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Title:Vpliv marketinških vidikov embalaže na nakupne odločitve odjemalcev na primeru embalaže izdelkov Mu Ljubljanskih mlekarn
Authors:ID Lorber, Urška (Author)
ID Pisnik, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Lorber_Urska_2020.pdf (1,45 MB)
MD5: A491DA53112CCE592621B0E4C1A08D6C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2f895e93-3c0d-41c4-95c0-88793e3139ef
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Embalaža je obstajala že v zgodovini, sicer ne v tako različnih oblikah kot danes, ampak predvsem v obliki posod za shranjevanje hrane. Gre torej za nekakšen zavoj oziroma omot, v katerega zavijamo, polnimo in vstavljamo blago, da bi ohranili njegovo vrednost. Spremembe na področju embalažne industrije so zaradi nenehnega spreminjanja nakupnih in potrošniških navad odjemalcev precej pogoste, hkrati pa so te spremembe tudi posledica delovanja družbenih dejavnikov. Spremembe so usmerjene predvsem k znižanju stroškov prevoza, skladiščenja in manipuliranja z izdelki, ter k zmanjšanju števila poškodb na izdelkih in povečanju njihove uporabnosti. Večina avtorjev v grobem deli embalažo glede na material, osnovno funkcijo in trajnost. Embalaža je področje, ki je do danes že dobro raziskano, kljub temu pa je na nekaterih področjih še prostora za nove inovacije in izboljšave. Delo diplomskega projekta je razdeljeno na dva dela, in sicer na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu so podrobneje predstavljeni koncepti: sestavine izdelka, embalaža ter vpliv embalaže na nakupne odločitve. Empirični del se začne s predstavitvijo podjetja Ljubljanske mlekarne in njihove blagovne znamke Mu. Nato smo na primeru blagovne znamke Mu podjetja Ljubljanske mlekarne izvedli raziskavo vpliva marketinških vidikov embalaže in drugih dejavnikov na nakupne odločitve odjemalcev. Cilji dela diplomskega projekta so bili povezani predvsem z opredelitvijo posameznih konceptov povezanih z embalažo in ugotavljanje vpliva marketinških vidikov embalaže na nakupne odločitve odjemalcev na primeru izdelkov blagovne znamke Mu podjetja Ljubljanske mlekarne. Pri raziskavi smo ugotovili, da so vizualni elementi embalaže (barva, oblika, ilustracije) vedno manj pomembni pri nakupu posameznega izdelka, vse večji pomen pa pridobivajo ostali dejavniki embalaže, kot so poreklo in imena sestavin, material, velikost in funkcionalnost embalaže, besedilo na embalaži ter navodila za uporabo.
Keywords:embalaža, odjemalci, izdelek, marketinški vidiki embalaže, embalirati
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Lorber]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76406 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:37635843 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.11.2020
LORBER, Urška, 2020, Vpliv marketinških vidikov embalaže na nakupne odločitve odjemalcev na primeru embalaže izdelkov Mu Ljubljanskih mlekarn [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : U. Lorber. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76406
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License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:A Creative Commons license that bans commercial use and requires the user to release any modified works under this license.
Licensing start date:20.05.2020

Secondary language

Title:The influence of marketing aspects of packaging on purchase decisions of customers on the example of packaging of dairy products Mu of Ljubljanske mlekarne
Abstract:Packaging has existed throughout history, not in as many different forms as it does today, but mainly in the form of food storage containers. It is, therefore, a kind of packet or wrap in which we wrap, fill, and insert goods, to preserve its value. Changes in the packaging industry are quite common due to the constantly changing purchasing and consumer habits of customers. At the same time, these changes are also the result of the functioning of social factors. The changes are primarily aimed at cost reduction of transport, storage, and handling of products, reduction of number of product damages to products, and increasing their usability. Most authors roughly divide packaging to material, basic function, and durability. The packaging is a field that has been well researched to date, but there is still room for innovations and improvements in some areas. The work of the diploma project is divided into two parts, namely the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part presents in more detail the following concepts: product components, packaging, and the impact of packaging on purchase decisions. The empirical part begins with the presentation of the company Ljubljanske mlekarne and their brand Mu. On the example of the brand Mu of the company Ljubljanske mlekarne, we conducted a study of the impact of marketing aspects of packaging and other factors on customer purchase decisions. The objectives of the diploma project were mainly associated to the definition of individual concepts related to packaging and determining the impact of marketing aspects of packaging on purchasing decisions of customers in the case of products of the brand Mu of the company Ljubljanske mlekarne. The research found that the visual elements of packaging (color, shape, illustrations) are becoming less important when buying an individual product. Other packaging factors, such as the origin and names of ingredients, material, size, and functionality of packaging, text on the packaging, and instructions for use, are gaining in importance.
Keywords:packaging, customers, product, marketing aspects of packaging, wrapping


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