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Title:Primerjava javnih vrtcev v Sloveniji in na Madžarskem glede na vidike kakovosti
Authors:ID Baša, Moris (Author)
ID Hmelak, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 899AF9C2A4C31082C60F30976287383F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fc1f7043-e521-4726-bf03-254f198da7b4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Danes živimo v času, kjer starši vrtcem pripisujejo vse večjo vlogo. Da bi bolje razumeli delovanje vrtcev, smo se osredotočili na vidike kakovosti javnih vrtcev v Slovenij in na Madžarskem. Tako je namen diplomskega dela primerjava javnih vrtcev v Sloveniji in na Madžarskem z vidika razvoja in glede na kriterije vidika kakovosti vrtcev. Cilji diplomskega dela so raziskati in ugotoviti razlike in podobnosti javnih vrtcev v Sloveniji in na Madžarskem z vidika kakovosti vrtca, primerjati razvoj vrtcev v Sloveniji in na Madžarskem ter pridobiti mnenja pedagoških delavcev o področjih vidika kakovosti. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika izvedli raziskavo, v katero smo vključili vzgojitelje predšolskih otrok in pomočnike vzgojiteljev iz različnih slovenskih in madžarskih vrtcev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 206 strokovnih delavcev vrtcev. Rezultati so pokazali, da skoraj vsi vzgojitelji predšolskih otrok poznajo vidike kakovosti, medtem ko jih pomočniki vzgojiteljev poznajo ali le delno poznajo. Pedagoški delavci, ne glede na obravnavano državo, povečini ustrezno pogosto pregledujejo igrače in igrala, a se najdejo tudi takšni, ki to delo vidno zanemarjajo. Pogostost sodelovanja vzgojiteljev in pomočnikov s starši pri načrtovanju dejavnosti je zelo različna. Prav tako se zelo razlikuje pogostost vključevanja zunanjih institucij in posameznikov iz okolja v njihove dejavnosti.
Keywords:predšolska vzgoja, javni vrtci, slovenski vrtci, madžarski vrtci, vidiki kakovosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Baša]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-74028 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24882952 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.11.2019
BAŠA, Moris, 2019, Primerjava javnih vrtcev v Sloveniji in na Madžarskem glede na vidike kakovosti [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Baša. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=74028
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of Public Kindergartens in Slovenia and Hungary According to Aspects of Quality
Abstract:We live in times in which the parents put greater role on kindergartens. To understand this better, we placed the emphasis on the aspects of quality of public kindergartens in Slovenia and Hungary. The Bachelor's Thesis’ aim is a comparison of public kindergartens in Slovenia and Hungary according to aspects of quality. The aim of the Bachelor's Thesis is to research and determine the differences and similarities of public kindergartens in Slovenia and Hungary according to aspects of quality; furthermore, the comparison of kindergarten development in Slovenia and Hungary and to regain the opinion of aspects of quality from the educational staff. In the empirical section with the help of a survey we included the pre-school teachers and assistants from Slovenian and Hungarian kindergartens. 206 pre-school teachers took part in the survey. The results have shown that the majority of pre-school teachers are familiar with the aspects of quality; on the other hand, the assistants merely know them. The pre-school teachers no matter which country we are looking at, mostly review the adequacy of toys; however, there are many of them that overlook this task. The frequency of collaboration between pre-school teachers, assistants and parents varies from country to country. In addition, the frequency of collaboration between relevant institutions and individuals also varies.
Keywords:pre-school education, public kindergartens, Slovenian kindergartens, Hungarian kindergartens, aspects of quality


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