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Title:Marketinško komuniciranje podjetja Radenska Adriatic
Authors:ID Cerovec Ertl, Maja (Author)
ID Završnik, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Cerovec_Ertl_Maja_2020.pdf (2,14 MB)
MD5: 4819A8E53975754F404AC18A40F628EE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1a24c1f9-b76b-4f96-9da9-be65c8c6ca2c
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Podjetja morajo za svoj obstoj na trgu uspešno komunicirati s ciljnim občinstvom, da si zagotovijo svoj prostor. Na kakšen način naj to storijo? Sodobni uporabniki so namreč vedno bolj zahtevni, ker so dnevno izpostavljeni mnogim oglasom. Zato je še posebej pomembno načrtovanje, izvedba in vrednotenje celotnega marketinškega komuniciranja in uporabljenih instrumentov. Prav tako je potrebno instrumente marketinškega komuniciranja upravljati integrirano, da bodo prostorsko in časovno med seboj usklajeni, saj bodo le tako dosegli zastavljene cilje. Marsikatero podjetje se sooča z vprašanjem: »Kateri medij oglaševanja izbrati?« in/ali »Kako jih med seboj kombinirati?« Za oglaševanje lahko podjetje uporabi tradicionalne in digitalne medije. Prav zaradi tega mora dobro poznati bistvene značilnosti in prednosti posameznega medija, da uporabi ravno pravšnje, ki jih med seboj lažje kombinira. Kot pravi Kates (2013) »Staro brez novega ne gre oziroma pasivno oglaševanje spodbudimo k aktivnemu« Pojavljajo se novi načini življenja s spletom, ki mu sledijo tudi uporabniki, in jih je iz dneva v dan več. Na spletu preživljajo svoj prosti čas, se informirajo, nakupujejo ali povezujejo preko spletnih družbenih omrežij. Zato morajo temu trendu slediti tudi podjetja. Splet in spletna družbena omrežja jim omogočajo povezovanje s ciljno skupino, saj so uporabniki tam sproščeni in bolj pripravljeni na interakcijo. V magistrskem delu bomo predstavili marketinško komuniciranje podjetja Radenska Adriatic, ki je na slovenskem ozemlju prisotno že 150 let. Predstavili bomo njihov način marketinškega komuniciranja s ciljno skupino, z integriranim upravljanjem instrumentov ter oglaševanje s kombinacijo tradicionalnih in digitalnih medijev na primeru projekta Trojčki. Spletna družbena omrežja so medij, kjer se informacije širijo prav tako hitro kot virusi in nam omogočajo oglaševanje z nižjimi stroški kot tradicionalni mediji. Omogočajo nam tudi sprotno vrednotenje in s tem večji nadzor nad oglaševanjem. Vendar pa podjetje ne sme ves proračun oglaševanja nameniti samo digitalnim medijem, saj smo v magistrskem delu dokazali pomembnost televizijskih oglasov, katerih doseg ob enkratni frekvenci doseže več uporabnikov kot spletna družbena omrežja. Z oglasom, ki je bil predvajan na Kanalu A 28. 12. 2018, ob 18. uri, avtorice Mance Turk z naslovom »Trojno presenečenj«, smo ugotovili, da je mogoče doseči 352.419 gledalcev. Z oglaševanjem na spletnih družbenih omrežjih v Sloveniji nismo dosegli toliko uporabnikov kot z enkratnim oglasom na televiziji.
Keywords:Marketinško komuniciranje, integrirano marketinško upravljanje, oglaševanje, množični mediji oglaševanja, digitalno oglaševanje, spletno oglaševanje, družbena omrežja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Cerovec Ertl]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76424 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:26073091 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.08.2020
CEROVEC ERTL, Maja, 2020, Marketinško komuniciranje podjetja Radenska Adriatic [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Cerovec Ertl. [Accessed 18 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76424
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Licensing start date:21.05.2020

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Title:Marketing communication of the company Radenska Adriatic
Abstract:Companies need to successfully communicate with the target audience in order to exist and secure their place in the market. However, how should they do it? Modern users are increasingly demanding as they are exposed to many ads on a daily basis. That is why exact planning, careful implementation and detailed evaluation of the entire marketing communication and its instruments is increasingly important.The only way to achieve the set goals in a marketing communication is to manage marketing instruments in an integrated way; this means that they are coordinated in time and space with each other. Many companies are facing the question, "Which medium of advertising to choose?" and/or “How do you combine different media with each other?” For advertising, a company can use traditional and digital media. Therefore, the essential characteristics and the advantages of each medium must be well known and respected in order to be able to combine just the right media in the appropriate mix. As Kates (2013) says, “the old does not go without the new” or to put it in another way “passive advertising will be encouraged to become active".New ways of living emerge with the web, followed by more and more users every day. They spend their free time online; they get information, do shopping or connect to each other through online social networks. Therefore, the companies have to follow this trend. After all, the web and online social networks allow them to connect with the target group in an informal way, as users are relaxed and more prepared to interact.In the master's thesis the marketing communication of the company Radenska Adriatic will be introduced, which has been present on Slovenian market for 150 years. Their way of marketing communication with the target group will be lined out together with integrated management instruments as well as advertising with a combination of traditional and digital media on example of the project “Trojčki”.Online social networks are a medium where information spreads just as fast as viruses and they allow advertising at a lower cost than in traditional media enhancing ongoing evaluation and thus greater control.However, a company should not dedicate its entire advertising budget to digital media alone. In the master's thesis, the importance of television commercials will be pointed out, showing that a single frequency of an ad ca reach more users than online social networks do. With the advertisement, which was broadcasted on Channel A on 28.12.2018, at 18:00, by Mance Turk titled “Triple Surprises,” we found that 352,419 viewers was wievd by a single advertise By advertising on online social networks in Slovenia, less users were reached than with this one-time ad on television.
Keywords:marketing communication, integrated marketing management, advertising, mass media advertising, digital advertising, internet advertising, online social networks


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