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Title:Ključni dejavniki oblikovanja učinkovitega in uspešnega organizacijskega modela nujne medicinske pomoči v sloveniji
Authors:ID Kitić Jaklič, Tatjana (Author)
ID Kovač, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Tušek Bunc, Ksenija (Comentor)
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Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Zdravstveni sistemi po vsem svetu so pred velikimi izzivi in težave, s katerimi se soočajo zdravstvene organizacije, niso od včeraj. Zdravstvo predstavlja enega od največjih sektorjev gospodarstva. Izdatki zanj pospešeno rastejo zaradi vplivov hitrega tehnološkega razvoja medicine, zviševanja zahtev uporabnikov zdravstvenih storitev, demografskih sprememb in številnih drugih sprememb okolja. Primarna zdravstvena dejavnost je prepoznana kot izredno pomembni del zdravstvenega sistema. Pomemben del primarnega zdravstvenega varstva pa je služba nujne medicinske pomoči (NMP). To je javna služba, ki opravlja medicinsko oskrbo nenadno obolelih ali poškodovanih oseb. V zadnjih dvajsetih letih raziskovalci iz večine razvitih držav poročajo o soočanju s trendom zviševanja števila obravnav v službah NMP predvsem na račun že omenjenih negativnih trendov, kar ima za posledico težnjo po reorganizaciji sistema NMP, čemur smo priča tudi v našem okolju. Sodobno in premišljeno zgrajen sistem NMP, še posebej tisti na predbolnišnični ravni, je pogoj za boljše izhode zdravljenja in nižje stroške zdravstvene obravnave v nadaljevanju oskrbe na vseh drugih ravneh zdravstvenega varstva. V tem raziskovalnem delu smo osredotočeni na analizo dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na organizacijski model NMP, kar je predpogoj za oblikovanje uspešne in učinkovite mreže NMP v naši državi. Doktorsko disertacijo smo razdelili na dva dela. V teoretičnem delu raziskave smo izvedli primerjalno analizo strokovne literature domačih in tujih avtorjev ter se oprli na osnovne značilnosti znanstvene deskripcije. Iskali in potrjevali smo povezave med njimi, jih medsebojno primerjali in ustrezno interpretirali. V drugem, empiričnem delu raziskave smo s pomočjo podatkov o številu opravljenih obravnav (ambulantnih pregledov, hišnih obiskov in nujnih intervencij) pridobili vpogled v učinkovitost trenutnega organizacijskega modela NMP na področju Gorenjske. Na osnovi vsebinske analize področja dela, analize demografskih in drugih kazalnikov za proučevano območje ter analize števila in profila zaposlenih smo definirali strukturno razsežnost organizacijskega modela, in sicer tako za gorenjsko regijo kakor tudi za primerljive enote NMP dveh drugih regij v Republiki Sloveniji. Procesno razsežnost organizacijskega modela smo analizirali z uporabo tehnike intervjuja nadrejenih v službi NMP in ocenili pomembnost posameznih procesov v službi NMP. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo opredelili stopnjo zadovoljstva zaposlenih v službi NMP s svojim delom, kar smo nadgradili z definiranjem organizacijske kulture v tej službi, in opredelili stopnjo zadovoljstva pacientov. Na osnovi časovne vrste podatkov v preteklem desetletnem obdobju o številu obravnav v službi NMP na področju gorenjske regije smo oblikovali napoved trendov za posamezno vrsto obravnav (to je število ambulantnih pregledov, hišnih obiskov, nujnih intervencij) za prihodnje petletno obdobje. Z analizo finančnih kazalnikov in kazalnika kadrovskih virov smo analizirali učinkovitost organizacijskega modela službe NMP. Najpomembnejši teoretični prispevek doktorske disertacije je v proučevanju in identifikaciji ključnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na oblikovanje organizacijskega modela NMP. S tem delom smo prispevali teoretično spoznanje na področju oblikovanja organizacijskega modela službe NMP. Teoretična vrednost doktorske disertacije je torej predvsem v prikazu empirične povezanosti med vsemi razsežnostmi organizacije ter dejavniki učinkovitosti in uspešnosti organizacijskega modela. Na osnovi novih teoretičnih spoznanj smo oblikovali temeljna načela za oblikovanje učinkovitega in uspešnega organizacijskega modela NMP. Predstavljen je sodoben organizacijski model NMP, ki bo snovalcem politike zdravstvenega varstva v Republiki Sloveniji pomagal izboljšati organiziranost NMP na področju celotne države.
