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Title:Odnos do nutrij (myocastor coypus) in znanje o njih
Authors:ID Kuronja, Bojana (Author)
ID Šorgo, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kuronja_Bojana_2020.pdf (1,17 MB)
MD5: CFAFCA0525FB435F832A2A3A1F17C5EC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/0f55effe-0ce0-474f-8ac4-34feb7ad3cc6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Invazivne tujerodne vrste so zaznan globalni problem zaradi številnih negativnih vplivov, ki jih imajo na ekosisteme ter številne dejavnosti človeka. V naši raziskavi smo se osredotočili na nutrijo (Myocaster coypus), tujerodno invazivno vrsto, ki se uspešno širi po Sloveniji. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti obstoječe znanje ter mnenja prebivalcev Slovenije s ciljem, da bi ta spoznanja vgradili v gospodarjenje s to vrsto. V ta namen smo izdelali spletni vprašalnik, ki je vključeval naslednje sklope: a) neposredne izkušnje z nutrijo; b) mnenje o (ne)sprejemljivosti ukrepov za upravljanje z nutrijami v naravnem in urbanem okolju; c) mnenje o nutrijah in upravljanju z njimi v naravnem in urbanem okolju; d) obstoječe znanje o nutrijah in e) viri informacij, od katerih so anketirani dobili največ podatkov o nutriji. V celoti je anketni vprašalnik izpolnilo 464 ljudi iz celotne Slovenije. Ugotavljamo, sledeče: a) vse vedenje o nutriji so pridobili iz medijev; b) za upravljanje z nutrijami se zdijo najbolj sprejemljivi ukrepi: ulov nutrije, nato sterilizacija in izpustitev nazaj v naravo; c) tujerodne vrste so enako pomembne kot avtohtone ter da so z znanstvenega vidika bolj zanimive ter d) obstoječe znanje anketirancev o nutrijah je dobro. Na osnovi analize pridobljenih mnenj ugotavljamo, da bi za sprejemljive ukrepe lahko obveljali tisti, ki ne bi vključevali usmrtitev živali, morali pa bi biti pospremljeni z ustreznim izobraževanjem in obveščanjem prebivalstva o potrebnosti teh ukrepov.
Keywords:invazivne tujerodne vrste, odnos, znanje, ukrepi, biodiverziteta
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Kuronja]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76677 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:25036291 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.08.2020
KURONJA, Bojana, 2020, Odnos do nutrij (myocastor coypus) in znanje o njih [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : B. Kuronja. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76677
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Secondary language

Title:Attitude towards nutrias (myocastor coypus) and knowledge about them
Abstract:There has been a lot of talk about invasive species in the last decade. In our research assignment, we have focused on the nutria, which belongs to the group of foreign invasive species and is successfully spreading across Slovenia. The purpose of our research was to find out people’s knowledge and opinions, so that we could use this information when it comes to handling these species. We have created an online questionnaire, which included the following segments: a) questions about direct experiences with nutrias; b) opinions about the acceptability of different measures regarding dealing with them in an urban and natural environment; c) opinions about nutrias and measures regarding dealing with them in an urban and natural environment; d) the current knowledge level about nutrias and e) sources of where respondents acquired their knowledge about nutrias. There were 464 respondents in total, living all around Slovenia. We found out that: a) respondents received the majority of information from the media; b) the most acceptable measure for dealing with nutrias is sterilization and then a release back into the wild; c) people saw foreign species as equal to the domestic ones and that they are more interesting from a scientific point of view; d) respondents have good knowledge about the subject. Based on the analysis of the results, we believe that the correct measurements would be the ones that are non-lethal, but these measurements should be accompanied by educating people and informing them about the necessities for such actions.
Keywords:invasive foreign species, relations, knowledge, measures, biodiversity


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