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Title:Analiza programa zvestobe Petrol klub
Authors:ID Vračko, Mitja (Author)
ID Mumel, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Vracko_Mitja_2020.pdf (456,67 KB)
MD5: 8B69A2F4D9A40988A49587D5DB707978
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/36f9e9be-f975-4de7-a4fb-e4cca0bfd604
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Živimo v svetu, v katerem dejanja tržnikov igrajo pomembno vlogo v našem življenju. Obkroženi smo z nenehnimi tržnimi dražljaji v obliki številnih oglasov, ki tekmujejo za našo pozornost in denar. Oglasi nam prikazujejo, kako naj počnemo stvari, pa naj bo to recikliranje, uživanje alkohola, kakšne hiše in avtomobile naj kupujemo, nekaterih namen je celo, naj ocenjujemo druge na podlagi tega, katere izdelke kupujejo in katerih ne. Po drugi strani pa se moramo na ta sporočila tudi zanašati in jim delno verjeti, saj pričakujemo, da bodo kupljeni izdelki res kvalitetni, varni ter delujoči na način predstavljen v njih. Pri pridobivanju kupcev pa niso pomembna le oglasna sporočila, temveč tudi poprodajne aktivnosti podjetij, med katere spadajo tudi programi zvestobe. Preko njih trgovci nudijo svojim odjemalcem različne ugodnosti v obliki popustov, zbiranja nalepk, predkupnih pravic do izdelkov ipd., s katerimi želijo tako ohraniti pridobljene kupce, kot tudi pridobiti nove. Diplomski projekt je zasnovan tako, da je v prvem delu predstavljena vsa teorija, od zgodovine in samih začetkov programov zvestobe, definicije kdo odjemalci so in kakšni so njihovi vzorci obnašanja. Delo se nadaljuje s preučitvijo področja pomena zvestobe odjemalcev za podjetja, teoretični del pa se zaključi z definicijo programov zvestobe: kaj so, kakšen je njihov namen, kako jih zasnovati, predstavljene so tudi njihove glavne prednosti in slabosti. Temu sledi poglavje predstavitve treh podjetij z naftnimi derivati ter njihovih programov zvestobe, s poudarkom na podjetju Petrol in njegovemu programu zvestobe Petrol klub. V nadaljevanju se predstavijo rezultati in ugotovitve raziskave, katera je bila izvedena s pomočjo ankete na bencinskem servisu le med člani Petrol kluba. Anketa je bila izvedena v pisni obliki, anketiranim je bila zagotovljena anonimnost pri reševanju. Rezultati so nam omogočili vpogled v percepcijo programa zvestobe Petrol klub v očeh njegovih članov, kar je pripomoglo k sami analizi omenjenega programa zvestobe. Na koncu diplomskega projekta so predstavljeni načini izboljšanja uporabniške izkušnje članov Petrol kluba, prav tako je navedenih nekaj predlogov izboljšav programa zvestobe Petrol klub.
Keywords:program zvestobe, odjemalci, podjetje, zvestoba, ugodnosti, Petrol klub.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Vračko]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76608 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:37835011 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.11.2020
VRAČKO, Mitja, 2020, Analiza programa zvestobe Petrol klub [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Vračko. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76608
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License:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:14.06.2020

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of loyalty programme Petrol klub
Abstract:We live in a world where the actions of marketers play an important role in our lives. We are surrounded by constant market stimuli in the form of numerous advertisements competing for our attention and money. The ads show us how to do things, be it recycling, drinking, what kind of houses and cars to buy, some even want us to judge others based on which products they buy and which they don’t. On the other hand, we must also rely on these messages and partially believe them, as we expect that the purchased products will be really high quality, safe and work in the way presented in these messages. In gaining customers, not only advertising messages are important, but also the after-sales activities of companies, which also include loyalty programs. Through them, retailers offer their customers various benefits in the form of discounts, collection of stickers, pre-emption rights to products, etc., with which they want to keep the acquired customers as well as acquire new ones. The Diploma project is designed in such a way that in the first part the whole theory is presented, from the history and the very beginnings of loyalty programs, the definition of who the clients are and what their patterns of behavior are. The work continues with the study of the importance of customer loyalty for companies, and the theoretical part ends with the definition of loyalty programs, what they are, what is their purpose, how to design them, their main advantages and disadvantages are presented as well. This is followed by a chapter on the presentation of the three petroleum products companies and their loyalty programs, with an emphasis on Petrol and its Petrol Club loyalty program. The results and findings of the survey, which was carried out with the help of a survey at a Petrol station only among members of the Petrol Club, are presented next. The survey was conducted in writing, and respondents were guaranteed anonymity in resolving. The results gave us an insight into the perception of the Petrol Club loyalty program in the eyes of its members, which contributed to the analysis of this loyalty program. At the end of the Diploma project, ways to improve the user experience of Petrol Club members are presented, as well as some suggestions for improving the Petrol Club loyalty program.
Keywords:loyalty program, customers, company, loyalty, benefits, Petrol club.


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