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Title:Ekomorfološka variabilnost lobanje poljskih voluharic (rod Microtus): pristop z geometrijsko morfometrijo
Authors:ID Selimović, Selma (Author)
ID Janžekovič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kryštufek, Boris (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Selimovic_Selma_2019.pdf (2,44 MB)
MD5: FA471DBD7DC5EA459E9A218328C77449
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2539fd19-3768-4547-bee0-706167af7172
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:Skupina arvalis iz rodu Microtus je znana po morfološko podobnih vrstah ter zapletenih medsebojnih taksonomskih razmerjih. V okviru magistrske naloge sem z metodami geometrijske morfometrije ovrednotila morfometrično variabilnost lobanje štirih vrst poljskih voluharic. V raziskavo sem vključila 289 osebkov, med katerimi sem analizirala sekundarni spolni dimorfizem, medvrstno variabilnost in znotrajvrstno geografsko variabilnost. Vpliv podnebja na variabilnost ventralne strani lobanje M. arvalis sem analizirala posebej. Med spoloma sem potrdila prisotnost različnih vzorcev spolnega dimorfizma. Medvrstno variabilnost v velikosti in obliki lobanje sem preverila za vrste M. arvalis, M. obscurus, M. mystacinus in M. ilaeus. Rezultati analize variance so visoko signifikantni (F3, 285 = 26,66; p < 0,0001), z izjemo M. arvalis in M. obscurus, ki med seboj ne kažeta signifikantnih razlik (p > 0,05). Največjo lobanjo so imeli predstavniki vrste M. ilaeus. Geografsko variabilnost sem preverjala znotraj štirih filogenetskih skupin M. arvalis (F5, 169 = 24,9; p < 0,0001), kjer so se le osebki iz Slovenije in BiH statistično razlikovali med posameznimi lokalitetami. Variabilnost v obliki lobanje med vrstami in populacijami M. arvalis sem preverila z diskriminantno analizo. P-vrednosti permutacijskega testa za matriko Prokrustovih razdalje so pokazale, da se vrste in filogenetske skupine med seboj signifikatntno razlikujejo (p > 0,05). Najbolj variabilni strukturi sta bili bobnični mehur in rostrum. V zadnjem delu naloge sem z analizo PLS ocenila odnos med podnebjem in obliko ventralno obliko lobanje. Na podlagi RV koeficienta sem ugotovila signifikatno povezavo med podnebjem in obliko lobanje (RV = 0,544; p < 0,0001). Multipla regresija ni potrdila povezave med podnebjem in velikostjo lobanje (p = 0,144). Sklepam, da signifikantna korelacija med obliko in bioklimatskimi spremenljivkami kaže morda na delovanja selektivnih pritiskov, ki jih predstavljajo okoljski dejavniki.
Keywords:Microtus, poljska voluharica, lobanja, geometrijska morfometrija, spolni dimorfizem, medvrstna in znotrajvrstna variabilnost, podnebje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Selimović]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75225 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24923912 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.11.2019
SELIMOVIĆ, Selma, 2019, Ekomorfološka variabilnost lobanje poljskih voluharic (rod Microtus): pristop z geometrijsko morfometrijo [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : S. Selimović. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75225
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Licensing start date:29.09.2019

Secondary language

Title:Ecomorphological variability of the common vole skull (genus Microtus): geometric morphometric approach
Abstract:Arvalis of genus Microtus is known for morphological similarities between species and complex reciprocal taxonomic relations. In my master’s thesis, I assessed the morphometric variability of four species of common vole’s skulls with methods of geometric morphometrics. In my research, I have included a sample of 289 specimens and analysed secondary sexual dimorphism, interspecific variability and intraspecific geographical variability. I analysed the effect climate has on variability of the ventral part of skull of M. arvalis separately. I have confirmed various examples of sexual dimorphism between sexes. I have observed interspecific variability of skull size and shape for species M. arvalis, M. obscurus, M. mystacinus and M. ilaeus. The results of variance analysis is statistically highly significant (F3, 285 = 26,66; p < 0,0001) with the exception of M. arvalis and M. obscurus that do not show significant differences (p > 0,05). The representatives of the species M. ilaeus had the biggest skulls. I have tested geographical variability among four phylogenetic groups of M. arvalis (F5.169 = 24,9; p < 0,0001) and only specimens from the region of Slovenia and BiH statistically differ among separate localities. I have tested the variability of skull shape among the species and for M. arvalis with linear discriminant analysis. P-values of permutation test for Procrustes analysis have shown that species and phylogenetic groups significantly differ among each other (p > 0,05). Tympanic bulla and rostrum are considerably variable structures. In the last part of my thesis, I have assessed the relation between climate and ventral shape of skull with PLS regression. The RV coefficient proved there is a significant link between climate and skull shape (RV = 0,544; p < 0,0001), though the multiple regression analysis did not confirm the relation between climate and skull size (p = 0,144). I conclude that significant correlation between shape and bioclimatic variables is due to evolutionary pressures, which are affected by environmental factors.
Keywords:Microtus, common vole, skull, geometric morphometrics, sexual dimorphism, interspecific and intraspecific variability, climate


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