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Title:Primerljivost postopkov informacijskih operacij oboroženih sil z informacijskim upravljanjem drugih kriznih upravljavcev : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Krek Vogelnik, Petruška (Author)
ID Lobnikar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Krek_Vogelnik_Petruska_2019.pdf (3,56 MB)
MD5: D6902E0E4DFE6A0803A00858923E9776
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/c77c45ec-8576-40fd-8df7-444c709b176d
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Krizno upravljanje in vodenje je neposredno odvisno od kakovostnega upravljanja z informacijami. Kakovostno informacijsko upravljanje zmanjšuje dodatne negativne posledice krize ali jih celo preprečuje. Oborožene sile ZDA so akter, ki ves čas deluje ali pa se usposablja za delovanje v kriznih pogojih, in imajo vzpostavljene stalne strukture za upravljanje z informacijami, ki so preizkušene v realnih razmerah – oboroženih konfliktih. Omenjene strukture delujejo preko sistema informacjskih operacij, kjer je glavni cilj upravljanja z informacijami tako, da odločitve ene operacije nimajo negativnega vpliva na drugo. Ustvarjajo skupno situacijsko zavedanje v celici za informacijske operacije, ki je stalna organska struktura na operativni ravni oboroženih sil. Skupno situacijsko zavedanje v krizi omili njene negativne posledice zato so postopki koristni tudi za druge krizne upravljavcena primer za policijo ter za enote zaščite in reševanja. To magistrsko delo analizira postopke upravljanje z informacijami v dveh orgnanih, ki se stalno srečujeta s kriznimi razmerami v različnih razsežnostih in brez časa za priprave na posamezno situacijo. Od njihovega kriznega upravljanja pa je odvisno, ali se bodo razsežnosti krize širile dlje od njenih neposrednih vplivov. Pri obeh organih je možna posledica izguba človeških življenj. V okviru proučevanja tega primera ugotavljamo, da je upravljanje z informacijami vzpostavljeno in sledi nameri skupnega situacijskega zavedanja. So pa področja, ki z nekaj spremembami v osnovnih predpisih in spremembami načina skupnih usposabljanj, predvsem pa s poenotenjem določenih tematskih področij, ki so večini kriznih upravljavcev skupna, lahko dvignejo raven informacijskega upravljana in s tem kriznega upravljanja tudi ob primerih, ko so primorani sodelovati z drugimi organi kriznega upravljanja. Posledično zmanjšajo tveganja za odločitve in ukrepe, ki za nekatere pomenijo rešitev problema, za druge pa problem ustvarijo. S tem se zmanjšuje tveganje za posredne posledice krize in za nepotrebne izgube človeških življenj.
Keywords:informacije, upravljanje z informacijami, informacijske operacije, krizno upravljanje, oborožene sile, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:P. Krek Vogelnik]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:XII, 129 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75432 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3816170 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.12.2019
KREK VOGELNIK, Petruška, 2019, Primerljivost postopkov informacijskih operacij oboroženih sil z informacijskim upravljanjem drugih kriznih upravljavcev : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : P. Krek Vogelnik. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75432
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Secondary language

Title:Armed forces informations procedure compatibility with information management of other crisis managers
Abstract:Crisis management directly depends on effective information management. Effective information management can diminish negative consequences of a crisis or can even prevent them. US armed forces are a structure, which works or is training to work under crisis conditions all the time and have established permanent information management structures with tested procedures in real crisis conditions – armed conflicts. These structures rely upon a system called information operations, which have a primary goal to manage information in a way that does not have a negative effect on the mission of all different units in common crisis management. Iformation operations create common situational awareness in the information operations cell. The cell is an organic structure within decision making of operative and higher level of the armed forces. That situational awareness diminishes or even prevents secondary negative consequences of a crisis therefore the procedures of information operations relate to crisis management in crisis managers like the police and search and rescue operations. This masters thesis analyses information management procedures in the two organizations, which operate in crisis conditions of different dimentions and with little or no time to prepare for each one. The effectiveness of their crisis management sets conditions for preventing or diminishing negative crisis effects for both orgnaisations can face loss of lives within their operations. In this study, we find that there is an established information management process in bodth organizations. There are areas though which can, by changing basic legislation and redefining and combining some thematical aspects of educations and training, which is common to most crisis managers, raise the level of information management and consequently cirisis management even when they must collaborate with many different crisis management units. Their by they diminish the risk for making decisisons that create a single solution and makes multiple problems for others at the same time. This way crisis management diminishes secondary crisis consequences and the risk for loss of human lives.
Keywords:Information operations, information management, crisis management


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