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Title:Povezanost dejavnikov notranjega marketinga v podjetju imagine
Authors:ID Leskovar, Tadeja (Author)
ID Milfelner, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Leskovar_Tadeja_2019.pdf (1,64 MB)
MD5: C326CE45EB7B86080097E51F5EA96F9F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2d7f334c-891f-4a33-88ad-8608cb157aba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Za uspešno poslovanje podjetja in doseganje strateških ciljev je pomembno, da so cilji in vizija podjetja skladni s cilji in vizijo zaposlenih. Vse večji pomen zato pripisujemo notranjemu marketingu, ki ustvarja marketinško naravnano organizacijsko kulturo. Njegova naloga je izobraževanje, usposabljanje, motiviranje zaposlenih in usklajevanje njihove vizije in delovnega procesa. Razumevanje koncepta notranjega marketinga pomeni zavedanje, da so lahko zaposleni vir konkurenčne prednosti. Notranji marketing teži k povečevanju zadovoljstva zaposlenih, saj le zadovoljni zaposleni lahko zadovoljstvo širijo med zunanje odjemalce. Cilj notranjega marketinga je zadovoljiti potrebe zaposlenih na delovnem mestu in jih motivirati za zadovoljevanje potreb zunanjih odjemalcev. Gre za ustvarjanje marketinško naravnane organizacijske kulture. Takšno osredotočanje notranjega marketinga na menjavo med podjetjem in zaposlenimi na notranjem trgu imenujemo notranja tržna naravnanost. Obravnavajo jo številni avtorji, ki zagovarjajo njene prednosti in pozitivne učinke na podjetja. V magistrskem delu smo se lotili merjenja notranje tržne naravnanosti v malem slovenskem podjetju, rezultate pa predstavili in interpretirali. Povprečne ocene rezultatov raziskave so pokazale, da je notranja tržna naravnanost v podjetju prisotna in jo zaposleni tudi zaznavajo. Zadovoljstvo na delovnem mestu je v povprečju visoko, splošno so zaposleni zadovoljni na delovnem mestu. Ugotovili smo, da so komponente notranje tržne naravnanosti med seboj povezane, ter da so vse tri komponente povezane tudi z zadovoljstvom zaposlenih. Podjetju smo predlagali, da neprestano stremi k izboljševanju komunikacije med zaposlenimi in managementom, ter izboljša usposabljanje zaposlenih, kjer so bile povprečne vrednosti odgovorov nižje.
Keywords:notranji marketing, notranja tržna naravnanost, organizacijska kultura, uspešnost organizacije, zadovoljstvo odjemalcev
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Leskovar]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73116 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13330460 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.05.2019
LESKOVAR, Tadeja, 2018, Povezanost dejavnikov notranjega marketinga v podjetju imagine [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : T. Leskovar. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73116
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Secondary language

Title:Relationships between internal marketing factors in imagine company
Abstract:With a view to ensuring successful business operation along with reaching strategic goals of a company it is essential to make company vision and goals compatible with those of the employees. Internal marketing is therefore gaining an ever more important ground as it creates market-oriented organization culture. Internal marketing (IM) is responsible for the employees' education, training and motivation together with coordination of their vision and the work process. Understanding the IM concept means awareness of the human resource being a potential source of competitive advantage. IM aims at enhancing the employees' satisfaction since the latter proves to be a vital requirement for spreading the spirit of contentment among the company’s external customers. The goal of IM activities is to satisfy the needs of the employees at work and to encourage them to meet the demands of external customers. The intention is to create market-oriented organization culture. IM focus laid on the exchange between the company and its employees within the internal market is referred to as internal market orientation. The topic has been explored by numerous authors who speak in favour of the internal market orientation benefits and a positive impact exerted on the companies. The current Master's thesis encompasses internal market orientation assessment within a small Slovene company along with the presentation and interpretation of the results. Average result estimation of the research points to the presence of the company internal market orientation which is also perceived by the employees. Work satisfaction average rating proves to be high; the employees are generally satisfied at their work place. The findings demonstrate a correlation of the internal market orientation components, with all three of them being also cross-connected to the employees’ satisfaction. Our recommendation to the company involves permanent striving towards improving the communication between the employees and the management, in addition to making headway in the domain of employee training which shows lower average response assessment values.
Keywords:internal marketing, internal market orientation, organization culture, organizational performance, customer satisfaction


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