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Title:Razvoj trenda zelenega potrošnika
Authors:ID Frangež, Asja (Author)
ID Knez, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Frangez_Asja_2019.pdf (1,87 MB)
MD5: 640E734A9DA69AF5273DABD6603B7A47
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/97a9602b-eebc-41b6-bca6-a1e4a5eb5874
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Ker resnosti okoljskih problemov postajajo del vsakdanjika, ter se jih čedalje bolj vsak posameznik zaveda, posledično prihaja v ospredje tudi okolju prijazen način življenja. Veliko vlogo pri okolju prijaznejšemu načinu življenja pa ima potrošnja oziroma nakupne odločitve posameznikov. Ker okolju prijazno nakupno vedenje predstavlja osnovo okolju prijaznega življenjskega sloga, smo se odločili za raziskavo potrošnikovega zavedanja se o resnosti okoljskih problemov, usmerjenosti potrošnika v nakup zelenega izdelka ter pripravljenosti plačati več za eko-označen izdelek. Pristop k zastavljenemu delu pa se nanaša na že raziskovan problem, ki ga je raziskal M. Vrbič, leta 2006, v svoji diplomski nalogi, tako smo v večjem delu raziskave delali primerjavo rezultatov med letoma 2006 in 2019. Z kvantitativno metodo, povzeto anketo Vrbiča (2006), smo za raziskavo dobili strukturo anketirancev, s katero smo se izredno približali strukturi anketirancev iz leta 2006, kar nam je omogočilo dobro primerjavo. Ugotovili smo, da se trend zelenega potrošnika veča. Ljudje dobijo v večji meri, kot do leta 2006, ogromno različnih informacij o aktualnih okoljskih problemih skozi medije in socialna omrežja, posledično so bolje informirani o tem, kako pomembno je okolju prijazno vedenje in sledenje trendu zelenega potrošnika. Vse bolj se odločajo za nakupe zelenih izdelkov oziroma izdelkov z eko oznako, ki jim je v nakupnih situacijah pomembna. Vse to nakazuje na povezanost večanja trenda zelenega potrošnika s širjenjem in večanjem zelenega marketinga oziroma svetovnega trga zelenih izdelkov.
Keywords:zeleni potrošnik, zeleni izdelki, eko-oznaka, potrošnja, okolju prijazno vedenje
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[A. Frangež]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74195 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513059389 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.01.2020
FRANGEŽ, Asja, 2019, Razvoj trenda zelenega potrošnika [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : A. Frangež. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74195
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Secondary language

Title:Evolution of green consumers trend
Abstract:Because the severities of environmental problems are becoming part of everyday life and people are more and more aware of them, environmental-friendly lifestyle is coming to the fore. Consumption or purchasing decisions of individuals play a great role in environmental-friendly lifestyle. Because the behavior of environmental-friendly purchasing is the basis of environmental-friendly lifestyle, we decided to research the consumer's awareness of the severity of environmental problems, the orientation of the consumer to buy the green product and willingness to pay more for an eco-labelled product. The approach to the set work, however, refers to an already researched problem that was explored in a diploma thesis by M. Vrbič in 2006. So, in most of the research, we did a comparison of results between the years 2006 and 2019. Using the quantitative method, a summarized survey by Vrbič (2006), we obtained the structure of the respondents for the survey, which brought us very close to the structure of the respondents from 2006. That allowed us a good comparison. We have found out that the trend of green consumers is increasing. In 2019 the people receive a lot more information on current environmental problems threw media and social networks than in 2006. As a result, they are better informed about the importance of environment-friendly behavior and following the trend of the green consumer. More and more people are buying green products or products that are eco-labelled and are important to them in purchasing situations. All this points to the connection between the increase of the green consumer trend and the expansion and increase of green marketing and the world market for green products respectively.
Keywords:green consumer, green products, eco-mark, consumption, environmentally friendly behavior


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