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Title:Metoda obvladovanja tveganj v enotnem poslovnem repozitoriju
Authors:ID Škrbec, Jani (Author)
ID Kern, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Skrbec_Jani_2019.pdf (1,24 MB)
MD5: 41E5BE3AEB802BD0F7D35A0EF312AD78
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/22b012d3-a48d-4de8-9380-44b9882711d6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Z razvojem sistemov vodenja po mednarodnih standardih v podjetjih postajajo le ti pomembni pri njihovem poslovanju. Njihova pot do integracije v poslovne procese je lahko zelo dolgotrajna. Za podjetja, ki imajo vzpostavljene in certificirane sisteme vodenja bo predstavljalo velik izziv glede obvladovanja tveganj, ki jih bodo morali prepoznati in upoštevati v svojih procesih ob novih izdajah standardov. V okviru znanosti o upravljanju tveganj, je slednje predstavljeno kot grožnja poslovnim ciljem katere je potrebno čim bolj omiliti, da lahko podjetje sledi svojim ciljem poslovanja. Dandanes tradicionalno obravnavanje procesov podjetja predstavlja neizkoriščen potencial. Celosten pristop obvladovanja tveganj bomo skušali prikazati v teoretičnem delu ter spoznati orodja, ki bi bila primerna za prikaz vseh tveganj na izbranih procesih iz skupine vodstvenih, osnovnih in podpornih procesih. V aplikativnem delu magistrske naloge je predstavljen celovit prikaz tveganj z upoštevanjem vzpostavljenega integriranega sistema vodenja kakovosti po standardih ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 in OHSAS 18001 v podjetju Elektro Ljubljana d.d., kateri bi bili relevantni za obravnavo in njeno obvladovanje. V nalogi bomo skušali poiskati priložnosti za izboljšanje obstoječega stanja obravnavanih tveganj, katero bomo dosegli na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč, ki bodo opisane v prvem (teoretičnem) delu magistrske naloge. Za celovito obravnavo prepoznanih tveganj smo: • uporabili procesni pristop, oblikovan s pomočjo programskega orodja ARIS in njegove metodologije, • analizirali trenutno prepoznana tveganja na praktičnem primeru izbranih procesov, • identificirali vse rezultate procesa z upoštevanjem njenega konteksta organizacije, zainteresirano javnostjo in cilji v povezavi z uravnoteženem sistemom kazalnikov, • upoštevali potreben čas za uvajanje katerega smo izmerili po metodi PERT.
Keywords:- Obvladovanje tveganj, - Standardi sistemov vodenja, - Cilji in uravnotežen sistem kazalnikov, - Procesni pristop, - Programsko orodje z ARIS metodologijo.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75157 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8144915  New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.11.2019
ŠKRBEC, Jani, 2019, Metoda obvladovanja tveganj v enotnem poslovnem repozitoriju [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75157
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Secondary language

Title:A risk management method in a joint business repository
Abstract:As new, internationally acknowledged management systems develop, they are the ones that become important in WHOSE operations. The integration of said systems can be very time-consuming. When new standards are issued, companies that have established and certified systems of management may face a challenge of managing and recognizing the risks, applied in their processes. Within the risk management science, the term risk represents a threat to company goals and needs to be mitigated as much as possible so that the business can pursue and achieve goals. Nowadays, the traditional treatment of company processes represents its initial potential. We will try to present a comprehensive approach to risk management in the theoretical part of the assignment. Secondly, we will try to find tools that would be suitable for demonstrating all the risks in the selected processes in the group of management, main and support processes. The practical part of the thesis is introduces a complete its initial report of risks, taking into account the established integrated quality management system according to ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 and OHSAS 18001 standards in the company Elektro Ljubljana d.d.. Complete report of risks would be relevant for management and further prevention of the risks. In this part of the assignment we will try to find opportunities to improve the current state of the risks under consideration, which will be achieved based on theoretical starting points. The latter will be described in the first (theoretical) part of the thesis. To fully address the identified risks, we: • used a process approach, which was designed with the assistance program’s tool ARIS and its methodology, • analysed currently identified risks in the practical case of selected processes, • identified all the results of the process, taking into account its context of the organization, the interested parties and the objectives concerning a Balanced Scorecard, • took into account the time required for implementation, which was measured by PERT method.
Keywords:- Risk management, - Standards of management systems, - Objectives and Balanced Scorecard, - Process’s access, - Program tool with ARIS methodology.


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