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Title:Uporaba družbenih omrežij med mladimi na področju storitev
Authors:ID Polanec, Ana (Author)
ID Pisnik, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Polanec_Ana_2019.pdf (1,50 MB)
MD5: 1675346F5244F62886F8D7B46B0C9A89
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a48f4939-6c91-4e1a-904b-97bfdd761974
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Družbena omrežja so medij, ki privlači milijarde ljudi po svetu, saj pomaga povezovati isto misleče ljudi z namenom komuniciranja, spoznavanja, izobraževanja ali iskanja novih prijateljstev. Veliko podjetij se že zaveda, da je pomen družbenih omrežij v zadnjih letih zelo narastel, zato skušajo slediti trendom ter biti prisotna na priljubljenih družbenih omrežjih. Ker se podjetja zavedajo, da imajo družbena omrežja pomemben vpliv ne le na ljudi, ampak tudi na blagovne znamke in njihove storitve, si prizadevajo nenehno komunicirati z odjemalci in od njih pridobivati povratne informacije. S takšnim komuniciranjem je podjetje bolj prilagodljivo spremembam na trgu, lažje rešuje probleme ter se širi na tržišča zunaj meja. Še posebej pomembna so družbena omrežja v storitvenih podjetjih, saj lahko odjemalcu lažje prikažejo celoten proces storitve. Nalogo smo razdelili na dva dela, teoretični ter empirični del. V prvem so predstavljene storitve, družbena omrežja ter družbena omrežja kot marketinško komunikacijsko orodje v storitvenih podjetjih. V empiričnem delu smo se osredotočili na uporabo družbenih omrežij med mladostniki, saj so ti največji uporabniki družbenih omrežij. Raziskavo smo izvedli na različnih slovenskih srednjih šolah ter tako analizirali možne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na mlade pri uporabi družbenih omrežij ter nakupu storitev. Z nalogo želimo dokazati, da je priljubljenost in rast družbenih omrežij enormna ter še kako pomembna za podjetja, ki želijo ostati v koraku s časom.
Keywords:storitve, družbena omrežja, marketinška komunikacija, mladostniki
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Polanec]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75352 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13474076 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.12.2019
POLANEC, Ana, 2019, Uporaba družbenih omrežij med mladimi na področju storitev [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Polanec. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75352
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Secondary language

Title:The use of social media among young people in the field of services
Abstract:Social networks are a medium attracting billions of people around the world and thus helping to connect like-minded people to communicate, get to know each other, educate themselves, or make new friends. Many companies are already aware that the importance of social networks has grown enormously in recent years, so they are trying to keep up with trends and be present on popular social networks. Companies being aware that social networks have a significant impact not only on people but also on brands and services are constantly thriving to communicate with and receive feedback from customers. Such communication makes the company more adaptable to changes in the market, solving problems and expanding to markets beyond borders with ease. Social networks in service companies are especially important because they can make it easier for consumers to see the whole process of the service. This master’s thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and empirical. The first part presents services, social networks in general and social networks as a marketing communication tool in service companies. In the empirical part, we focused on the use of social networks among adolescents, since they are the largest user group of social networks. The research was carried out at various Slovenian secondary schools, analyzing possible factors that influence young people in the use of social networks and the purchase of services. The aim is to prove that the popularity and growth of social networks are enormous and increasingly more important for businesses that want to stay up-to-date.
Keywords:services, social networks, marketing communication, adolescents


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