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Title:Ekonomika pridelave industrijske konoplje za čaj
Authors:ID Gerlušnik, Anej (Author)
ID Pažek, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pavlovič, Martin (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Gerlusnik_Anej_2020.pdf (1,05 MB)
MD5: CC5250920AFA2C51963F94C2D8AFC681
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/39b9329e-2023-45c0-8fe2-ce12e65b0520
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je bila s pomočjo metode simulacijskega modeliranja razvita planska modelna kalkulacija skupnih stroškov pridelave industrijske konoplje za čaj, sorte »KC-DORA«, in sicer na podlagi tehnološko-ekonomskih podatkov s posestva Sončni raj v Malečniku. Kalkulacija skupnih stroškov je bila razvita v elektronski preglednici Microsoft Excel. V drugem delu raziskave je bila z namenom definiranja profila potencialnega potrošnika strukturirana in izvedena anketa. Slednja je bila pripravljena in analizirana s pomočjo 1ka spletne strani. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da je v analiziranem primeru posestva Sončni raj pridelava industrijske konoplje za čaj ekonomsko upravičena, saj je ocenjena vrednost koeficienta ekonomičnosti večja od 1 (Ke = 9,70). V primerjavi z do sedaj opravljenimi raziskavami drugih raziskovalcev ugotavljamo, da je v teh primerih pridelave industrijske konoplje za čaj vrednost koeficienta ekonomičnosti večja (v analiziranem primeru Ke = 17,91). Ugotavljamo, da je ocena vrednosti koeficienta ekonomičnosti tako odvisna od vhodnih tehnološko-ekonomskih podatkov pridelave. Pri anketirancih prevladujejo ženske. Največ anketirancev je starih med 21 in 50 let. Ugotavljamo, da je potrošnikom dokaj pomembno, da je na embalaži zapisan tudi recept za uporabo in da je čaj ekološkega porekla, za katerega so pripravljeni plačati od 10 do 20 % več. V izvlečke iz konoplje (smola, kapljice) anketiranci v celoti zaupajo in tudi večina jih je že slišala za dva glavna kanabinoida v konoplji (CBD, THC). Predpisov za gojenje konoplje v Sloveniji ne poznajo dobro, kar ni presenetljivo, ker so to specifične zadeve, ki se tičejo bolj pridelovalcev samih.
Keywords:ekonomika, anketa, marketing, industrijska konoplja, študija primera
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75791 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.02.2020
GERLUŠNIK, Anej, 2020, Ekonomika pridelave industrijske konoplje za čaj [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 31 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75791
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Licensing start date:04.02.2020

Secondary language

Title:Economic feasibility of industrial hemp production for tea
Abstract:In the diploma thesis, using the method of simulation modeling, a plan model calculation of the total costs of production of industrial hemp for tea, variety "KC-DORA" was developed, based on technological and economic data from the estate Sunny Paradise in Malečnik. A total cost evaluation was developed in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In the second part of the survey, the profile of potential consumers was constructed and analyzed using the 1ka website. The results of the study show, that in the analyzed case of the Sončni raj estate, the production of industrial hemp for tea is economically justified, since the estimated value of the economic coefficient is greater than 1 (Ke = 9.70). Compared to other studies conducted so far, it was found that in these cases of industrial hemp production the value of the economic coefficient is higher (in the case analyzed Ke = 17.91). The results indicate that the estimation of the value of the economic coefficient depends on the technological-economic data input of production. The respondents were mainly women. Most respondents were between 21 and 50 years old. The results also indicate that it is quite important for consumers that the packaging also contains a usage prescription and that the tea is of organic origin, for which they are willing to pay 10 to 20% more. Respondents showed complete confidence in cannabis extracts (pitch, droplets) and most have already heard of the two main cannabinoids in cannabis (CBD, THC). The regulations for the cultivation of cannabis in Slovenia are not well known, which is not surprising, since these are specific issues that mainly concern the producers themselves.
Keywords:economics, survey, marketing, industrial hemp, case study


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