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Title:Vloga svetega Jurija in zmaja v slovenski folklorni prozi
Authors:ID Vivod, Katja (Author)
ID Haramija, Dragica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Vivod_Katja_2019.pdf (1,35 MB)
MD5: 7BCABD80CF9E30E62D9E2B234460D9DE
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/da6d817c-38a2-4ea8-8c8d-0f5beb6cab8d
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Magistrsko delo opisuje vlogo svetega Jurija in zmaja v slovenski folklorni prozi, natančneje v pripovedkah in pravljicah. Najprej smo razložili termin folklorno slovstvo in opisali njegove zvrsti, nato smo analizirali 27 izbranih folklornih literarnih del, v okviru katerih smo raziskali pozitivno oz. negativno vlogo in stopnjo pogostosti pojavitve sv. Jurija in zmaja glede na posamezno folklorno prozno vrsto, preučili njune karakterne značilnosti in zunanjo podobo ter iskali povezavo med sv. Jurijem in sv. Marjeto v prozi in cerkvami na Slovenskem. Preučili smo tudi običaj jurjevanja po različnih slovenskih pokrajinah (Dolenjska, Koroška, Štajerska) ter opisali simboliko sv. Jurija in zmaja v podobi izbranih slovenskih krajevnih grbov. V sklepnem delu je sledila povezava teoretičnih spoznanj z ugotovitvami iz interpretacij pripovedk in pravljic. Ugotovili smo, da se sv. Jurij v obravnavanih folklornih proznih vrstah pojavlja v pozitivni vlogi in pogosteje v pripovedkah, za razliko od zmaja, ki se je pokazal kot negativen lik in je v enaki meri prisoten v obeh proznih vrstah. Običaj jurjevanja je povezan z likom sv. Jurija in se razlikuje širom pokrajin v obredu, poimenovanjih, vrsti zelenja oz. obleki in pesmih. Sveta Marjeta se v prozi ne pojavlja v podobi sv. Jurija, medtem ko je njuna pojavnost vplivala na gradnjo cerkva na Slovenskem, kar se kaže v obravnavanih proznih delih kot tudi v teoretičnih izhodiščih. Zmaj najpogosteje izraža značajske lastnosti, ki se nanašajo na zadovoljevanje njegovih osnovnih potreb ter na slabe odnose z ljudmi, medtem ko karakter sv. Jurija odraža njegova stalna pripravljenost za pomoč ljudem. Zunanji videz zmaja povezujemo s kačo, krokodilom, številnimi glavami, krili in repom. Prav tako smo v podobi nekaterih slovenskih krajevnih grbov v prozi našli in zaznali simboliko sv. Jurija in zmaja.
Keywords:sveti Jurij, zmaj, slovenska folklorna proza, pripovedka
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Vivod]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73847 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24715272 New window
Publication date in DKUM:29.08.2019
VIVOD, Katja, 2019, Vloga svetega Jurija in zmaja v slovenski folklorni prozi [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : K. Vivod. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73847
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Secondary language

Title:The role of Saint George and the dragon in Slovenian folklore prose
Abstract:The master's thesis describes the role of St. George and the dragon in Slovene folklore prose, more precisely in stories and fairy tales. First, we explained the term folklore literature and described its genres, and then we analysed 27 selected folklore literary works, in which we studied positive and negative roles and the rate of occurrence of St. George and the dragon according to the specific type of folklore prose. We studied their characteristic features and the outer appearance, and searched for the connection between St. George and St. Mary in prose and churches in Slovenia. We also studied the practice of the folklore festival “jurjevanje” across various Slovenian regions (Lower Carniola, Carinthia and Styria) and described the symbolism of St. George and the dragon in the images of selected Slovene local coats of arms. In the conclusion, we connected theoretical knowledge with the findings from interpretations of stories and fairy tales. We found that St. George appears in a positive role, and more often in stories than fairy tales, unlike the dragon, who turned out to be a negative character and is equally present in both prose varieties. The folklore festival “jurjevanje” is associated with the figure of St. George and is distinguished by various regions in the ritual, names, types of greenery or clothes and songs. Saint Mary does not appear in prose in the image of St. George, while their appearance influenced the construction of churches in Slovenia, which is reflected in the selected prose works as well as in the theoretical points. The dragon most often expresses the characteristic features that relate to meeting his basic needs and to bad relationships with people, while the character of St. George reflects his constant readiness and will to help people. The external appearance of the dragon is connected with a snake, a crocodile, many heads, wings and tail. In the images of some Slovenian local coats of arms, we also found and perceived the symbolism of St. George and the dragon.
Keywords:St. George, dragon, Slovenian folklore prose, story


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