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Title:Osveščenost staršev o možnosti cepljenja dečkov proti okužbi s humani papiloma virusi
Authors:ID Brglez, Maruša (Author)
ID Kegl, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Trstenjak Teohareva, Milica (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Brglez_Marusa_2019.pdf (806,86 KB)
MD5: 20A0E94DE54379EF4D98372BABD92540
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/381e6797-a62b-4da6-b68d-6330154fd7ed
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretično izhodišče: Okužba s humani papiloma virusi je ena izmed najpogostejših spolno prenosljivih bolezni s katero se vsaj enkrat v življenju okuži večina spolno aktivnih ljudi. Ocenjuje se, da je po svetu 75 % spolno aktivnih ljudi okuženih s humani papiloma virusi. Okužba se širi z vaginalnimi, analnimi in oralnimi spolnimi odnosi in povzroča težave pri moških in ženskah. Pred okužbo pa se lahko preventivno zaščitimo s cepljenjem. Za deklice je cepljenje brezplačno in prostovoljno v 6. razredu osnovne šole za dečke pa samoplačniško. Cepljenje je priporočljivo tudi za dečke, saj lahko okužba pri moških vodi do rakavih obolenj (rakava obolenja glave in vratu, ustno-žrelni rak, rak penisa in rak zadnjika). Raziskovalne metode: Za teoretični del smo uporabili opisno oz. deskriptivno metodo dela, za empirični del pa kvantitativno metodologijo. Anketne vprašalnike je rešilo 70 staršev prvošolcev, ki so prišli na sistematični pregled. Pridobljene rezultate smo nato statistično analizirali in grafično ponazorili. Rezultati: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da so starši slabo osveščeni, saj 74 % staršev pred reševanjem anketnega vprašalnika ni vedelo, da se pred okužbo lahko cepijo tudi dečki. Starši tudi na sistematičnem pregledi ne dobijo priporočila od zdravstvenih delavcev o možnosti cepljenja dečkov, zato največ podatkov pridobijo na nestrokovnih internetnih straneh. Prav tako si starši želijo, da bi zdravstveni delavci bolj promovirali cepljenje za dečke. Diskusija in zaključek: Pomembno je, da zdravstveni delavci osveščajo in promovirajo cepljenje pred humani papiloma virusi za deklice in dečke. Tako bodo ne samo starši ampak tudi najstniki vedno bolj informirani o boleznih, ki jih povzročajo okužbe s humani papiloma virusi. S tem pridobljenim znanjem se bodo starši tudi lažje odločili za cepljenje in bodo v prihodnje poskrbeli za varno spolnost svojih otrok.
Keywords:vloga zdravstvenih delavcev, priporočeno cepljenje obeh spolov, spolno prenosljiva okužba, rakava obolenja, cepiva.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Brglez]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73784 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2514852 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.09.2019
BRGLEZ, Maruša, 2019, Osveščenost staršev o možnosti cepljenja dečkov proti okužbi s humani papiloma virusi [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Brglez. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73784
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Secondary language

Title:Parents` awareness of the possibility of vaccinating boys against human papillomavirus infection
Abstract:Theoretical background: Human papillomavirus infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases; most of sexually active people are infected with it at least once in their lifetime. It is estimated that 75% of sexually active people worldwide are infected with human papillomavirus. The infection spreads through vaginal, anal and oral sex and causes problems in men and women. The vaccination can prevent this infection. For girls, vaccination is free and voluntary in the 6th grade of the elementary school for boys is self-pay. Vaccination is also recommended for boys; infection in man can lead to cancer diseases (cancer of the head and neck, oropharyngeal cancer, penile cancer and the anus cancer). Research methods: In the theoretical part we used descriptive method of work and in the empirical part a quantitative methodology. The survey questionnaires were resolved by 70 parents of first-grade students who came for a systematic review. The obtained results were then statistically analyzed and graphically illustrated. Results: Research found that parents are poorly informed because 74 % of parents before addressing the questionnaire did not know that boys can also be vaccinated. Parents also do not receive recommendations from healthcare professionals about the possibility of vaccinating boys, which is why they obtain most data on non-professional websites. Parents also want that health professionals more promote vaccination for boys. Discussion and conclusion: It is important that health professionals increase and promote vaccination against human papillomavirus for girls and boys. So parents and adolescent have more informations about the diseases caused by human papillomavirus infections. With this acquired knowledge, parents will also be more likely to decide to vaccinate and in the future will ensure the safety of their children sexual relations
Keywords:the role of health professionals, recommended vaccination for both genders, sexually transmitted infection, cancerous diseases, vaccine.


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