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Title:Kakovost mleziva pri kravah molznicah v odvisnosti od časa po telitvi
Authors:ID Harih, Leon (Author)
ID Brus, Maksimiljan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Harih_Leon_2020.pdf (636,07 KB)
MD5: 3B0A2091EB1A83B1C6012730CD4F4173
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/94902e77-bddd-44d4-baeb-371343a16525
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je bil analizirati kakovost mleziva ob porodu in upad kakovosti mleziva v urah po porodu. Zraven tega smo preverjali, kakšen vpliv imajo posamezni dejavniki na kakovost mleziva in kako se vnos mleziva odraža v imunosti teleta. V ta namen smo izvajali 2 preizkusa. V prvem smo molznicam v različnih intervalih po porodu merili kakovost mleziva s kolostrometrom, digitalnim in optičnim refraktometrom. Z analizo dobljenih podatkov smo ugotovili, da imajo molznice lisaste pasme boljšo kakovost mleziva kot molznice črno-bele pasme, prav tako imajo molznice iz višjih zaporednih laktacij boljšo kakovost mleziva kot molznice iz nižjih laktacij, nismo pa ugotovili statistične razlike med molzicami glede na dolžino presušitvene dobe. V drugem preizkusu smo teletom v dnevih po porodu vzeli vzorce sline in z digitalnim refraktometrom izmerili vsebnost protiteles. Grafično smo ponazorili značilen dvig pasivne imunosti v 2–3 dneh po porodu in upad v naslednjih dneh. Žal nismo mogli dokazati vplivov pasme in laktacije matere na pasivno imunost telet.
Keywords:mlezivo / govedo / kakovost mleziva / slina / pasivna imunost OP: VII, 29 s., 6 pregl., 8 graf., 4 slike, 22 ref.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75749 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.02.2020
HARIH, Leon, 2020, Kakovost mleziva pri kravah molznicah v odvisnosti od časa po telitvi [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75749
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Secondary language

Title:The quality of colostrum in dairy cows depending on after calving time
Abstract:The purpose of the degree was to analyze the quality of the colostrum at birth and the decrease in the quality of colostrum in the hours after birth. In addition, we examined the impact of individual factors on colostrum quality and how colostrum intake is reflected in calf immunity. For this purpose, 2 experiments were performed. In the first we measured the quality of colostrum with colostrometer, digital and optical refractometers at different intervals after labour. Analyzing the data obtained, we found that simmental dairy cows had better colostrum quality than holstein dairy cows, as well as higher lactation dairy cows had better colostrum quality than lower lactation dairy cows, but we did not find a statistical difference according to the length of the dry season. In the second experiment, salivary samples were taken from calves in the days after delivery and the IgG content was measured using a digital refractometer. We graphically illustrated a characteristic increase in passive immunity in 2-3 days after birth and a decline in the following days. We could not prove the effects of the breed and lactation of the mother on passive immunity of calves.
Keywords:Colostrum / Cattle / Quality of Colostrum / Saliva / Passive Immunity NO: VII, 29 P., 6 Tab., 8 Graph, 4 Pic., 22 Ref.


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