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Title:Kreativnost v timu
Authors:ID Vekuš, Maja (Author)
ID Nedelko, Zlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Vekus_Maja_2020.pdf (474,23 KB)
MD5: CC6BDB670D423E341A73A95A535A1ADD
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9f8bea67-43c0-4af1-bd30-bfb31a0a9e01
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Uporaba skupinskega dela se je zadnja desetletja v vseh organizacijah povečala. Delovne in projektne skupine se pogosto uporabljajo za ustvarjanje in za izvajanje novih idej. To je lahko posledica domneve, da skupina ljudi lahko ustvari nekaj, kar presega tisto, kar bi lahko izdelal vsak posameznik. Raznolikost med člani tima lahko pomaga pri kreativnosti med člani tima. Uspešno vodstvo se opira na sposobnost posameznika, da se učinkovito odzove na spremembe in je kreativen. Ustvarjalnost oziroma kreativnost je dejanje spreminjanja novih in domiselnih idej v resničnost. Da bi bili zaposleni in člani tima ustvarjalni, morajo biti voditelji sposobni stvari videti na nove načine ali z druge perspektive. Med drugim morajo biti sposobni ustvarjati nove možnosti ali nove alternative. Ustvarjalnost omogoča, da na prvi pogled nerešljive situacije rešijo na drugačen in hitrejši način. Vodje timov ne morejo imeti vseh odgovor na dano situacijo prav tako ne morejo imeti samo enega člana tima od katerega se pričakuje, da ima znanja iz vseh področij. Ravno to je razlog za oblikovanje tima, kjer ima vsak posamezen član znanje in določenega področja ali iz več področij, vodja pa je ta, ki znanja med seboj koordinira in uporablja, da iskanje kreativnih idej, ki so v konkurenčno prednost podjetja. Cilj diplomskega projekta ugotoviti bistvene razlike med skupino in timom, ker podrobno predstaviti značilnosti tima. Raziskati katere stile vodenja se poslužujejo vodje, kako se motivira ter kako postane tim uspešen. Največje zanimanje se je pojavijo na področju kreativnosti, kar je tudi bil odločilen razlog, da smo se odločili raziskati in definirati pojem kreativnosti ter kateri dejavniki vplivajo na kreativnosti v timu. Diplomski projekt je razdeljen na dva dela, na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo prestavili izhodišča za timsko delo, prav tako smo primerjali značilnosti skupine in tima. Da lahko skupino ljudi sploh imenujemo tim mora ometi tim določene značilnosti in sestavine, ki se nanašajo le na tim. Pomembno vlogo pri tem ima vodenje, ki je ključnega pomena za uspešen tim. Eden izmed ključnih dejavnikov, ki je tesno povezan z vodenjem, je prav tako dejavnik motiviranja, ki članom tima pomeni glavni razlog, da prispevajo svoj del timu. Bodisi je to dejavnik motiviranja plača, bodisi napredovanje na delovnem mestu. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo intervjujev raziskali in analizirali kreativnost v timu v različnih slovenskih podjetjih. Z analizo podatkov smo ugotovili kakšna je kreativnost v timih v slovenskih podjetjih. Eden izmed poglavitnih razlogov nas je zanimal zakaj podjetja sploh ustvarijo time ter kako spremljajo kreativnosti in uspešnost le teh.
Keywords:kreativnost, tim, sodelovanje, spodbujanje kreativnosti, motiviranje in preučevanje kreativnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Vekuš]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76611 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:30098947 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.09.2020
VEKUŠ, Maja, 2020, Kreativnost v timu [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Vekuš. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76611
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:15.06.2020

Secondary language

Title:Creativity in team
Abstract:The use of group work has increased in all organizations in recent decades. Working and project groups are often used to create and implement new ideas. This may be due to the assumption that a group of people can create something that goes beyond what any individual could produce. Diversity among team members can help with creativity among team members. Successful leadership relies on an individual’s ability to respond effectively to change and be creative. Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. For employees and team members to be creative, leaders need to be able to see things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, they must be able to create new possibilities or new alternatives. Creativity allows them to solve seemingly unsolvable situations in a different and faster way. Team leaders cannot have all the answers to a given situation nor can they have just one team member who is expected to have knowledge in all areas. This is the reason for forming a team, where each individual member has knowledge of a certain field or from several fields, and the leader is the one who coordinates and uses the knowledge to find creative ideas that are in the competitive advantage of the company. The aim of the diploma project is to identify the essential differences between the group and the team, because to present in detail the characteristics of the team. Explore which leadership styles are used by leaders, how they are motivated and how the team becomes successful. The greatest interest is in the field of creativity, which was also the decisive reason why we decided to explore and define the concept of creativity and what factors influence creativity in the team. The diploma project is divided into two parts, the theoretical and the empirical part. In the theoretical part, we moved the starting points for teamwork, and we also compared the characteristics of the group and the team. In order to be able to call a group of people a team at all, the team must be plastered with certain characteristics and ingredients that relate only to the team. Leadership plays an important role in this, which is crucial for a successful team. One of the key factors that is closely related to leadership is also the motivating factor, which is a major reason for team members to contribute their part to the team. Either this is a factor motivating pay, or promotion in the workplace. In the empirical part, we researched and analyzed the creativity in the team in various Slovenian companies with the help of interviews. By analyzing the data, we determined the creativity of teams in Slovenian companies. One of the main reasons we were interested in why companies create teams at all and how they monitor their creativity and success
Keywords:teams, teamwork, creativity, creativity in a team


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