vpliva na psihološko in socialno stanje ter spreminja odnos turistov, povzroča kulturološki stres in negativno vpliva na povpraševanje in turistično ponudbo. S tem negativno vpliva na nadaljnji razvoj turistične destinacije in turizma. V diplomskem delu skozi raziskavo ugotavljamo, kakšen vpliv ima terorizem na turizem in ali terorizem cilja na turizem. Zaradi obsežnosti teme pa je analiza omejena na teroristične napade, ki so se zgodili po silovitem napadu na Združene države Amerike ali bolj znanem 11. septembrom.
Keywords:terorizem, teroristični napad, teroristi, turisti, turizem, turistična mesta
Place of publishing:Brežice
Publisher:[K. Željko]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-77149 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:37538307 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.11.2020
ŽELJKO, Katja, 2020, Terorizem in turizem [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Brežice : K. Željko. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=77149
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Licensing start date:19.08.2020

Secondary language

Title:Terrorism and tourism
Abstract:Today, security is one of the most central importance in the world and also a priority market niche in tourism. One of the key threats to the international and national security in the modern world is terrorism. The central theme of the thesis is terrorism in connection with tourism. Terrorism is the darkest side of globalization, and tourism is the totality of it. On this basis, I believe that terrorism and tourism are very much in the context. The findings show that terrorism has a negative impact on tourism, as it changes the tourist flows and the actuality of the destinations. Tourist destinations are increasingly popular, and as a result, terrorist attacks are increasingly targeted. Terrorism affects the psychological and social condition and alters the attitude of tourists, causes cultural stress and adversely affects demand and tourism supply. This has a negative impact on the further development of the tourist destination and tourism. In the work through the research we find out what impact terrorism has on tourism and whether terrorism targets tourism. Due to the extensive nature of the topic, the analysis is limited to terrorist attacks that occurred after the violent attack on the United States of America, or more commonly known as 9/11.
Keywords:terrorism, terrorist attack, terrorist, tourist, tourism, tourist destination


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