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Title:Vizija štiriletnega dela, programi in kriteriji izbora plavalne reprezentance Slovenije 2013-2016
Authors:ID Potočnik, Miha (Author)
ID Lipošek, Silvester (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 2F3FDFB60A82B16B7D37DD8B9D256D2D
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno moje delo v vlogi selektorja plavalnih reprezentanc Slovenije v olimpijskem ciklusu 2013–2016. Obsega področje bazenskega in daljinskega plavanja. V nalogi smo predstavili kriterije izbora posameznih reprezentanc, norme za nastop na pomembnejših – ciljnih – tekmovanjih posamezne starostne kategorije, programe reprezentanc ter možnost sodelovanja s panožnim timom (v nadaljevanju PT) Plavalne zveze Slovenije (v nadaljevanju PZS) v smislu vključevanja strokovnjakov mejnih znanosti s področja medicine, športne prehrane, športne psihologije, kondicijske priprave, fizioterapije in masaže, analize tehnike, treningov in tekmovanj ter ne nazadnje odnosov z javnostjo. Diplomska naloga predstavlja razširitev avtorskega dela kandidature za selektorja 2013–2016 z naslovom ''Vizija štiriletnega dela, programi in kriteriji plavalne reprezentance Slovenije 2013–2016''. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstavitev dela selektorja in ugotavljanje ustreznosti postavljenih norm. Podana je bila analiza ustreznosti norm pri doseganju ciljnega rezultata, ki ga predstavlja doseženo šestnajsto mesto na ciljnem tekmovanju v objektivno merljivih disciplinah (p-vrednost, stopnja značilnosti). S statistično obdelavo podatkov (T-test in ANOVA) je bilo ugotovljeno, da povprečje norme in rezultata po tekmovanju ni statistično značilno. Znotraj povprečja posameznih disciplin se je ohranila statistična značilnost.
Keywords:plavanje, selektor, reprezentanca, kriteriji, norme, program, panožni tim
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Potočnik]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73970 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24734472 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.09.2019
POTOČNIK, Miha, 2019, Vizija štiriletnega dela, programi in kriteriji izbora plavalne reprezentance Slovenije 2013-2016 [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Potočnik. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73970
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Secondary language

Title:Slovenian national swimming team's vision of the four-year work, programs and selection criteria (2013-2016)
Abstract:My thesis represents my work as the national team head coach of the swimming national teams of Slovenia during the Olympic cycle 2013–2016. It covers the area of swimming as well as open water swimming. The thesis presents the criteria for selecting individual teams, time standards that need to be acquired to be able to perform at important - target oriented competitions of each age category, programs of national teams and the possibility of cooperation with the supporting experts (hereinafter PT) of the Swimming Association of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as PZS). The cooperation is meant in the sense of involving experts in the field of medicine, sports nutrition, sports psychology, fitness, physiotherapy and massage, technical analyses, trainings and competitions, and, last but not least, relations with the public. The diploma paper presents the extension of the author's candidature for the 2013–2016 national team head coach, titled "Slovenian national swimming teams’ vision of the four year work, programs and selection criteria (2013–2016)”. The aim of the diploma work is to present the work of the national team head coach and to determine the adequacy of the set time standards. An analysis regarding the suitability of the time standards in achieving the target result represented by the 16th place in the target competition in objectively measurable disciplines (P-value, degree of characteristics) was carried out. Statistical data processing (T-test and ANOVA) found that the average of the time standards and the result after the competition was not statistically significant. Within the average of individual disciplines, the statistical characteristic has been preserved.
Keywords:swimming, national team head coach, national team, criteria, time standards, program, supporting experts


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