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Title:Občutek varnosti in ogroženosti študentov na delovnem mestu : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Gjergjek, Adriana (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Gjergjek_Adriana_2020.pdf (1,64 MB)
MD5: 91672661690A976DC011CF3D4C4F333D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/45027ef7-e7b9-4df3-8630-7a22343dc55c
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Diplomska naloga se navezuje in osredotoča na študente, ki opravljajo študentsko delo, in njihov občutek varnosti in ogroženosti na delu. V prvem delu diplomske naloge je opredeljen pojem dela, ki je temeljni pojem diplomske naloge, študentsko delo pa je kot ena izmed oblik dela. Za lažje razumevanje študentskega dela so v nalogi opredeljeni in razloženi pravni akti in ureditev študentskega dela v Sloveniji, ki se posredno in neposredno navezujejo na študentsko delo. Ker se diplomska naloga navezuje na občutek varnosti in ogroženosti študentov na delovnem mestu, sem poiskala statistične podatke in zakonsko opredelitev varnosti in zdravja pri delu, katero področje ureja Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu [ZVZD-1]. Predstavljene so različne in najpogostejše oblike zlorabe študentskega dela s strani delodajalcev kot tudi s strani študentov ter vpliv študentskega dela na študente. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela diplomske naloge je podrobneje predstavljeno nacionalno poročilo raziskave EVROŠTUDENT VI, ki je za družbeni razvoj ključnega pomena, saj iz njega boljše razumemo pogled mladih na izobraževanje in življenje v času šolanja. Izpostavljeni je sedmi sklop poročila, ki zajema glavne ugotovitve o delu študentov in njihov pogled na delo v času študija. V sklopu drugega dela je bila izvedena anketa s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika 1KA. Namen ankete je bil izvedeti, kako se študentje počutijo na delovnem mestu in kakšni so odnosi na delu. V anketi so izprašani imeli možnost predstaviti dogodek, ki je za njih pomenil nevarnost, ter podali odgovore o spoprijemanju z nevarnim dogodkom in posledicami po njem. Rezultati so v večini pokazali pozitivne izkušnje in mnenje o delu in dobro klimo med njimi in drugimi zaposlenimi. Največ slabih izkušenj so doživeli študentje, ki opravljajo delo v strežbi in so tako v neposrednem kontaktu s strankami. V večini primerov so študentje o dogodku obvestili nadrejenega, da uredi zadeve. Le v nekaj primerih so zaradi hujše nevarnosti morali posredovati varnostni organi.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, študentsko delo, varnost, ogroženost, študentje, delovno mesto
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Gjergjek]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:VI, 47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-76268 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19545603 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.06.2020
GJERGJEK, Adriana, 2020, Občutek varnosti in ogroženosti študentov na delovnem mestu : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : A. Gjergjek. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=76268
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Secondary language

Title:Sense of safety and risk of students at workplace
Abstract:Dissertation degree is focusing on students with jobs and their sense of safety and risk at work. The first part of degree defines a concept of work. This is the key term from which is the dissertation derived. For better understanding of student work are in dissertation defined and explained legal acts and arrangements of work. Because the dissertation attests about safety and risks at work, we have found some statistical data, legal definitions of the health and safety at work which field regulates the act Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pri delu (ZVZD-1). Along with this are in dissertation presented the most common forms of exploitation of student, from the student side and the side of employers. In the last part of the theoretical terms is presented a report of national research EUROSTUDENT VI. This statics results based on student population from Slovenia are important, because they show us realistic youth view on student life and education. Exposed is the seventh chapter of the research which covers the main findings about student work and their look at the work in general and look at the work during the schooling. Through the second part of the dissertation was conducted a survey. With a help of online one click survey 1KA. With the survey we wanted to find out How the students are feeling on work and what kind of relationships they have with other employees. In survey the respondent had a chance to present the event in which they felt threatened. Besides that, they were able to provide the anderes how they handled the event and what consequences the event left on them. The results show mostly positive experiences, positive opinions about work and positive and good relations among students and other employees and their superiors. Most of the bad experiences students had in the service, because they are in direct contact with customers. In a dangerous situation the most of the students informed a superior to sort things out. Only in a few cases they had to intervene security authorities.
Keywords:Students work, safety, danger, students, job.


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