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Title:Zahteve in pričakovanja mikropodjetja do poslovne programske opreme: analiza primera
Authors:ID Pirš, Žiga (Author)
ID Perko, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pirs_Ziga_2019.pdf (2,75 MB)
MD5: 2547C81A5F7627865973F2D3D4503708
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/9c985e23-9dc0-4514-aed8-e5aac4d63ce6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Podjetja dandanes v svoje poslovanje neprestano vnašajo spremembe, s katerimi odpravljajo pomanjkljivosti, preprečujejo stagnacijo in se z njimi razvijajo. V želji po čim boljšem poslovanju nenehno ugotavljajo, kaj bi bilo možno izboljšati in na kakšen način to doseči. S spremembami, prilagajanjem in prenovo poslovnih procesov si podjetja želijo cenejše, hitrejše in bolj kakovostno poslovanje, s ciljem povečati konkurenčnost na neizprosnem trgu. Prenova poslovnih procesov je v trenutni dobi tehnološkega napredka za podjetja postala še toliko pomembnejša, saj je digitalizacija prinesla in omogočila številne izboljšave na vseh področjih poslovanja. Te se odražajo v večji učinkovitosti pri delu, ki vodi v boljše poslovne izide. V namen doseganja le teh, so bile razvite številne programske opreme in rešitve. V magistrski nalogi se ukvarjamo s primerom mikropodjetja, ki si želi sprememb na področju poslovanja, v smislu uvedbe programske rešitve, ki bi digitalizirala in posodobila trenutne zamudne in zastarele procese. Skozi magistrsko nalogo raziskujemo področno teorijo in analiziramo primer ter ugotavljamo ali je v analizirano mikropodjetje primerno uvesti vzorčno programsko rešitev. V prvem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili področje analize zahtev, kot ene izmed začetnih faz pri uvajanju poslovne rešitve, poslovne procese, poslovne informacijske sisteme in mikropodjetja. V drugem delu magistrske naloge smo opravili analizo zahtev na primeru mikropodjetja, ki smo jo začeli z analizo trenutnega poslovanja. Nadaljevali smo z zbiranjem zahtev in pričakovanj ter jih uredili v končno specifikacijo zahtev in pričakovanj analiziranega mikropodjetja do programske opreme. Po pregledu ponudbe na trgu smo izbrali vzorčno ERP rešitev in pridobljene funkcionalne zahteve primerjali s funkcionalnostjo rešitve. Ugotovili smo, da rešitev zadošča zahtevam in pričakovanjem lastnika mikropodjetja ter tako prišli do sklepa, da je ERP rešitev v analizirano mikropodjetje primerno in smiselno uvesti.
Keywords:analiza zahtev, mikropodjetje, poslovanje, poslovni proces, programska oprema, ERP rešitev
Place of publishing:Poljčane
Publisher:[Ž. Pirš]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73647 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13376540 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.08.2019
PIRŠ, Žiga, 2019, Zahteve in pričakovanja mikropodjetja do poslovne programske opreme: analiza primera [online]. Master’s thesis. Poljčane : Ž. Pirš. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73647
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Secondary language

Title:Requirements and expectations for micro-enterprise to business software: a case analysis
Abstract:Nowadays, companies are continuously making changes in their business to address the shortcomings and prevent stagnation. In order to achieve better business results, they continually identify what could be improved and how to achieve that. By renovating, adapting and updating business processes, companies strive towards cheaper, faster and better business processes, with the aim of increasing competitiveness in the relentless market. In the current era of technological advancement and digitalization, renovation of business processes has become even more important. These reflects in greater efficiency in work, which leads to better business outcomes. In order to achieve this, many software solutions have been developed. In the master's thesis, we examine a micro-enterprise aiming to make business process changes by implementing software solution that would digitalize and update current time consuming and outdated processes. Through the master's thesis, we explore the field theory, analyze the case and determine whether it is appropriate to implement a sample software solution into the analyzed micro-enterprise. In the first part of the master's thesis, we introduced theory on field of requirements analysis as one of the initial stages in implementing business solutions and presented business processes, business information systems and micro-enterprises. In the second part, we analyzed the requirements of a micro-enterprise. We started with the analysis of the current business processes, continued with the gathering of requirements and expectations by conducting interviews, which we then arranged in the final specification of the requirements and expectations for analyzed micro-enterprise to business software. After market research, we chose a sample ERP solution and compared it to the functional requirements with the functionality of the solution. We found that the solution meets most of the requirements and thus concluded that the ERP solution is appropriate and reasonable to be implemented into the analyzed micro-enterprise.
Keywords:requirement analysis, micro-enterprise, business, business process, software, ERP solution


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