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Title:Doživljanje stresa pri uporabi službenega psa v policijskih aktivnostih : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Karba, Maša (Author)
ID Areh, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Karba_Masa_2020.pdf (1,04 MB)
MD5: 65923B09FB8E36859F6821DDFCD66910
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cb7c8aa7-e648-44a9-89e2-11fc84016a82
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Psa so stoletja uporabljali za lov, obrambo ter varovanje, v zadnjem času poleg hišnega ljubljenčka služi še kot službeni ali terapevtski pes. Zaradi močno razvitega čuta za voh je kljub sodobni tehnologiji nepogrešljiv član policijske ekipe. Prisotni so pri opravljanju splošnih nalog policije ter pri specifičnih, kot so sledenje, iskanje oseb, iskanje prepovedanih drog, orožja, itd. Policistu, poleg lažjega in hitrejšega opravljanja policijskega dela, s svojo pojavo, pripomore tudi preventivno na potencialne kršitelje. Poleg tega, da policista na vsakem koraku varuje, pes ni samo prisilno sredstvo, ampak navsezadnje živo bitje, ki razume in čuti. Za svojega vodnika bi naredil vse, da bi mu ustregel, pri tem pa nesebično izkazuje ljubezen, zvestobo in naklonjenost. S svojo prisotnostjo blagodejno vpliva na naše fizično in psihološko zdravje, saj spodbuja izločanje hormonov sreče ter posledično znižuje tveganje za nastanek srčno-žilnih bolezni. Glavni namen moje diplomske naloge je predstaviti razmerje med vodnikom in psom, ter ugotoviti ali policist skupaj s psom lažje obvladuje situacijo in se navsezadnje lažje sooča s posledicami stresa. V nalogi je predstavljena pravna podlaga za uporabo policijskih psov, izbor in naloge vodnika ter policijskega psa, dejavniki stresa in njegove posledice na policista ter dejavniki stresa, ki vplivajo na službenega psa in skrb za njegovo zdravje. Pri policijskem delu s psom je njuno potrebno dobro medsebojno razumevanje, zaupanje ter motivacija. Kljub temu, da sta oba dobro izšolana, so uspešno zaključene naloge brez prave povezave med njima težko dosegljive. Za boljši vpogled v razmerje med vodnikom policijskega psa in policijskim psom sem izvedla osebni intervju z bivšim vodjem enote vodnikov službenih psov v Mirnu, sedanjim komandirjem Policijske postaje za izravnalne ukrepe v Novi Gorici.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, službeni pes, vodnik, stres, policija
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Karba]
Year of publishing:2020
Year of performance:2020
Number of pages:V, 39 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75828 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3861482 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.03.2020
KARBA, Maša, 2020, Doživljanje stresa pri uporabi službenega psa v policijskih aktivnostih : diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Karba. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75828
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing stress in the use of a police dog in police activities
Abstract:For centuries, dogs have been used for hunting, defense and protection, nowadays they are also used as police, service and therapy dogs. Due to their highly developed sense of smell, dogs are an indispensable member of the police team, despite all the modern technology that is used today. They are present in many general police tasks, as well as more specific ones, such as tracking people, searching for illegal drugs, weapons, etc. In addition to making police work easier and faster, police dogs can also contribute to prevent potential offenses. Even if a police dog is guarding its handler on every step of their way, it isn't just an instrument in the police work, but also a living beeing that can understand and feel. Dog can show love, loyalty and affenction for its handler and wold do anything to please him. Dog presence has a beneficial effect on our physical and psychological health. It promotes the secretion of the hormones of happiness and consequently lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The main purpose of this diploma work is to present the relationship between the police dog handler and his dog, to find out whether the police handler and his dog can solve the cases faster and if it is easier to deal with the effects of stress with a dog. In this diploma work I also presented the legal basis for the use of police dogs, the selection and tasks of the dog handler as well as the police dog, the stress factors for the police dog handler and its consequences and also the stress factors for the service dog and care for his health. When working with the police dog it is crucial to have good mutual understanding, confidence and motivation. Although, both are well-educated, successfully completed tasks are still difficult to achieve, without a real connection between them. For a better insight into the relationship between a police dog handler and a police dog, I conducted a personal interview with the former head of the service dog unit in Miren, the current commander of the Police station for countervailing measures Nova Gorica.
Keywords:police dog, dog handler, stress, police


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