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Title:Turning Images into Words: Audio Description in Animated Films
Authors:ID Sobočan, Ana (Author)
ID Plemenitaš, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Sobocan_Ana_2019.pdf (1,64 MB)
MD5: 0BCA4F05D6C06982AFC8A103AD1E8DEB
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a13c6ff6-f134-4814-b503-2b7ad5a8d8dd
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Audio description (AD) provides an opportunity for blind and visually impaired individuals to access the visual aspects of one specific scene. This master’s thesis considers AD characteristics and analyses professional AD in animated film trailers. The main aims are to discover and search for typical and possible adequate AD elements with identification of similar patterns in the professional and non-professional AD transcripts. The theoretical part introduces the field of audio-visual practice with the main target audience of blind and visually impaired community. A particular emphasis is given to the process of creating AD materials, linguistic elements, production techniques, typical features and general guidelines. An additional section offers an insight into performing options and unique AD practice skills and competences. In the second part, the selected professional audio descriptions from animated movie trailers are transcribed and analysed in the terms of AD guidelines and other identified features. The thesis establishes the main characteristics of AD texts by non-professionals and compares and identifies their choice of descriptions. The further comparison gives the emphasis on the main correlation between the professional and non-professional AD transcripts. For this purpose, the analysis consists of three main categories: characters; actions, reactions, movements; setting, scenery, viewpoints and background scenes. Particular focus is put on general-specific and subjective-objective markers, where the intent is to identify the potential AD elements in accordance with the professional AD guidelines and highlight the participants’ textual examples, suggestions, level of details, interpretative patterns, the involvement of specific objects and similar patterns included in the AD transcripts.
Keywords:audio description, animated film, blind and visually impaired individuals, transcript, identification
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Sobočan]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75269 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24912648 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.11.2019
SOBOČAN, Ana, 2019, Turning Images into Words: Audio Description in Animated Films [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Sobočan. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75269
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Title:Spreminjanje slik v besede: avdiodeskripcija v animiranih filmih
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava značilnosti avdiodeskripcije (AD) in analizira tipične primere avdiodeskriptivne metode v uvodnikih animiranih filmov. Osrednji namen dela je ugotoviti podobnosti in razlike profesionalnih in neprofesionalnih AD, poiskati potencialne AD elemente ter raziskati podobne vzorce v neprofesionalnih AD transkripcijah. Teoretični del opredeljuje opis in predstavitev avdio-vizualne dejavnosti, kjer v ospredje postavljamo metodo avdiodeskripcije oziroma zvočni opis vidnih elementov. Tematika obravnave opredeljuje posebno, unikatno metodo približevanja filmske, gledališke, kinematografske in ostale umetnosti slepim ter slabovidnih osebam. Teoretična poglavja dodatno opredeljujejo tehnike nastajanja AD materialov, tipične značilnosti, znanja in kompetence, splošne smernice ter mednarodne projekte. Področje animiranih filmov se globalno nanaša na mlajše generacije, ki se s tovrstnimi aktivnostmi identificirajo in nadgrajujejo jezikovne zmožnosti, z AD pa se dodatno vključujejo v sistem enakih možnosti v družbi. Raziskovalni del se nanaša na izbrane profesionalne uvodnike animiranih filmov, kasneje pa na zapisane neprofesionalne AD zapise. Analiza pokriva identificirane značilnosti AD, posebnosti zapisov in ostale identificirane kategorije, npr. vizualne podobe, fizične reakcije, vrednotenja, živalske skupine, barve, imena, oblike, dimenzije. V glavnini so izpostavljene naslednje kategorije in podkategorije: (a) osebe; (b) dogajanje, reakcije, premikanje, zorni kot in smer; (c) okoliščine, ozadje in scena. Izpisani vzorci in primeri so analizirani tudi po sistemu splošno-specifično in subjektivno-objektivno. Pri neprofesionalnih AD zapisih so udeleženci raziskave študentje oz. nestrokovnjaki AD, ki nimajo specifičnih znanj in kompetenc. Analiza teh zapisov izpostavlja omenjene kategorije in dodaja primerjalno študijo, pri tem pa v ospredje postavlja potencialne AD opise, nivo specifičnosti, izpostavljene unikatne zapise, podobne vzorce opisovanja in ključne razlike ali pomanjkljivosti, ki jih povezuje z glavnimi AD smernicami. Zaključna analiza nakazuje dodatne možne raziskave ali projekte in poziva na nujnost ozaveščanja AD, kar bi hkrati omogočalo enake receptivne možnosti za celotno moderno družbo.
Keywords:avdiodeskripcija, animirani film, slepi in slabovidni posamezniki, transkripcija, identifikacija


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