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Title:Pomen projekta TeleKap pri rekanalizacijskem zdravljenju možganske kapi v regionalni bolnišnici
Authors:ID Lorenčič, Kristjan (Author)
ID Štiglic, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Bajrović, Fajko (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Lorencic_Kristjan_2020.pdf (1,81 MB)
MD5: B2DAE0351D29829F90838EAC98B2549E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4583b45b-33dc-4de8-b416-9faee44ae4f0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Pri akutnem zdravljenju možganske kapi je pomemben čas, saj so ozka terapevtska okna za intravensko trombolizo in mehansko trombektomijo odvisna od hitrega in specializiranega zdravljenja. Za podeželske bolnike je razdalja in čas potovanja do najbližjega centra za možganske kapi ključnega pomena za časovno občutljivo zdravljenje kapi. S prihodom telekomunikacijske tehnologije je mogoče zagotoviti možnost zdravstvenega varstva geografsko izoliranih regij. Raziskovalna metodologija in metode: Izvedba raziskave je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Izvedena je bila retrospektivna raziskava, v kateri smo primerjali število bolnikov z akutno ishemično možgansko kapjo in uporabo intravenozne terapije v prvih petih zaporednih letih delovanja slovenske mreže TeleKap z obdobjem pred uvedbo mreže TeleKap. Rezultati: Analizirali in primerjali smo podatke bolnikov, zdravljenih v mreži TeleKap od začetka delovanja (15. 9. 2014) do 31. decembra 2019, in podatke, pridobljene pred samo uvedbo mreže TeleKap. V analizi podatkov smo ugotovili, da je bilo leta 2019 obravnavanih bolnikov z ishemično možgansko kapjo 2 krat več kot leta 2012 in 2013. Čas bolnišnične obravnave bolnikov z akutno ishemično možgansko kapjo se je v regionalni bolnišnici vse do leta 2018 povečeval, leta 2019 pa je začel padati, vendar je glede na ciljne čase še vedno predolg. Diskusija in zaključek: Telemedicina je dobro razvita tehnologija in omogoča bolnišnicam, ki nimajo dovolj sredstev, da dobijo dostop do mnenja strokovnjakov za možganske kapi, da bi izboljšali pravočasnost in kakovost oskrbe zaradi možganske kapi.
Keywords:ishemična možganska kap, TeleKap, telemedicina, mehanična trombektomija, endovaskularizacija
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Lorenčič]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76848 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:56466179 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.03.2021
LORENČIČ, Kristjan, 2020, Pomen projekta TeleKap pri rekanalizacijskem zdravljenju možganske kapi v regionalni bolnišnici [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Lorenčič. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76848
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Licensing start date:15.07.2020

Secondary language

Title:The importance of the TeleKap project in the recanalization treatment of stroke in a regional hospital
Abstract:Background: Time is important in the acute treatment of stroke, as the narrow therapeutic windows for intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy depend on rapid and specialized treatment. For patients coming from rural areas, distance and time of travel to the nearest stroke centre are crucial for time-sensitive stroke treatment. With the advent of telecommunications technology, it is possible to provide healthcare opportunities for geographically isolated regions. Research Methodology and Methods: The implementation of the research was based on quantitative methodology. A retrospective research was conducted in which we compared the number of patients with acute ischemic stroke and the use of intravenous therapy in the first five consecutive years of the operation of the Slovenian TeleKap network with the period before the introduction of the TeleKap network. Results: We analysed and compared the data of patients treated within the TeleKap network from the start of operation (15 September 2014) to 31 December 2019 and the data obtained before the introduction of the TeleKap network. In the data analysis, we determined that in 2019, the number of treated patients with ischemic stroke was 2 times higher than in 2012 and 2013. The time of hospital treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke was increasing until 2018 in the regional hospital and began to decline in 2019, but it is still too long with regards to the target times. Discussion and Conclusion: Telemedicine is a well-developed technology and enables hospitals that do not have sufficient resources to gain access to the opinion of stroke experts in order to improve the timeliness and quality of stroke care.
Keywords:acute ischemic stroke, TeleStroke, telemedicine, mechanical thrombectomy, endovascularization.


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