Keywords:organizacija, management v zdravstvu, zdravstveni sistem, nujna medicinska pomoči, kakovost v zdravstvu, kazalniki kakovosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75496 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:40267267 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.12.2020
KITIĆ JAKLIČ, Tatjana, 2019, Ključni dejavniki oblikovanja učinkovitega in uspešnega organizacijskega modela nujne medicinske pomoči  v sloveniji [online]. Doctoral dissertation. Maribor. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75496
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Secondary language

Title:Key factors in the design of effective and efficient organizational model of emergency medical services in Slovenia
Abstract:The significant challenges faced by health care systems across the world are not ones that have just recently emerged. Health care represents one of the largest sectors in the economy. An acceleration in the rise of health care expenditures may be attributed to the impact of rapid medical technological advancements, rising health care user demand and demographic as well as numerous other changes in the surrounding environment. Primary health care is recognized as an extremely important part of the health care system, of which emergency medical services (EMS) forms an integral component. EMS is a public service that provides medical care for suddenly ill or injured persons. Over the past twenty years, researchers from most developed countries have been reporting on having to face the trend of an increasing number of EMS cases, a situation that is particularly exacerbated by the aforementioned negative cost trends, which consequentially results in the need to reorganize the EMS service – a reality that we are also witness to in our own environment. A modern and well-designed EMS, particularly at the pre-hospital level, forms the basis for providing better treatment and lower health care costs at all other levels of continuing patient care. The key focus of this research study is to provide an analysis of factors that impact upon the EMS organizational model, which forms the prerequisite to shaping an effective and efficient EMS network at the national level. This doctoral dissertation is divided into two parts. The theoretical component comprises a comparative analysis of academic literature by domestic and foreign authors and relies on basic principles of scientific description. Links among authors are sought and confirmed, compared and/or accordingly interpreted. In the second, empirical part of the study, insight is gained into the effectiveness of the EMS organizational model currently being implemented in the Gorenjska through an assessment of data on the number of cases handled (outpatient examinations, home visits and emergency interventions). Substantive field work analysis, analyses of demographic and other relevant indicators and an analysis on the number and profile of EMS employees is used to define the structural dimension of the EMS organizational model for both the Gorenjska region and comparable EMS models in two other regions of the Republic of Slovenia. The process dimension of the organizational model is analysed using the technique of interviewing superiors employed in EMS and the importance of individual processes within EMS is assessed. With the help of the questionnaire technique, the level of satisfaction among EMS employees and patients with the service itself is assessed and is further supplemented by a definition of the organizational culture within EMS. Based on time series data on the number of EMS cases handled in the Gorenjska region over the past ten-year period, a five-year trend forecast for particular types of cases (that is, the number of outpatient examinations, home visits, emergency interventions) is established. Financial and Human Resource indicators are analysed to assess the effectiveness of the EMS organizational model. The most important theoretical contribution of this doctoral dissertation lies in the study and identification of key factors that impact upon the design of the EMS organizational model. This study contributes theoretical insight into designing an EMS organizational model. The theoretical value of the dissertation thus primarily lies in revealing empirical relationships among all sections of the organization as well as in identifying factors of efficiency and effectiveness within the organizational model. Based on the new theoretical findings, key principles for the effective and efficient design of an EMS model are identified. An updated EMS organizational model is presented, which should assist health care policy makers within the Republic of Slovenia.
Keywords:organization, healthcare management, healthcare system, emergency medical services, quality of healthcare, performance indicators


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