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Title:Vloga komuniciranja pri obvladovanju konfliktov in procesu pogajanj
Authors:ID Mihev, Maja (Author)
ID Šarotar Žižek, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Tominc, Polona (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Mihev_Maja_2019.pdf (1,43 MB)
MD5: DBEE80ECD61741075D80B72F26D24448
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/bf5414c4-0e71-4ea8-a90d-b40de40d483a
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, in sicer teoretičnega in empiričnega. Teoretični del magistrskega dela je razdeljen na tri dele, tako zajema glavna teoretična izhodišča proučevanja komuniciranja, konfliktov in pogajanj. Empirični del magistrskega dela zajema predstavljene rezultate raziskave, katero smo izvedli v dveh (podjetje A in podjetje B) malih, po dejavnosti različnih podjetjih iz območja koroške regije v Sloveniji. Cilj je bil raziskati, kakšno vlogo ima komuniciranje pri obvladovanju konfliktov in procesov pogajanj v enem in drugem podjetju ter medsebojna primerjava pridobljenih rezultatov obeh podjetij. Podali smo tudi priporočila za izboljšavo stanja v posameznem podjetju. Komuniciranje se nam na nek način zdi povsem preprosto, saj večina meni, da je to prirojena sposobnost. Po drugi plati pa smo spoznali, da pa le ni vse tako enostavno, kot se sliši. Ugotovili smo, da je učinkovitost naše komunikacije odvisna od mnogih raznolikih dejavnikov. Težko je reči, kakšno komuniciranje je »pravo«. Poznamo vrsto vzorcev, kateri odražajo sposobnosti in določene lastnosti sodelujočih v komunikacijskem procesu, njihova stališča, veščine in izkušnje. Prišli smo do spoznanja, da v obeh analiziranih podjetjih zaposleni v veliki meri uporabljajo veščine komuniciranja kot osnovno orodje dobrega vodenja in uspešnega dela vseh zaposlenih. V uporabi le-teh se zaposleni obeh podjetij ne razlikujejo. Tako zaposleni vedo v pravem trenutku jasno povedati pravo stvar, v pravem trenutku pa znajo tudi poslušati. V procesu komuniciranja pa so zaposleni pozorni tudi na neverbalno komunikacijo. Torej znajo zavestno izpeljati primerno prilagojeno komunikacijo. Spoznali smo tudi, da v podjetjih ne poteka vedno vse tako, kot smo si zamislili, kajti v njih sodelujejo ljudje z različnimi mišljenji, prioritetami in cilji. Teh je vse več, zato je tudi konflikt vse obsežnejši pojav današnjega časa. Seveda pa se cilji posameznikov razlikujejo od ciljev podjetja. Prav tako se razlikujejo cilji vsakega posameznika, zato hitro pride do konfliktnega stanja v podjetju. Kar pa ne smemo jemati kot nekaj nenavadnega, saj so konfliktne situacije del večine odnosov v podjetju. Zaposleni obeh analiziranih podjetij v veliki meri uporabljajo veščine obvladovanja konfliktov, vendar pa je uporaba le-teh med zaposlenimi enega in drugega podjetja drugačna. Spoznali smo tudi, da pojav konfliktov v podjetju nima le negativnega vpliva, saj lahko pogosto sprejmemo konflikt kot pozitiven pojav, ki vzpodbuja ustvarjalno reševanje problemov, katerega posledica so pozitivne spremembe v podjetju. Pomembno pa je, da znajo zaposleni konflikt pravočasno prepoznati in ga po najkrajši poti tudi odpraviti. Ljudje so se kdar koli v zgodovini svojega obstoja pogajali. Tudi danes se vsakodnevno srečujemo z veščinami pogajanja, ko se npr. pogajamo z družinskimi člani, med katerimi nas vežejo pomembne odločitve in interesi, v službi se pogajamo z nadrejenimi za boljši položaj v podjetju in o višini plače, pogajamo se tudi s konkurenco in se borimo za lastne koristi … Tudi zaposleni obeh analiziranih podjetij v veliki meri uporabljajo pogajalske veščine. Lahko rečemo, da je pogajanje stalen proces v življenju vsakega posameznika. Kljub razvoju tehnologije še ne poznamo naprave, ki bi lahko nadomestila človeška pogajanja, kajti ne poznamo alternative človeškemu umu. Vseeno pa nam je tehnologija v veliko pomoč pri hranjenju, urejanju in varovanju različnih podatkov in dokumentov.
Keywords:Komuniciranje, konflikt, pogajanje, proces, podjetje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Mihev]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73598 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13379612 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.08.2019
MIHEV, Maja, 2019, Vloga komuniciranja pri obvladovanju konfliktov in procesu pogajanj [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : M. Mihev. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73598
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Secondary language

Title:The role of communication in conflict management and the negotiation process
Abstract:The master's thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical. Theoretical part of the master's thesis is divided into three parts, thus covering the main theoretical starting points for the study of communication, conflicts and negotiations. The empirical part of the master's thesis includes the presented results of the research, which we carried out in two small by activity different companies (company A and company B) from the region of the Koroška region in Slovenia. The aim was to investigate the role of communication in the management of conflicts and negotiation processes in the first and the second company and the comparison of the obtained results of both companies. We also made recommendations for improving the situation in a particular company. In some ways, it seems that communication is quite simple to us, as most people think that communication is a genetic ability. On the other hand, we realized that it's not all that easy as it sounds. We have found that the effectiveness of our communication depends on many different factors. It's hard to say what kind of communication is "right". We know only a number of patterns that reflect the abilities and characteristics of those involved in the communication process, their views, skills and experiences. We have come to the realization that in both analyzed companies, employees use communication skills as a basic tool of good governance and a successful work of all employees. The employees of both companies do not differ in their use. Thus, employees know the right thing to say at the right time, and at the right moment they can also listen. In the process of communication, employees also pay attention to non-verbal communication. So they knowingly know how to properly communicate. We also learned that companies do not always work everything the way we thought it would, because people involved have different opinions, priorities and goals. These are more and more, therefore, the conflict is an ever-increasing phenomenon of today's time. Of course, the goals of individuals differ from the goals of the company, but also the goals of each individual are different, and the company's conflict situation is rapidly taking place. But what should not be taken as something unusual, since conflict situations are "an integral part" of most relationships in the company. Employees of both analyzed companies use conflict management skills to a large extent, but their use is different between employees of both companies. We also realized that the phenomenon of conflicts in the company has not only a negative impact, but often we can accept the conflict as a positive phenomenon. It stimulates creative solving of problems, which results in positive changes in the company. It is important, however, that they know the employees recognize the conflict in time and resolve it in the shortest possible way. Through all time periods, people have been and will be constantly negotiating. From day to day, we are faced with negotiation skills when we negotiate with family members, about important decisions and interests, we negotiate with our superiors for a better position in the company and the level of salary, we also negotiate with competition and fight for your own benefit. The employees of both analyzed companies also use bargaining skills to a large extent. So we can say that negotiation is a constant process in every individual's life. Despite the development of technology, we do not yet know a device that could replace human negotiation skills, because we do not know the alternative to the human mind. However, our technology is very helpful in storing, editing and protecting various data and documents.
Keywords:communication, conflict, negotiation, process, company


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