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Title:Problematika financiranja pri projektu x
Authors:ID Prepelič, Dino (Author)
ID Vrečko, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Prepelic_Dino_2020.pdf (897,26 KB)
MD5: 269ADC83D9F60D08B964139C822CD48E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4343d933-c613-42e1-ba55-77fd7e855234
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Ljudje se z namenom ustvarjanja novosti in zagotavljanja najnujnejših zadev povezujejo že od prazgodovine dalje. Do današnjega časa se je ta proces ustvarjanja in povezovanja izjemno izpopolnjeval; ko pa ga obravnavamo v opredeljenem časovnem okvirju in ga postavimo v kontekst življenjskega cikla, govorimo o projektu. Med ključne dejavnike uspešne izvedbe projekta se uvršča tudi ustrezno pridobivanje ter porabljanje finančnih virov, katere si naročnik projekta zagotovi na trgu kapitala. Možnosti financiranja projekta je veliko, z večino le teh pa pridejo določena tveganja, katera morajo biti vnaprej prepoznana in ustrezno zavarovana. Eden izmed najbolj kapitalsko zahtevnih projektov, ključnih za regionalni gospodarski ter infrastrukturni razvoj, je projekt gradnje drugega tira med Divačo in Koprom. Z uspešno izvedbo projekta se povečajo kapacitete slovenskega največjega pristanišča ter pospeši transfer blaga v druge ciljne države. Po pregledu možnih oblik projektnega financiranja lahko hitro ugotovimo, da državno ustanovljeno namensko podjetje, v okviru katerega poteka projekt Drugi tir Divača - Koper, dokaj ustrezno analizira in izbira možne vire financiranja, težave pa se pojavijo v pravno nedopolnjenem okolju projekta, razgretem političnem ozadju ter nenaklonjeni javnosti.
Keywords:projekt, projektno financiranje, Drugi tir Divača- Koper, finančni viri
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Prepelič]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76851 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:57729539 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.03.2021
PREPELIČ, Dino, 2020, Problematika financiranja pri projektu x [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : D. Prepelič. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76851
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Title:Problems of financing a project x
Abstract:People have been connecting since prehistoric times to create innovations and provide for the most urgent matters. To date, this process of creation and integration has improved tremendously; however, when we consider it in a defined time frame and place it in the context of a life cycle, we are talking about a project. Among the key factors for the successful implementation of the project is also the appropriate acquisition and use of financial resources, which the project client provides for itself on the capital market. There are many possibilities for financing the project, but most of them come with certain risks, which must be identified in advance and adequately insured. One of the most capital-intensive projects, crucial for regional economic and infrastructural development, is the project of building a second track between Divača and Koper. The successful implementation of the project increases the capacity of Slovenia's largest port and accelerates the transfer of goods to other destination countries. After reviewing possible forms of project financing, we can quickly conclude that the state-established special purpose company, within which the Second Track Divača - Koper project takes place, analyzes and selects possible sources of financing, and problems arise in a legally incomplete project environment, heated political background and averse to the public.
Keywords:project, project financing, Second track from Divača to Koper, finance sources 


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