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Title:Proces razvoja kariere notranjih podjetnikov
Authors:ID Čeko, Nika (Author)
ID Bradač Hojnik, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Ceko_Nika_2019.pdf (517,92 KB)
MD5: 035EF0AB6C71E300177CA50FF05AEFD9
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e8de0e16-42a0-4ea5-ae01-f25db60b4ff9
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V delu diplomskega projekta smo s teoretičnega vidika opredelili notranje podjetništvo, predstavili prednosti za organizacije pri sami uvedbi le tega ter navedli tudi možnosti nagrajevanja in motiviranja zaposlenih za notranje-podjetniško obnašanje. Ker so zaposleni ključni del pri doseganju poslovnih rezultatov, smo se usmerili tudi na proces razvoja kariere notranjih podjetnikov ter kakšno vlogo pri tem igrajo človeški viri v podjetju. Prikazali smo ključne prednosti notranjega podjetništva za organizacije, v katerih se v primeru uvedbe le tega, ustvari inovacijsko okolje tako za posameznike kot tudi za celotne delovne skupine. Ker je inovativnost eden od pogojev za ustvarjalnost, uvedbo novih izdelkov in storitev, posledično pa inovativnost doprinaša k večjemu uspehu in konkurenčnosti podjetja, bo v prihodnje čedalje več podjetij in organizacij strmelo k uveljavljanju notranjega podjetništva. Tudi za zaposlene uvedba notranjega podjetništva prinaše pozitivne spremembe, saj jim pušča prostor za kreativnost in ustvarjalnost, s tem pa se poveča tudi sama zavzetost pri delu in motivacija na delovnem mestu. Tisti zaposleni, ki v organizacijo prinesejo dodano vrednost, pa morajo biti za svoje obnašanje tudi primerno nagrajeni. Opisali smo možne oblike nagrajevanja ter tudi motiviranja zaposlenih za notranje-podjetniško obnašanje. Pri uvedbi notranjega podjetništva morajo sodelovati vsi zaposleni v organizaciji, pobudnik pa mora biti samo vodstvo in kadrovska služba. Management človeških virov pri izbiri, identifikaciji ter tudi pri kariernem razvoju potencialnih notranjih podjetnikov igrajo ključno vlogo v organizacijah.
Keywords:podjetništvo, notranje podjetništvo, korporacijsko podjetništvo, notranji podjetnik.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Čeko]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74491 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13491228 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.12.2019
ČEKO, Nika, 2019, Proces razvoja kariere notranjih podjetnikov [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : N. Čeko. [Accessed 9 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74491
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Secondary language

Title:The process of career development of corporate entrepreneurs
Abstract:In the work of the diploma project we defined internal entrepreneurship from the theoretical point of view. We presented advantages of it at initiation and we also outlined the possibilities of rewarding and motivating employees for internal entrepreneurial behaviour. Since employees are a key part in achieving business results, we focused on two things. The process of developing a career of an internal entrepreneur and the role played by human resources in the company. We outlined the key benefits of internal entrepreneurship for organizations where, in case of introduction, an innovation environment is created for individuals as well as for the entire working group. Innovation is one of the conditions for creativity, introduction of new products and services, and it consequently contributes to greater success and competitiveness of the company. Therefore, the number of companies and organizations striving to promote internal entrepreneurship is increasing. For employees, the introduction of internal entrepreneurship brings positive changes, leaving them room for creativity. This also increases work commitment and motivation in the workplace. However, those employees who bring added value to the organization must be appropriately rewarded for their behaviour. We described possible forms of rewarding and also motivating employees for internal entrepreneurial behavior. All employees of the organization must be involved in the introduction of internal entrepreneurship. The initiator should only be the management and the human resources department. Human resources management play a key role in organizations in the selection, identification and career development of potential internal entrepreneurs.
Keywords:entrepreneurship, internal entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship, internal entrepreneur.


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