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Title:Implementacija krožnega gospodarstva v predelovalni industriji
Authors:ID Rajh, Jure (Author)
ID Obrecht, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Rajh_Jure_2019.pdf (1,22 MB)
MD5: C31C5BBE2A08EFDF77BD673E3A59050A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cad38e0e-72f7-4b4a-944d-4fc0f887b827
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Krožno gospodarstvo je postalo eno izmed temeljnih usmeritev razvitih držav Evropske unije. Od leta 2014, ko se je koncept dokončno uveljavil in pojavil v uradnih dokumentih, do danes je Evropska unija storila velik korak naprej in krožno gospodarstvo umestila med razvojne prioritete vseh držav članic. Trendu prehoda na krožno osnovane produkte in storitve sledijo tudi slovenska podjetja kljub nepopolnoma jasno začrtani poti Slovenije. Vpeljavo koncepta smo raziskovali na primerih slovenske predelovalne industrije, ki je zaradi svoje potratnosti naravnih virov in snovne intenzivnosti na velikem udaru. Raziskavo smo izvedli z metodo polstrukturiranega intervjuja, s pomočjo katerega smo želeli celostno raziskati tematiko, aktivnosti podjetij ter raziskovalnih ustanov. Zanimalo nas je poznavanje in razumevanje koncepta krožnega gospodarstva, da bi dobili vpogled v delovanje industrije in njihovo predstavo o procesih krožnega gospodarstva. Podjetja se zavedajo pomena procesov za razvoj in na tem področju iščejo nove poslovne priložnosti. Preučili smo krožno osnovane produkte in storitve, ki jih proizvajajo podjetja ter ugotovili, katerih oblike financiranja ali spodbud se poslužujejo za razvoj le teh. To področje je šibka točka Slovenije, saj se podjetja raje kot slovenskih poslužujejo evropskih projektov in financiranj, ki so ugodnejša in lažja za pridobitev. Velik manko sem zaznal tudi na področju povezovanja podjetij med seboj ter s političnimi in raziskovalnimi institucijami. Čeprav so bila preučevana podjetja dobro povezana v državnem in mednarodnem okolju, so tako ona kot raziskovalne inštitucije opozorili na manko povezav in tvorjenja vijačnic med državo, industrijo in raziskovalno-razvojnimi institucijami. Analiza je pokazala, da podjetja pozitivno sprejemajo in pozdravljajo dokumente, namenjene prehodu Slovenije v krožno gospodarstvo. V isti sapi pa dodajajo, da manjka krovni načrt na ravni države, ki bi konkretno usmeril podjetja na trajnostno pot z vključenimi smernicami in merljivimi cilji. V konceptu lahko zaznamo veliko priložnost za nadaljnji razvoj industrije. Prej kot se bodo industrija, politika in družba zavedli potrebe po spremembah, lažja bo tranzicija.
Keywords:krožno gospodarstvo, biogospodarstvo, predelovalna industrija, trajnostno gospodarstvo, zelena logistika
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[J. Rajh]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74882 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513058877 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.01.2020
RAJH, Jure, 2019, Implementacija krožnega gospodarstva v predelovalni  industriji [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : J. Rajh. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74882
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of circular economy in process industries
Abstract:The circular economy has become one of the cornerstones of the developed countries of the European Union. Since 2014, when the concept was finally put into practice and appeared in official documents, to date, the European Union has taken a major step forward and placed the circular economy among the development priorities of all Member States. The trend towards the transition to circularly based products and services is also followed by Slovenian companies, despite the incompletely clear path of Slovenia. The introduction of the concept was investigated on the examples of the Slovenian manufacturing industry, which, due to its wastefulness of natural resources and material intensity, is at a great impact. The research was carried out using the semi-structured interview method, with the aim of which we wanted to fully explore the topic, activities of companies and research institutions. We were interested in knowing and understanding the concept of a circular economy in order to gain insight into the operation of industries and their perceptions of the processes of the circular economy. Companies are aware of the importance of development processes and are looking for new business opportunities in this area. We examined the circularly based products and services produced by companies and identified the forms of financing or incentives used to develop them. This area is a weak point of Slovenia, as companies prefer to use European projects and financing, which are more favourable and easier to acquire than projects in Slovenia. I also noticed a big shortcoming in connecting companies with each other and with political and research institutions. Although the companies studied were well-connected in the national and international environment, both they and the research institutions pointed to the lack of links and helix formation between the state, industry and R&D institutions. The analysis showed that the companies positively accept and welcome the documents intended for Slovenia's transition to a circular economy. In the same breath, however, they add that there is a lack of a country-wide plan that would specifically target companies on a sustainable path with guidelines and measurable targets included. The concept be a great opportunity for further development of the industry. The sooner industry, politics, and society become aware of the need for change, the easier the transition will be.
Keywords:circular economy, bioeconomy, processing industry, sustainable economy, green logistics


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