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Title:Načrt marketinškega komuniciranja s podporo spletnih medijev
Authors:ID Lešnik, Teja (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Lesnik_Teja_2019.pdf (631,20 KB)
MD5: 20C52716FC8613BC1568CFDC50A37C97
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/118e8acb-307a-4754-982f-956c4ed57748
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomskem projektu smo se ukvarjali z opredelitvijo marketinškega komuniciranja, načrta komuniciranja ter opredelitvijo spleta in družbenih omrežij. Načrt marketinškega komuniciranja s podporo spletnih medijev smo pripravili za podjetje Bonatura, s. p., in sicer pripravili smo ga za mesec avgust 2019. Podjetje se ukvarja z razvojem in prodajo vzglavnikov naravnih polnil ter izdelkov za zdravje. Ker so njihovi izdelki dobro marketinško razviti, se v podjetju zavedajo, da je za uspešno prodajo potrebno tudi učinkovito marketinško komuniciranje. Torej, zavedajo se, da morajo komunicirati z že obstoječimi kot tudi s potencialnimi odjemalci, prav tako pa tudi z ostalimi javnostmi. Kadar govorimo o uspešnem marketinškem komuniciranju, je pomembno, da poznamo njegove aktivnosti (oglaševanje, pospeševanje prodaje, osebna prodaja, odnosi z javnostmi). Šele nato, ko smo seznanjeni s tem, lahko določimo ciljne skupine in cilje, ki jih želimo doseči, ter tako pripravimo načrt komuniciranja. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega projekta se bomo ukvarjali predvsem z opredelitvijo marketinškega komuniciranja, načrta komuniciranja ter spleta, v empiričnem delu pa se bomo ukvarjali s pripravo načrta marketinškega komuniciranja s podporo spletnih medijev za podjetje Bonatura, s. p. Podjetje je na trgu prisotno od leta 2012, kar pomeni, da ima za seboj že kar nekaj let izkušenj, vendar pa se zavedajo, da je za uspešnost podjetja potrebno tudi uspešno komuniciranje. Po izpeljanem komunikacijskem načrtu bi rezultate, pridobljene s pomočjo orodij Facebook pixel in Google analitike, primerjali z zadanimi cilji ter ugotovili, ali smo bili uspešni ter učinkoviti. Seveda pa je potrebno nenehno slediti novim trendom na področju zdravja, kar pa podjetje z iskanjem in ponujanjem novih izdelkov zagotovo dosega.
Keywords:marketinško komuniciranje, načrt komuniciranja, podjetje Bonatura, s. p., splet, družbena omrežja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Lešnik]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75483 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13613340 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.03.2020
LEŠNIK, Teja, 2019, Načrt marketinškega komuniciranja s podporo spletnih medijev [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : T. Lešnik. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75483
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Licensing start date:25.11.2019

Secondary language

Title:Marketing communication plan with online media support
Abstract:In the diploma project we were dealing with the definition of marketing communication, the communication plan and the definition of the web and social networks. We have prepared a marketing communication plan with the support of online media for the company Bonatura, s. p., it was prepared for the month of August 2019. The company is engaged in the development and sale of pillows with natural fillings and health products. As their products are well-developed in marketing, the company is aware that successful marketing also requires effective marketing communication. However, they are aware that they need to communicate with existing as well as potential customers, and with other publics. When it comes to successful marketing communication, it is of utmost importance that we know its activities (advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations). Only then, when we are aware of this, we can identify the target groups and the goals we want to achieve and thus prepare a communication plan. In the theoretical part of the diploma project we will primarily deal with the definition of marketing communication, communication plan and the web, while in the empirical part we will deal with the preparation of marketing communication plan with the support of online media for the company Bonatura, s. p. The company has been present on the market since 2012, which means that it has several years of experience, but they are aware that successful company requires successful communication. After carrying out communication plan, the results obtained with the help of tools Facebook pixel and Google Analytics would be compared to the set goals and we would determine whether we were successful and effective. Of course, there is a need to constantly keep up with new trends in the field of health, which the company is sure to achieve by finding and offering new products.
Keywords:marketing communication, communication plan, company Bonatura, s. p., web, social networks


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