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Title:Obvladovanje konfliktov v organizaciji
Authors:ID Mlakar, Laura (Author)
ID Potočan, Vojko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Mlakar_Laura_2019.pdf (1,50 MB)
MD5: 07EA11D30C023ED6F0EF2BD46DA37A99
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/478a6e7c-2b03-4737-a603-fe9e2945ece6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V današnjem stresnem okolju so udeleženci organizacij zelo obremenjeni z nasprotji v odnosih z drugimi. Organizacije se zavedajo, da so medosebni odnosi med zaposlenimi izredno pomembni, dejstvo pa je, da imamo ljudje različne interese, misli, želje in ne nazadnje tudi različne zmožnosti. Konflikt v organizaciji lahko nastane v osebi sami, najpogosteje pa se pojavlja med dvema ali več osebami. Glavni razlog, zakaj do konflikta sploh prihaja, pa je vsekakor različnost ljudi. Ritem življenja je zelo dinamičen, še posebej na delovnem mestu. Zaradi želje po uspehu, dokazovanju in pretiranem tekmovanju med zaposlenimi prihaja do konfliktov. Za organizacijo je najpomembneje, da konflikte hitro prepozna in začne z reševanjem le-teh, saj je reševanje izredno oteženo, ko se konflikt razširi na večjo skupino ljudi. Pravočasno rešeni konflikti omogočajo organizaciji doseganje razvojnih možnosti. Posledično vodstvo organizacije vedno več časa in denarja posveča zaposlenim, ki so ključno področje za uspeh organizacije. Zaposleni zmorejo dosegati dobre delovne rezultate samo v primeru, ko se dobro počutijo in so zadovoljni. Pri reševanju konfliktov ima pomembno vlogo komunikacija, ki jo lahko opredelimo kot način sporazumevanja med osebami. Pri komuniciranju je najbolj pomembno, da določeno sporočilo enako razumeta obe strani, ki sta vključeni v komunikacijo. V nalogi bomo predstavili oblike komuniciranja ter motnje in ovire, ki se pojavljajo med komuniciranjem. Magistrska naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov. Prvi del je teoretičen, kjer so podrobneje predstavljeni konflikti v organizacijah, izhodišča za obravnavo konfliktov, ter njihove temeljne značilnosti. Predstavljeno je tudi reševanje konfliktov v organizaciji ter značilnost poteka samega reševanja. Sledi vloga komunikacije v reševanju konfliktov in natančneje pojasnjeno reševanje konflikta s pomočjo komuniciranja. V teoretičnem delu se bomo natančneje posvetili konfliktom med delovnimi skupinami in poteku reševanja le teh. Drugi del magistrske naloge je empiričen del, kjer so predstavljena izhodišča za raziskavo, predstavitev organizacije v kateri smo opravili raziskavo, prikaz in obravnavo rezultatov raziskave, nato sledijo predlogi za izboljšanje komuniciranja v reševanju konfliktov v omenjeni organizaciji.
Keywords:konflikt, vzroki konfliktov, reševanje konfliktov, konflikt med delovnimi skupinami, komunikacija, reševanje konflikta s pomočjo komunikacije.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Mlakar]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73592 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13356060 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.07.2019
MLAKAR, Laura, 2019, Obvladovanje konfliktov v organizaciji [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : L. Mlakar. [Accessed 20 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73592
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Licensing start date:21.05.2019

Secondary language

Title:Managing conflicts in company
Abstract:In today's stressful environment the participants in organisations are very burdened with contradictions in relations with others. The organisations are aware that interpersonal relations beetwen employees is of utmost importance but the fact of the matter is that people have different interests, thoughts, whishes and last but not least different capabilities. Conflict in an organisation can therefore arise in the person alone but most commonly it appears beetwen two or more people. The main reason as to why conflicts even start is definitely the diversity of people. The pace of life is very dynamic especially in the workplace. Conflicts arrise because of the dessire for success, proving oneself and excessive competition beetwen employees. The most important part fort the organisation is to recognise conflicts and start solving them because the solving becomes difficult when the conflict expands on a bigger group of people. Conflicts that are resolved at the right time enable the organisation to achieve developmental opportunities. Consequently the leadership of the organisation is dedicating more time and funds to the employees that are vital fort he success of the organisation. Communication, which can be defined as a way of interacting between people, has an important role in solving conflicts. The most important part in communication is that both sides that are involved in it, understand the message the same way. In this assingment we are going to present the different types of communication as well as disturbances and obstacles which can occur during communication. The masters thesis consists of two parts, the first part is theoretical in which there is a detailed presentation of conflicts in organisations, starting points for handling conflicts and their basic characteristics as well as the resolution of conflicts in an organisation and the characteristics of solving them. After that the role of communication in solving conflicts and a detailed explanation of solving conflicts with the help of communication. In the theoretical part we will focus on conflicts between working groups and the process of solving them. The second part of the masters thesis is the empirical part in which there are presented research findings, presentation of organisation in which we have made our research, display and address of the results of the research followed by suggestions as to how to improve communication in solving conflicts in the organisation mentioned above.
Keywords:conflict, causes of conflict, conflict resolution, conflicts between work groups, communication, resolution of conflicts with the help of communication.


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