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Title:Celostno vrednotenje življenjskega cikla prehrambenih oskrbovalnih verig
Authors:ID Vidergar, Petra (Author)
ID Kovačič Lukman, Rebeka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Knez, Matjaž (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Vidergar_Petra_2020.pdf (1,47 MB)
MD5: 632FCDBC375B513DA6C5B5E846B56B29
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9d9bd8bf-3f98-468e-9865-d7444c4a8854
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Oskrba s hrano je eno izmed najbolj zapletenih logističnih področij v zadnjih desetletjih glede na neprestano rast potrošnje prehrambenih izdelkov, predvsem v hitro razvijajočih se državah. Oskrbne verige hrane postajajo vse bolj globalne in prepletene znotraj široke mreže pridelovalcev, distributerjev, logističnih centrov, trgovin in potrošnikov. Kompleksnost na področju prehrambne industrije prinaša odgovorno spremljanje sledljivosti blaga, preverjanja kakovosti, ustreznosti in časovne zadostnosti z ozirom na zadovoljitev potreb vse zahtevnejših potrošnikov. Z večanjem proizvodnih kapacitet in zadovoljitvijo potreb po hrani globalnega prebivalstva je neizogibna posledica onesnaževanje okolja z različnimi izpusti in odpadnimi snovmi. Za bolj celovito razumevanje oskrbovalnih verig hrane, njihovih vlog in potencialov izboljšav moramo sisteme proučiti na zelo podroben, sistemski in strukturiran način, ki presega le opis materialnih tokov, porabljeno energijo, transportne poti in časovne omejitve. V zadnjih letih se povečuje zanimanje za vrednotenje oskrbnih verig predvsem z vidika emisij v zrak (npr. CO2) in uvajanja trajnostne embalaže ter skrbnega ravnanja z odpadki. Poudarek je tudi na spodbujanju potrošnikov k nakupu okolju prijaznih gospodinjskih aparatov in drugih naprav. Redko pa najdemo raziskave, ki vključujejo celovito vrednotenje oskrbne verige od samega začetka pridobivanja materialov, skozi transport do proizvodnega obrata, proizvodne procese, transport do distribucijske mreže, potrošnika in, ne nazadnje, skozi fazo uporabe izdelka v času njegove življenjske dobe, vse do zadnje faze, ko izdelek izgubi svojo prvotno funkcijo in postane odpadek in lahko tudi vir za nadaljnjo uporabo. Pri pregledu literature na področju trajnostne oskrbe s hrano lahko v zadnjih letih zasledimo novejšo metodo celostnega vrednotenja okoljskih vplivov oskrbovalnih verig, imenovano Life Cycle Assessment, ali vrednotenje življenjskega cikla (v nadaljevanju LCA). Metoda temelji na ISO (Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo) standardih 14040 in 14044 ter je ena izmed najbolj celovitih in znanstveno ter metodološko podprtih postopkov za vrednotenje vplivov na okolje v celotnem življenjskem ciklu izdelka, procesa ali storitve.
Keywords:Oskrbne verige hrane, Analiza življenjskega cikla, Krožno gospodarstvo, Trajnostna logistika, Vpliv na okolje.
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[P. Vidergar]
Year of publishing:2020
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75731 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513090109 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.03.2020
VIDERGAR, Petra, 2020, Celostno vrednotenje življenjskega cikla prehrambenih oskrbovalnih verig [online]. Master’s thesis. Celje : P. Vidergar. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75731
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Secondary language

Title:A life cycle assessment of food supply chains
Abstract:Food supply is one of the most complex areas in recent decades, given the steady growth of food consumption, especially in rapidly developing countries. Food supply chains are becoming increasingly global, intertwined within a broad network of farmers, producers, distributors, logistics centers, stores, and consumers. Complexity in the food industry entails responsible monitoring of goods traceability, quality checks, adequacy, and timeliness regarding meet the needs of increasingly demanding consumers. Within growing production capacities and satisfaction of food needs on the global level, pollution of the environment with various emissions and waste is an inevitable consequence. In order to fully understand the role and potential of improvements in the food sector, we need to examine systems in a detailed, systematic, and structured way that goes beyond material flows, energy consumption, transport paths, and time limitations. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in evaluating supply chains, especially in the field of air emissions (e.g. CO2), sustainable packaging and waste management. Encouragements were also noticed in buying eco-friendly household appliances and other machinery. However, there is a limited number of studies that cover a comprehensive evaluation of food supply chains from the very beginning – the acquisition of materials through transportation to the manufacturing plant, production processes, distribution network, to the consumer and, finally, through the use and disposal phase or reuse phase. When reviewing the literature on the sustainable food supply, we can detect a comprehensive method for evaluating the supply chain in recent years, called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The method is based on ISO (International Organisation for standardization) standards 14040 and 14044 and is one of the most scientifically and methodologically supported procedures for evaluating environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of a product or service.
Keywords:Food supply chains, Life cycle assessment, Circular economy, Sustainable logistics, Environmental impacts.


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