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Title:Workshop - Avoiding Plagiarism - Pubmet 2017
Authors:ID Ojsteršek, Milan (Author)
ID Kruithof, Koos (Author)
Files:URL http://pubmet.unizd.hr/pubmet2017/sessions/workshop-2-avoiding-plagiarism-croatian-english/
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:3.16 - Unpublished Invited Conference Lecture
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Plagiarism is defined as the “wrongful appropriation” and “purloining and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions,” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Plagiarism is not a crime per se but in academia and industry it is a serious ethical offense and cases of plagiarism can constitute copyright infringement. The Slovenian open access infrastructure consists of Slovenian universities repositories, a repository for research organisations, a repository for standalone faculties and a national portal (http://openscience.si/) that aggregates content from the repositories and other Slovenian archives (dLib.si, videolectures.NET, digital library of Ministry of Defence, Social Science data archive, ScieVie repository, etc.). The national portal provides a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. During the setting up of national open access infrastructure rules and processes for mandatory submissions of electronic theses, dissertations, research publications and research data were defined. One of the features is the use of software for plagiarism detection during processes of submitting electronic theses, dissertations and research publications. Technical characteristics of the plagiarism detection system used in the Slovenian national open access infrastructure will be presented. We will also describe established processes for awareness, prevention and detection of plagiarised documents. Finally, we will present chronologically organised data about the similarity of documents from test corpus of documents, published on the internet after year 2000. Definitions of plagiarism can often vary widely from institution to institution and from sector to sector. This interactive workshop, during which participants will be encouraged to share their experiences will aim to draw parallels between academic integrity and research integrity as elements of the same journey as scholars move from academia to research and commercial publishing. Whilst there is often a focus on the negative consequences of plagiarism we should also not lose sight of the positive attributes of academic integrity and how this can affect a proactive approach to both study and scholarly research. The workshop will share good practice examples from academia and the publishing sector and attempt to consider the elements to consider in case processing.
Keywords:plagiarism, academic writing, open access, plagiarism prevention, text matching software
Place of performance:Zagreb
Year of performance:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75319 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.10.2019
OJSTERŠEK, Milan and KRUITHOF, Koos, no date, Workshop - Avoiding Plagiarism - Pubmet 2017. [online]. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from: http://pubmet.unizd.hr/pubmet2017/sessions/workshop-2-avoiding-plagiarism-croatian-english/
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License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:15.10.2019

Secondary language

Title:Delavnica - Avoiding Plagiarism - Pubmet 2017
Keywords:plagiarizem, akademsko pisanje, odprti dostop, preprečevanja plagiarizma, programska oprema za odkrivanje podobnosti vsebin


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