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Title:Stres na delovnem mestu v Osnovni šoli Cirkulane - Zavrč
Authors:ID Plošinjak, Julija (Author)
ID Treven, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Plosinjak_Julija_2019.pdf (875,46 KB)
MD5: 326E6C873C9A0D82CDB48BCD70B94024
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4097ba8d-56b9-41ef-9446-d93d6938e677
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V diplomskem delu, smo predstavili stres na delovnem mestu. Analizirali smo spol zaposlenih, starost, izobrazbo in njihovo delovno dobo zaposlenosti v Osnovni šoli Cirkulane- Zavrč. Prav tako smo analizirali stresnost njihovega dela, vzrok za nastanek stresa, učinke stresa na zaposlene, in vpliv na delovno zmogljivost zaposlenih, ter kako zaposleni obvladujejo stres. Zaposleni v Osnovni šoli Cirkulane- Zavrč, doživljajo stres skoraj vedno. Zaposleni se počutijo preobremenjeni, z vsemi dolžnostmi in odgovornostmi, ki jih imajo na svojem delovnem mestu. Pogosto ima stres učinek na zaposlene tak da so zaposleni zaskrbljeni in nemirni, zaradi česa se težje skoncentrirajo. Stres ima na delovno zmogljivost zaposlenih v Osnovni šoli Cirkulane- Zavrč negativen vpliv. Zaposleni med delom niso osredotočeni le na eno delo, temveč se posvečajo več različnim dejavnostnim kar pa lahko privede do zmanjšane produktivnosti posameznika. Rezultati raziskave, nam lahko pomagajo, da bomo uspešno zaznali nastanek stresa, vzrok zakaj pride do nastanka stresa, kakšne učinke ima stres na delovno zmogljivost zaposlenih in kako lahko obvladujemo stres. Ob pravočasnem ugotavljanju in zaznavanju prisotnosti stresa pri zaposlenih lahko prihranimo veliko časa in denarja. Saj vsako odstopanje iz utečenega delovanja podjetja, pride do dodatnih izrednih stroškov, ki pa se jim lahko izognemo, če poznamo zaposlene in njihovo vedenje. Ob pravočasnem odkritju prisotnosti stresa pri zaposlenih, lahko podjetje še pravočasno začne odpravljati stres pri zaposlenih in se izogne dodatnim stroškom, ki se lahko pojavijo zaradi odsotnosti z dela ali zmanjšane učinkovitosti in produktivnosti zaposlenega. Rezultati raziskave nam lahko omogočijo dovolj hitro odkrivanje prisotnosti stresa, ter nam ponudijo možnosti in načine za obvladovanje stresa pri zaposlenih v Osnovni šoli Cirkulane- Zavrč, da se lahko izognemo neprijetnostim in pozitivno vplivamo na počutje vseh zaposlenih.
Keywords:stres, stres na delovnem mestu, Osnovna šola Cirkulane-Zavrč
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Plošinjak]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74301 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13426460 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.10.2019
PLOŠINJAK, Julija, 2019, Stres na delovnem mestu v Osnovni šoli Cirkulane - Zavrč [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : J. Plošinjak. [Accessed 15 February 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74301
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Secondary language

Title:Stress at the Workplace in the Elementary School Cirkulane - Zavrč
Abstract:In the bachelor’s thesis, we presented stress at workplace. We analyzed gender, age, and the degree of education of the employees, as well as the years of their service in Cirkulane-Zavrč Elementary School. We also analyzed stressfulness of their work, the reason for the emergence of stress, the effects of stress on the employees, the influence on the working capacity of employees, and how the employees manage stress. The employees of the Cirkulane-Zavrč Elementary School experience stress almost always. The employees feel over-strained with all their duties and responsibilities which they experience at their workplace. Often, stress has such an effect on the employees that the employees are worried and restless, which is the reason why they have difficulties in concentration. Stress has negative influence on the working capacity of the employees of Cirkulane-Zavrč Elementary School. The employees are not focused on one task only when they work. Instead, they are engaged in different activities which, however, can lead to reduced productivity of an individual. The results of the research can help us to sense the emergence of stress, the reason why stress emerges, what effects stress has on working capacity of the employees and how they can manage stress. In the case of ascertaining and sensing the presence of stress in the employees on time, we can save a lot of time and money because additional costs can emerge in the case of every deviation from the settled operation of the company. This can be avoided, however, if we know employees and their behavior. In the case of discovering stress in the employees on time, the company can start to reduce stress in its employees and, thus, it avoids additional costs which can emerge because of the absence from work or reduced efficiency and productivity of the employee. The results of the research can enable us discovering of the presence of stress quickly enough and offer us an opportunity and methods to manage stress in the employees in the Cirkulane-Zavrč Elementary School in order to avoid troubles and influence the well-being of all employees positively.
Keywords:stress, stress at workplace, Cirkulane-Zavrč Elementary School


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