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Title:Organiziranost internistične obravnave pacienta na urgenci
Authors:ID Šporčić, Nataša (Author)
ID Ovsenik, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Škufca Sterle, Mateja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Sporcic_Natasa_2019.pdf (4,15 MB)
MD5: D774E1A1BA37E602715680F42ADDFBE0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/5d52b883-12c8-45be-bf32-63bbade86f94
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MD5: 77F18A6F2AA08ECB3743180C7644AF08
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cd86d05c-64ae-4111-bbef-ecb811ac72f7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Delitev urgence na posamezne odseke (IPP, SNMP, Nevrologija itd.) povzroča razdrobljenost in zmanjša učinkovitost urgentne obravnave pacientov. Prihaja do podvajanja pregledov, dodatnih poti, izgube podatkov. Posledica tega je velika izguba časa, predvsem pa tveganje za zdravje in življenje. V nalogi smo izdelali koncept modela internistične obravnave pacientov na urgenci in predlog novega pristopa, ki temelji na osnovi subjektivne analize in poznavanja problematike v navedenem okolju. Proučili smo tudi, ali smo z uvedbo Manchesterskega triažnega sistema (MTS) znižali čas obravnave pacientov na urgenci. Izdelali smo podroben opis in analizo procesa s pomočjo tehnik modeliranja procesa in metodologije ARIS. Identificirali smo ponovljive procese (pet predlogov), ki so zaradi podvajanj podvrženi prenovi. Za analizo kvantitativnih podatkov smo uporabili SPSS 24 in T-test ene spremenljivke ter s pomočjo inferenčne statistične metode izračunali odstopanja od mejnih vrednosti časovne obravnave po posameznih triažnih kategorijah v analiziranem obdobju. Ugotovili smo mnogo podvajanj v procesu, ki podaljšajo čas obravnave. Pokazale so se kritične točke sistema, ki so bile podvržene prenovi. Analiza dokumentacije za obdobje od 1.1. do 31.5.2017 in enako obdobje leto kasneje pa je pokazala, da je kljub uvedbi MTS časovna obravnava pacienta na urgenci bistveno daljša, kot jo določajo normativi posamezne triažne skupine. Na podlagi posnetka stanja in upoštevanja omejitev je treba proces internistične obravnave pacienta na urgenci preoblikovati tako, da ob njegovi implementaciji pacientu prihranimo čas, znižamo stroške in dvignemo organizacijo na višjo raven kakovosti v danem okolju. Predstavljeni predlog pri tem lahko služi kot izhodišče.
Keywords:internistična obravnava pacienta, urgenca, analiza procesa, metodologija ARIS, prenova procesa
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Šporčić]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73774 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2513828 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.07.2019
ŠPORČIĆ, Nataša, 2019, Organiziranost internistične obravnave pacienta na urgenci [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : N. Šporčić. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73774
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Secondary language

Title:Internistic organization of patient treatment in the emergency department
Abstract:The emergency department division into individual sections (IPP, SNMP, neurology…) presents partition and reduces efficiency in urgent patient treatment. Consequently a duplication of medical examinations, extra pathways and loss of data occur which result in waste of time and it mainly poses a risk to life. A new concept proposal of internistic patient treatment model in the emergency department and an insight into new treatment approach was carried out on the basis of subjective analysis and the knowledge of issues in stated (present) setting. We exsamined wherher the Manchester Triage System (MTS) introduction reduced the patient treatment time in the emergency depatment. A detailed description and the process analysis with process modelling techniques and ARIS methodology was alaborated. Repeatable process (five propositions) which are due to duplication a subject of renewal were identified. Statistical program SPSS 24 and one variable T-test were used for the quantitative data analyse. The inferential statistical method helped us to calculate derogations from patient treatment time limit values according to specific triage categories (until umbulatory check-up) in the examined period. We have established that many duplications in the process extend the time patient treatment. Some critical system points that are due to a subject of renewal came forth. The analysis of the documentation for the period 1 January to 31 May 2017 and for identical period of one year later showed that the patient treatment time in the emergency department is significantly longer as determined by norms for specific triage category. According to the snapshot situation and compliance with limits, it is necessary to amend the process of internistic patient treatment in the emergency department in order to reduce the treatment time, the costs and increase the organisation quality level. The presented proposal can be used as a starting point.
Keywords:internistic patient treatment, urgency, process analysis, ARIS methodology, process renovation.


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