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Title:Digitalizacija SWIFT procesov v bančništvu
Authors:ID Toman, Aljaž (Author)
ID Pucihar, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 0537C6801FFF7EE995EFAAF84F6BBF22
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/2ebea30e-ad09-40b0-b701-4f00ccdc2e23
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava načrtovanje in razvoj rešitve za avtomatizacijo razvrščanja in posredovanja medbančnih SWIFT-sporočil. Predstavljena rešitev digitalizira obstoječe postopke ter nadalje omogoča digitalizacijo povezanih poslovnih procesov. Tematika je obravnavana in predstavljena v konkretnem okolju bančne ustanove ter prilagojena za delovanje v njem. Cilj magistrskega dela je postaviti koncept rešitve, ga podrobno načrtovati ter evalvirati njegovo realizacijo v sodelovanju z Gorenjsko banko, d. d., Kranj. Glavni cilj rešitve je digitalizacija SWIFT-procesov. To zajema popolno digitalizacijo in avtomatizacijo procesa razvrščanja in posredovanja sporočil, poleg tega pa to delno digitalizira tudi vse povezane poslovne procese. Širši cilj rešitve je omogočiti digitalizacijo povezanih poslovnih procesov na račun izločitve papirnih verzij sporočil kot vhodov v posamezne procese. V prvem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljene teoretične osnove digitalne preobrazbe, digitalizacije poslovnih procesov ter brezpapirnega poslovanja, na podlagi katerih je zastavljena ideja za koncept rešitve. Prav tako so predstavljene tehnične teoretične osnove, ki so potrebne za osnovno razumevanje nadaljevanja. Predstavljena sta SWIFT-sistem ter osnovno delovanje izmenjave medbančnih sporočil preko ponudnika deljene SWIFT-infrastrukture. V nadaljevanju je prikazan osnovni koncept rešitve na podlagi proučenih teoretičnih izhodišč in specifik delovanja SWIFT-sistema na tehničnem nivoju v obravnavani organizaciji. Skladno s tem so natančneje definirani procesi, na katere implementacija rešitve vpliva, skupaj z načrtovanim procesom po opravljeni prenovi. Jedro naloge predstavljajo izdelava klasifikacijskega modela, njegovo testiranje ter načrtovanje programske realizacije rešitve. Ta zajema tri različne funkcionalnosti, in sicer klasifikacijo sporočil, njihovo obdelavo in razširitev ter posredovanje na ustrezno mesto. Delovanje rešitve je na koncu predstavljeno s primerom celotne obdelave konkretnega sporočila, ki ga je banka prejela. V zadnjem delu so predstavljeni ocena učinkov, diskusija z možnostmi za nadaljnji razvoj ter pogoji za uvedbo takšne rešitve v poljubno bančno okolje.
Keywords:Digitalizacija poslovnih procesov, brezpapirno poslovanje, SWIFT, avtomatizacija ročnih postopkov
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72778 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:8068371 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.11.2018
TOMAN, Aljaž, 2018, Digitalizacija SWIFT procesov v bančništvu [online]. Master’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72778
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Licensing start date:14.11.2018

Secondary language

Title:Digitalization of SWIFT processes in banking
Abstract:This master’s thesis discusses the planning and development of a solution for the automatization of sorting and forwarding interbank SWIFT messages. The presented solution digitalizes the existing procedures and further enables the digitalization of underlying business processes. The topic is discussed and presented within a specific banking institution and adapted to work in it. The aim of this master’s thesis is to prepare a solution concept, carefully plan it, and evaluate its realization in cooperation with Gorenjska banka d. d., Kranj. The main goal of the solution is the digitalization of the SWIFT processes. This encompasses a complete digitalization and automatization of the process of sorting and forwarding of messages as well as partial digitalization of underlying processes. A wider goal of the solution is to enable the digitalization of underlying business processes in order to eliminate paper messages as inputs to individual processes. In the first part of the master’s thesis, theoretical bases of digital transformation, business processes’ digitalization, and paperless business management, on which the solution concept is founded, are presented. At the same time, technical theoretical bases are described, which are necessary for a basic understanding of the rest of the thesis. This includes a presentation of the SWIFT system and a description of the basic operation of interbank message exchange through a shared SWIFT infrastructure provider. In the next part, the base solution concept is presented based on the studied theoretical grounds and specific functioning of the SWIFT system on a technical level in the studied organization. In accordance with this, the processes, which are affected by the solution, are carefully defined, and the expected process flow after the upgrade is described. The main part of the thesis represents the construction of the classification model, its testing and the design of the solution’s programming realization. This encompasses three different functionalities: the classification of messages, their processing and extensions, and their forwarding to the correct destination. The functioning of the solution is demonstrated with an example of a complete processing of a specific message received by the bank. The last part comprises of a presentation of an impact assessment, a discussion with suggestions for further development, and conditions for the implementation of such solutions in any banking environment.
Keywords:Digitalization of business processes, paperless business, SWIFT, automatization of manual processes


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