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Title:Povezava kakovosti mobilne aplikacije FlixBus z zvestobo uporabnikov
Authors:ID Pokupec, Daša (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pokupec_Dasa_2020.pdf (1,08 MB)
MD5: 9E868A593DDFB970DDAF9FA1EFA0947C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/78c29497-c316-487f-b558-b582981c406c
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Magistrsko delo Povezava kakovosti mobilne aplikacije FlixBus z zvestobo uporabnikov osvetljuje kakovost aplikacije FlixBus in pričakovanja odjemalcev te. Da bi uporabniki podjetju ostali zvesti, je potrebna določena količina inovativnosti s strani ponudnikov. Teoretični del naloge pojasnjuje pojem in razvoj mobilnih aplikacij. Prav tako opisuje tudi uporabo digitalne tehnologije pri ponujanju storitve, ki se odraža prek mobilnih aplikacij. Predstavili smo mobilno aplikacijo FlixBus in njen način uporabe. Definirali smo pojme kakovost, upravljanje s celotno kakovostjo, navedli pa smo tudi na kakšen način se meri kakovost digitalnih storitev. Pojasnili smo merjenje zadovoljstva in Evropski indeks zadovoljstva odjemalcev. Zvestoba odjemalcev je vedno bolj raziskovana tema, zato naloga pojasnjuje kako sta kakovost mobilne aplikacije in zadovoljstvo odjemalcev povezani z njo. V praktičnem delu smo izvedli anketni vprašalnik za merjenje povezave kakovosti storitev mobilne aplikacije FlixBus z zvestobo uporabnikov. Kvantitativna analiza je zajemala vzorec 100 oseb na Slovenskem in 100 oseb na Hrvaškem. Z raziskovanjem konstruktov kakovosti (ki se deli na funkcionalnost, sodelovanje, estetiko in informacije ter na ponudbo), zadovoljstva in zvestobe, smo ugotovili, da sta kakovost in zadovoljstvo z mobilno aplikacijo FlixBus pozitivno povezana z namenom uporabe aplikacije v prihodnosti. Med slovenskimi in hrvaškimi uporabniki zasledili razliko med zaznavanjem kakovosti mobilne aplikacije FlixBus. Analizirani podatki teoretičnega dela in primerjava glavnih zaključkov z empiričnimi izsledki so povzeti v sklepu.
Keywords:kakovost, kakovost storitev, mobilna aplikacija, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev, zvestoba odjemalcev.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Pokupec]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76525 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:26260483 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.08.2020
POKUPEC, Daša, 2020, Povezava kakovosti mobilne aplikacije FlixBus z zvestobo uporabnikov [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : D. Pokupec. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76525
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:05.06.2020

Secondary language

Title:The Relationship Between the FlixBus Mobile Application Quality and User Loyalty
Abstract:The Master's thesis The Relationship Between the FlixBus Mobile Application Quality and User Loyalty shows the level of quality of the FlixBus application as well as the expectations of its consumers. In order to keep the consumers' loyalty, the company has to offer a certain amount of innovation. The theoretical part of the thesis clarifies what mobile applications are and how they were developed. The use of digital technologies for the purpose of marketing through mobile applications is also described in this part of the thesis. Next, we demonstrate the FlixBus mobile application and present the methods of its use. The terms quality and total quality management are then explained, and this is followed by a description of the approaches to measuring digital service quality. The methods for satisfaction measurement and European consumer satisfaction index are also presented. Consumer loyalty is a topic which is becoming more and more popular among researchers. Therefore, this thesis explains how that loyalty corresponds with the mobile application quality and consumer satisfaction. In the empirical part, we conducted a survey to measure the correlation between the mobile application FlixBus service quality and consumer loyalty. The quantitative analysis included 100 respondents from Slovenia and another 100 respondents from Croatia. Researching the constructs of quality (which include functionality, participation, aesthetics and information, but also the offer itself), satisfaction and loyalty, it has been determined that the quality of and satisfaction with the mobile application FlixBus are positively correlated with the intention to use the app in the future. Nevertheless, we have detected a difference between Slovene and Croatian consumers in terms of their perception of the FlixBus mobile application quality. The analysed data in the theoretical part and the comparison of its main deductions with the empirical results are summarized in the conclusion.
Keywords:quality, service quality, mobile application, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty.


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