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Title:Lutkovna predstava za otroke
Authors:ID Brezovšek, Katja (Author)
ID Šinko, Sabina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Brezovsek_Katja_2019.pdf (1,36 MB)
MD5: 705FCD29B28D797DA63B66412871681C
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/16ddae1a-1362-4676-a366-d27fd0c06ef2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Diplomsko delo z naslovom Lutkovna predstava za otroke na podlagi strokovne literature, knjig, člankov in internetnih virov preučuje teoretične osnove lutke in lutkovne predstave ter njenega poteka. Lutke vključujejo in povezuje veliko področij. Diplomsko delo je teoretično. Delo obravnava lutke, lutkovno predstavo in njen potek, kar otroci spoznajo že v predšolskem obdobju. Z lutko se otroci počutijo varne in tako lahko postane njihova vsakodnevna prijateljica. Z njo lahko dosežejo ali odkrijejo nekaj novega ali pa obnovijo nekaj že znanega. Lutka jih popelje v svet domišljije in tako lahko z njo veliko lažje dosežejo zastavljene cilje. Pravljični liki pa se prek pesmi, barv, gibanja in besede približajo otroku in tako prenašajo pomembne življenjske vsebine. Z lutko vzgojitelji ali lutkovni igralci nastopajo pred otroki v vrtcu, v gledališču ali kjer koli, kjer si pripravijo oder za lutkovno predstavo. Predstave so otrokom prirejene glede na njihovo starostno obdobje in njihova dojemanja sveta, lutke. Za začetek in navdih pa si je mogoče ogledati kakšno lutkovno predstavo v samem lutkovnem gledališču. Najprej se je treba lotiti teme in besedila, kasneje pa izdelave lutk, scene, glasbe, osvetljave, ki se seveda vežejo na temo lutkovne predstave. Za nastanek le-te sta potrebna skrbno načrtovanje in priprava, da ob izvedbi predstave gledalcu pusti pozitiven vtis, vznemirjenje in ustvarjalnost.
Keywords:Otrok, lutke, lutkovne tehnike, lutkovna predstava, gledališče, nastanek lutkovne predstave
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Brezovšek]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73289 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24534536 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.05.2019
BREZOVŠEK, Katja, 2019, Lutkovna predstava za otroke [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : K. Brezovšek. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73289
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Secondary language

Title:A puppet show for children
Abstract:The following thesis A Puppet Show for Children is based on technical literature, books, articles and internet sources. It studies the basics of puppets and puppet show and its course. Puppets are included in a lot of areas. The thesis’ approach is theoretical. Puppets, puppet show and its course are discussed. Children usually get acquainted with them in the preschool already. Puppets give children a safe environment and a puppet can become their everyday friend. It can be used to achieve something new or to remember a familiar thing. Puppet takes the children to an imaginary world and it is easier for them to achieve important goals. Fairy-tale characters become closer to children through songs, colours, motion and words and give them important message for their lives. Preschool teachers or puppeteers use puppets to perform in a kindergarten, a theatre or anywhere on a stage. Puppet shows are adapted to different age groups, considering the children’s perception of life and puppet itself. It is good to watch a puppet show in a theatre for the beginning and inspiration. Firstly, it is important to make up a theme and a text and later to create puppets, scene, music, lighting which all depend on the theme of the show. It takes good planning and preparation to create a puppet show which leaves a good impression, excitement and creativity in a spectator.
Keywords:child, puppets, puppet technics, puppet show, theatre, making of a puppet show.


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