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Title:Uporaba antivirusnih programov za zagotavljanje informacijske varnosti med študenti : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost
Authors:ID Jordanova, Vanesa (Author)
ID Bernik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Jordanova_Vanesa_2020.pdf (1,19 MB)
MD5: F4DB76A0684A688B117376D8B5F5368F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e57fc4f2-5e7e-458f-8ecf-f1ef2a2c2ad3
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V času napredka informacijske tehnologije, so se s povečanjem vseh možnosti na spletu, povečale tudi možnosti za programerje zlonamerne programske opreme, s katero izvajajo zlonamerne aktivnosti s pomočjo raznovrstnih načinov. Postavili smo si vprašanje, kako lahko učinkovito zavarujemo svoje osebne podatke ali podatke uporabnika na spletu. Zaradi velike vsakodnevne uporabe elektronske naprave in virtualnih prenosov podatkov, pride do rasti in razvoja različnih oblik groženj v virtualnem svetu. Ko govorimo o varnost v spletu, najpogosteje govorimo o zaščiti pred različnimi vrstami napadov, naj gre za računalniške viruse, črve, poskuse vstopa nepooblaščenih oseb v samo omrežje, ali le za posamezne dele v samem omrežju. Posledice uspešnega napada lahko onemogočijo delovanje sodobne informacijske komunikacijske tehnologije tako naprave kot programsko opremo ki jo na teh napravah uporoabljamo, kot tudi povzročijo celotno brisanje določenih podatkov, ki so pomembni za uporabnika naprave. Študentje, ki ne poznajo varnostnih orodij na napravah s katerimi dostopajo v kibernetski prostor, postajajo ranljivi za napade, velikokrat tudi brez njihove vednosti. Vsak študent, ki uporablja katerokoli izmed omenjenih naprav za dostopanje v kibernetski prostor kot so pametni telefoni, pametne tablice, prenosni in stacionarni računalniki, e-bralniki, pametne televizije bi moral razmisliti o učinkovitem varovanju naprave, ki jo uporablja, da bi lahko zaznal nepooblaščen vdor. V diplomski nalogi je ta problematika obravnavana med študenti v Sloveniji. Zanimanje je usmerjeno na to, kako se v letu 2020 študenti, stari med 19 in 27 let (to je generacija, ki je računalniško pismena od majhnih nog), soočajo z informacijsko varnostjo. Naloga se osredotoča na to, ali študentje varujejo svoje podatke na osnovnem nivoju z antivirusnimi programi, na katerih napravah in če ne, zakaj ne varujejo. V nalogi se ugotavlja, kako visoka je varnostna kultura med študenti v virtualnem svetu.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, škodljiva programska oprema, preprečevanje, študenti, Slovenija, informacijski sistem, varnost
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Jordanova]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:VI, 60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76682 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:27189251 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.09.2020
JORDANOVA, Vanesa, 2020, Uporaba antivirusnih programov za zagotavljanje informacijske varnosti med študenti : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Informacijska varnost [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : V. Jordanova. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76682
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Secondary language

Title:Use of antivirus programs for insuring of information security among students
Abstract:Today we live in a time of technological advancements. The advantages that this new technological progress brings includes with it new dangers inherent to this invention. Most of the danger is artificially created by programmers with the intent to destroy, add, or change information using various different types of methods. It's time to ask ourselves what we can effectively do to protect our personal or user data information. Due to the large daily usage of computers or smart mobile devices and virtual data transfers, there is a growth and development of various forms of threats in the virtual world. When we talk about online security, we most often talk about protection against various types of attacks; be it computer viruses, worms, or attempts by unauthorized persons to enter a network in its entirety, or only individual parts of the network. A successful attack can disable information and communication technology, devices and the software that is used by said devices. It can also cause the complete erasure of certain data that is important to the user. Students who are unfamiliar with the security tools on devices with which they use to access cyberspace become vulnerable to attacks, especially those that try to access a user’s data without their knowledge. Students who are using any mentioned devices, such as a smartphone, smart tablet, personal computer, laptops, e-readers, and smart tv's should consider effectively protecting the device they are using in order to detect unauthorized intrusion. In the diploma thesis, this issue is discussed among students in Slovenia. Interest is focused on how in 2020, students between the ages of 19 and 27 (a generation that is computer literate from an early age) will face information security. The task focuses on whether students protect their data at a basic level with antivirus programs, on which devices, and if not, why they do not protect said devices. This thesis identifies how important cyber safety culture is among students living in the virtual world.
Keywords:malware, prevention, students, Slovenia, information system, security


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