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Title:Napake in težave pri montaži oken
Authors:ID Vrečko, Žiga (Author)
ID Gajšek, Brigita (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Vrecko_Ziga_2019.pdf (2,31 MB)
MD5: 7C1E18D8152328ADE07ABC2FB973F790
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/1610cf3b-3bb3-4388-b290-688d766f74bb
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V diplomskem delu so prikazane najpogostejše napake, ki se pojavljajo pri montaži oken. V Sloveniji je konkurenca velika, saj se z izdelavo oken ukvarja skoraj 50 podjetij, s prodajo pa še veliko več. Vsako podjetje, ki poleg izdelave izdelkov nudi tudi montažo, pa se seveda ukvarja z reševanjem različnih vrst reklamacij. Pomembno je zavedanje, da se pri montaži oken pokažejo vse morebitne napake, bodisi napačne izmere merilca, dobavitelja, tehnologije, proizvodnje, logistike in na koncu monterjev. Veliko težav še vedno povzroča montaža oken. Izdelki večkrat prispejo na objekt poškodovani, površna montaža in uporaba nepravilnih materialov pa težavo le še poglobi. Po prikazu težav, ki se nanašajo na montažo in transport oken, smo prišli do rešitev, ki bi zmanjšale število napak in kasnejše reklamacije, povezane z njimi. Prikazali smo rešitve, ki zajemajo detajlni pregled oken po končani montaži, zmanjšanje površinskih poškodb, ustrezno vzdrževanje oken in zračenje prostorov. Z omenjenimi rešitvami bi zmanjšali število reklamacij in ob tem zagotovili ugodno bivalno okolje.
Keywords:Podatki, montaža, okna, napake, logistika.
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[Ž. Vrečko]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74102 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513056061 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.01.2020
VREČKO, Žiga, 2019, Napake in težave pri montaži oken [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : Ž. Vrečko. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74102
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Secondary language

Title:Mistakes and problems with window installation
Abstract:The diploma paper presents the most common mistakes that occur when installing windows. There is a huge competition in Slovenia, since almost 50 companies are involved in the production of windows, and a lot more are selling. Every company, which in addition to the production of products also offers assembly, is, of course, dealing with the resolution of various types of complaints. It is important to note that when installing the windows, all possible errors, or incorrect measurements of the meter, supplier, technology, production, logistics and at the end of the installers, will be indicated. A great deal of problems are still caused by the installation of windows. The products arrive repeatedly on the damaged object, the superficial installation and the use of irregular materials only deepen the problem. After the problems with the installation and transport of windows were revealed, we came up with solutions that would reduce the number of errors and subsequent complaints related to them. We have demonstrated solutions that include detailed window inspection after finishing installation, reduction of surface damage, proper window maintenance and ventilation of rooms. These solutions would reduce the number of complaints and thus provide a comfortable living environment.
Keywords:Data, assembly, windows, errors, logistics.


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