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Title:Aktualnost izbirnih predmetov s področja kemije pri slovenskih osnovnošolcih
Authors:ID Čakš, Daša (Author)
ID Golob, Nikolaja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Caks_Dasa_2020.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: 0C4C3D64674BD661427B8F484C9B3674
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/3d26db87-85d8-4052-a675-67ada6c2c571
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Znanje s področja kemije je dandanes zelo pomembno. Kemijsko znanje se prepleta v vedah, ki so pomembne za razvoj sveta, npr. medicina, farmacija, kmetijstvo. Znanja, ki jih pridobimo, so uporabna tudi v vsakdanjem življenju. V magistrskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kateri obvezni izbirni predmeti so pri učencih med popularnejšimi in kateri so razlogi, na podlagi katerih se učenci odločijo, kateri izbirni predmet bodo obiskovali. Zanimalo nas je, kakšen del nabora predstavljajo naravoslovno-tehniški predmeti. Ugotoviti smo želeli, katere teme bi učence pritegnile, da bi se v večji meri odločili za izbirne predmete s področja kemije in naravoslovja. Do želenih odgovorov smo prišli tako, da smo pridobili podatke s strani Ministrstva za šolstvo, znanost in šport ter s pomočjo dveh vprašalnikov, ki smo ju sestavili na spletni strani 1ka (www.1ka.si). Enega smo posredovali učencem 8. in 9. razredov, drugega pa učiteljem. Pridobili smo odgovore 230 učencev, od tega je bilo 87 (37,8 %) fantov in 143 (62,2 %) deklet, in odgovore 30 učiteljev, ki poučujejo izbirne predmete s področja kemije. Glede na dobljene podatke smo ugotovili, da šole ponudijo več izbirnih predmetov iz družboslovno-humanističnega sklopa, učenci pa se raje odločajo za predmete naravoslovno-tehniškega sklopa. Glavna razloga, da se učenci odločijo za določen izbirni predmet, sta, da jih zanima tematika in da jim bo to koristilo za nadaljnje izobraževanje. Pri izbirnih predmetih s področja kemije bi si tako učenci kot tudi učitelji želeli več zanimivih eksperimentov in uporabnih vsebin. Kljub temu da so s področja kemije ponujeni trije izbirni predmeti, izbirni predmet poskusi v kemiji pa je dokaj priljubljen, bi si učenci želeli več zanimivih eksperimentov, želeli pa bi se tudi naučiti, kako izdelati izdelke, ki jih lahko uporabljamo doma.
Keywords:obvezni izbirni predmeti, aktualnost, kemija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Čakš]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76878 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24871939 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.08.2020
ČAKŠ, Daša, 2020, Aktualnost izbirnih predmetov s področja kemije pri slovenskih osnovnošolcih [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Čakš. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76878
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Secondary language

Title:Topicality of elective subjects in the field of chemistry among Slovene primary school students
Abstract:Chemistry knowledge is nowadays very important. Chemistry content is often found in other sciences which are important for world development, such as medicine, pharmacy, agriculture and similar. The chemistry knowledge that we gain in school is also important and applicable in everyday life. In our research we wanted to assess which obligatory elective subjects are most popular amongst Slovenian primary school student and what are the reasons and criteria on which they base their choice. We were interested in the ratio between social science elective subjects and STEM elective subjects. We wanted to know which topics would attract students to choose elective subjects with chemistry or natural sciences content. We gathered the results through overviewing the data from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and creating two questionnaires in webpage 1ka (www.1ka.si). We distributed first questionnaire to 8th and 9th grade students, while the second one was filled in by the teachers. We gathered 230 student responses, out of which 87 (37,8%) were male and 143 (62,2 %) female. On the other hand, we got 30 responses from teachers who teach elective subjects with chemistry content. Results have shown that school offer higher number of elective subjects with social science content. However, students still prefer subjects with STEM content. Main reason they stated is that they liked the subject topic, following with usefulness for the future education. Both students and teachers would like to include more interesting experiments and applicable knowledge in elective subjects. Even though there are three elective subjects with chemical content offered, Experiments in chemistry is by far the most beloved, because students want to experiment more, create products and learn how to apply that knowledge at home.
Keywords:compulsory elective subjects, topicality, chemistry


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