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Title:Revizija informacijskega sistema v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Pulko, Nina (Author)
ID Lutar Skerbinjek, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pulko_Nina_2019.pdf (1,39 MB)
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5267b89f-d6de-46a8-b796-917d7513b26a
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Informacijski sistem je v današnjem tehnološko razvitem času za podjetje ključnega pomena. Vse prednosti, ki jih je prinesla računalniška in telekomunikacijska tehnologija so prinesle tudi vse večje možnosti zlorabe in dostopa do zaupnih podatkov. Zaradi naraščanja računalniškega kriminala, nesreč in napak posameznikov na delovnem mestu se morajo podjetja vedno bolj posvečati varnosti in zaščiti informacijskega sistema in ga redno tudi pregledovati. V ta namen se je oblikovala posebna veja revizije, ki se ukvarja s preverjanjem zanesljivosti, učinkovitosti ter varnosti informacijskih sitemov. V Sloveniji omenjena veja napreduje in vedno bolj združuje znanja revizorjev in informatikov. V magistrskem delu bomo predstavili pojem informacijskega sistema, njegove značilnosti ter vrste. Predstavili bomo pojem revizije informacijskega sistema in njene začetke v Sloveniji ter opisali primer sodne prakse pri zlorabi informacijskega sistema. Pri reviziji je potrebno slediti določenim zakonskim podlagam in etičnim pravilom, ki jih bomo posebej predstavili. Z vidika standardov so v nalogo vključeni standardi skupine ISO/IES 27000 ter metodologiji COBIT in ITIL. V zaključku bo predstavljen primer revizije informacijskega sistema v izbranem podjetju X, ki bo temeljil na standardu ISO 17799, kateri se osredotoča predvsem na informacijsko varnost.
Keywords:revizija, informacijski sistem, varnost informacijskega sistema, standardi ISO, hierarhija pravil
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:N. Pulko]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-75010 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13462556 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.11.2019
PULKO, Nina, 2019, Revizija informacijskega sistema v izbranem podjetju [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Pulko. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=75010
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Secondary language

Title:Information system auditing in chosen company
Abstract:The information system is nowadays essential in the technological developed era for a company. All advantages the computer and telecommunication technology brought are also connected to bigger chances of abusing and access to secret data. Because of the growing number of computer criminal, accidents and mistakes of individuals at work, the company must be more aware of safety and protection of the information system and it should be checked regularly. Therefore it was established a special branch for revision which deals with checking responsibility, effectiveness and safety of the information system. In Slovenia the above mentioned branch improves and even more joins the knowledge of controllers and computer scientists. In my master's thesis the term information system is presented, its characteristics and types. The term revision of the information system and its beginnings in Slovenia will be presented and also an example of case law with the abuse of the information system. At revision it is important to follow specific legal basis and ethic rules which will be presented separately. From the point of view of standards are in the paper also included the standard groups ISO/IES 2700 and the methodology COBIT and ITIL. In the conclusion there will be presented a case of revision of the information system in a selected company X which will be based on the ISO standard 17799 that focuses on the information safety.
Keywords:revision, information system, safety of the information system, ISO standards, hierarchy of rules


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