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Title:Upoštevanje učnih stilov pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli
Authors:ID Pokrivač, Tina (Author)
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ID Kolnik, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pokrivac_Tina_2019.pdf (2,60 MB)
MD5: 88DAD47DEC1FE195AEC56D6049DB28C8
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a8c33c23-ef5c-44fb-951b-540b8a7f0510
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Raziskovalna tema magistrske naloge se navezuje na zastopanost učnih stilov pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli, ki jih predvideva Učni načrt za predmet geografija v osnovni šoli (2011). Cilj naloge je bil raziskati, v kolikšni meri učni načrt upošteva razlikovanje med različnimi učnimi stili učencev pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli. Da bi odgovorili na raziskovalno vprašanje, je bila opravljena analiza operativnih učnih ciljev in vsebine učnega načrta za pouk geografije v slovenski osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem delu smo sprva opredelili pojme učenje, poučevanje in učni stili. Nadalje smo opredelili različne vrste učnih stilov, pri čemer smo se podrobneje posvetili delitvi na vizualni, avditivni in motorični učni stil ter pouk geografije. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge smo na osnovi analize Učnega načrta za predmet geografija v osnovni šoli (2011) proučevali številčno zastopanost in vrste učnih ciljev glede na prisotnost posameznih stilov ter njihovo uravnoteženost v celotnem obsegu za pouk geografije v osnovni šoli. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali didaktična priporočila v učnem načrtu za pouk geografije v osnovni šoli z vidika učnih stilov ter na podlagi ugotovitev analize učnega načrta oblikovali napotke za učitelje geografije v osnovni šoli. Na podlagi rezultatov smo ugotovili, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike v pogostosti izbranih učni stilov. V učnem načrtu za pouk geografije največ operativnih ciljev ni natančno opredeljenih glede na predlagano vrsto učnega stila. Izmed treh opredeljenih učnih stilov je najpogosteje zastopan vizualni učni stil, nato motorični, najmanj pogost pa je avditivni učni stil. Naš zaključek na osnovi opravljene analize je, da Učnega načrta za predmet geografija v osnovni šoli (2011) ni potrebno popravljati in dopolnjevati v smislu upoštevanja učnih stilov. Neopredeljenost učnih stilov učiteljem namreč prinaša možnosti lastne izbire uporabe učnih stilov glede na posamezne razrede ali skupine učencev.
Keywords:učni stili, pouk, geografija, učitelj, učenec
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Pokrivač]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-73076 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24412424 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.02.2019
POKRIVAČ, Tina, 2019, Upoštevanje učnih stilov pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor : T. Pokrivač. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=73076
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Secondary language

Title:Consideration of learning styles in geography lessons at elementary school
Abstract:The research topic of the master's thesis relates to the representation of learning styles in geography class in elementary school, envisaged by the Curriculum for geography in elementary school (2011). The aim of the thesis was to investigate the extent to which the curriculum takes into account the distinction between the different learning styles of pupils in geography class in elementary school. In order to answer the research question, an analysis of the operational learning objectives and the content of the curriculum for teaching geography in the Slovenian elementary school was carried out. In the theoretical part, we initially defined the concepts of learning, teaching, and learning styles. Furthermore, we defined different types of learning styles, whereby we devoted more attention to the division into the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style and to geography class. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, on the basis of the analysis of the Curriculum for geography in elementary school (2011), we studied the numerical representation and types of learning objectives in relation to the presence of individual styles and their balance in the whole range of geography class in elementary school. In the following, we analyzed didactic recommendations in the curriculum for teaching geography in elementary school from the perspective of learning styles; and based on the findings of the curriculum analysis, we formulated guidelines for geography elementary school teachers. Based on the results, we found that there are statistically significant differences in the frequency of selected learning styles. In the geography curriculum, most of the operational objectives are not precisely defined according to the proposed type of learning style. Of the three defined learning styles, the visual learning style is most often represented, next is the kinesthetic, and the least common is the auditory learning style. Our conclusion on the basis of the analysis carried out is, that the curriculum for the subject of geography in elementary school (2011) does not need to be corrected and complemented in terms of taking into account learning styles. Indetermination of learning styles gives teachers the possibility of their own choice of learning styles according to individual classes or groups of pupils.
Keywords:learning styles, class, geography, teacher, pupil


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