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Title:Vpliv Kurentovanja na turizem v mestu Ptuj
Authors:ID Bezjak, Mojca (Author)
ID Lebe, Sonja Sibila (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Bezjak_Mojca_2019.pdf (1,46 MB)
MD5: A890558BCD481D4C7B9D0B60C05CDE8F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/d6ac5734-81b5-4aa1-beb7-58ca195ae26f
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V uvodnem poglavju smo opredelili problem. Predstavili smo namen, cilje in trditve diplomske naloge ter opredelili hipotezi. Prav tako smo navedli omejitve raziskave in metode raziskovanja. V drugem poglavju smo predstavili teoretični okvir diplomskega dela, v katerem smo zaradi lažjega razumevanja razložili pojem management dogodkov, management turistične destinacije in vpliv velikih dogodkov na destinacijo. V tretjem poglavju smo najprej pojasnili, kaj pomeni Kurentovanje kot organizirana prireditev, navedli smo nekaj dejstev iz zgodovine in pojasnili pomen le-te za Ptuj. Poglavje smo nadaljevali z opredelitvijo vpliva Kurentovanja na obiskanost mesta Ptuj in razglabljali o tem, kaj to prinaša. Nato smo analizirali prihode in nočitve v mestu Ptuj v času kurentovanja, pred njim in po njem v letih 2017, 2018 in 2019 ter oblikovali posnetek stanja. V sklepnem delu tretjega poglavja smo analizirali mnenja anketirancev, analizo pa smo podrobneje predstavili z grafikoni. Če povzamemo rezultate raziskave, lahko rečemo, da je kurentovanje uveljavljeno kot privlačen turistični projekt, ki pripelje na Ptuj največ turistov, ki se vedno znova vračajo.
Keywords:Kurentovanje, pustovanje, turizem, Ptuj
Place of publishing:Ptuj
Publisher:[M. Bezjak]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74619 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13434396 New window
Publication date in DKUM:05.11.2019
BEZJAK, Mojca, 2019, Vpliv Kurentovanja na turizem v mestu Ptuj [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ptuj : M. Bezjak. [Accessed 23 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74619
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Secondary language

Title:The Impact of the Kurentovanje Event on Tourism in the City of Ptuj
Abstract:In the introduction, we defined the research question. We presented the purpose, aims, and statements and defined the hypothese of this diploma thesis. We also defined the research limits and presented the used methodology. In chapter 2, we presented the theoretical framework of this diploma thesis, which explains the principle of event management, tourism destination management, and the impact of big events on the destination. In the empirical part, we explained the meaning of the Kurentovanje event, put down some historical facts and explained importance for the city of Ptuj. Furthermore, we defined the impact of the Kurentovanje event in Ptuj. Moreover, we analysed the visits and overnights in the city of Ptuj during, before, and after the Kurentovanje event in years 2017, 2018, and 2019. Based on the data we gathered, a state of the art was put down. In the conclusion, we analysed the opinions won during opinion poll we have concluded. Some data were displayed using diagrams. To summarize, we can state that the Kurentovanje event in the city of Ptuj is established as an attractive tourism project, which attracts many tourists to the town who often come back to the destination.
Keywords:Kurentovanje, Shrovetide, tourism, Ptuj


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