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Title:Preoksigenacija med zaprto aspiracijo umetne dihalne poti
Authors:ID Justin, Anton (Author)
ID Križmarić, Miljenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kadivec, Saša (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Justin_Anton_2019.pdf (1,43 MB)
MD5: D954205091303057C1DEEBD809812739
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a6336ea2-82e0-413c-908a-ecd92de21b7d
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Med izvajanjem aspiracije dihalnih poti z zaprtim aspiracijskim sistemom se bolnike z vzpostavljeno umetno dihalno potjo preoksigenira. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali je preoksigenacija med aspiracijo potrebna. Raziskovalna metodologija in metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodi dela. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo kontrolne liste. Vzorec je zajemal 30 bolnikov z vstavljeno dihalno cevjo, pri katerih je bilo izvedenih in analiziranih 180 vzorcev arterielne krvi. Vsakemu bolniku je bilo odvzetih 6 vzorcev arterielne krvi: 3 vzorci z izvedeno preoksigenacijo s 100-odstotnim kisikom in 3 vzorci brez preoksigenacije. Vzorci so bili odvzeti pred aspiracijo, 2 in 10 minut po aspiraciji. Za analizo podatkov so bili izvedeni test ANOVA, Student t-parni test in Hi-kvadrat test. Rezultati raziskave so bili analizirani s pomočjo programa SPSS 22.0. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali statistično pomembne razlike v parcialnem tlaku kisika (p < 0,001), v primeru izvajanja preoksigenacije, pred aspiracijo (n = 9,83 kPa) in 2 minuti po aspiraciji (n = 14,66 kPa). Brez preoksigenacije je bila vrednost saturacije v različnih časovnih obdobjih enaka (n = 94 %). Diskusija in zaključek: Raziskava je pokazala, da preoksigenacija med izvajanjem aspiracije z zaprtim aspiracijskim sistemom pri bolniku, ki ima vstavljeno dihalno cev, daje statistično pomembne višje vrednosti parcialnega tlaka kisika.
Keywords:zaprta aspiracija, dihalna cev, preoksigenacija, plinska analiza, arterijska kri, enota intenzivne terapije
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Justin]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73443 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2498980 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.06.2019
JUSTIN, Anton, 2019, Preoksigenacija med zaprto aspiracijo umetne dihalne poti [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : A. Justin. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73443
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Secondary language

Title:Pre-Oxygenation betwen closed suction of tracheal tube
Abstract:Background: During the aspiration procedure using a closed suction system, the patients with an artificial airway are preoxygenated. The aim of this study was to determine if the preoxygenation before and during aspiration is necessary. Methods: The research was based on the quantitative method. Data was gathered using a checklist. The sample included 30 patients with an inserted tracheal tube. A total of 180 arterial blood samples were taken for blood gas analysis, i.e. 6 for each patient. Of those 6 samples, 3 were taken without preoxygenation, namely one sample before aspiration, the second sample 2 minutes after aspiration and the third sample 10 minutes after aspiration. The other three samples were taken from a patient preoxygenated using 100% oxygen at the same time intervals. Data analysis was conducted by means of the ANOVA test, the t-test and the chi-squared test using SPSS 22.0 software. Results: The results show statistically significant differences in the partial oxygen pressure (p<0.001), in cases where preoxygenation was used, before aspiration (n=9.83 kPa) and 2 minutes after aspiration (n=14.66 kPa). Oxygen saturation remained the same across all time intervals in the samples taken without preoxygenation (n=94%). Discussion: The research has shown that preoxygenation during aspiration using a closed suction system in patients with an inserted tracheal tube gives statistically significant higher values of partial arterial oxygen pressure.
Keywords:closed suction system, tracheal tube, preoxygenation, gas analysis, arterial blood, intensive care unit


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