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Title:Embalirni sistem za končnega kupca v izbranem podjetju
Authors:ID Korošec, Jožef (Author)
ID Lisec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Šamec, Blaž (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Korosec_Jozef_2018.pdf (4,66 MB)
MD5: 51C388C9F3C8DF3BBC0477A5F9E2CB49
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/6e481930-68d3-486f-841f-3f2ed3ccb8f7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:Embalaža, katere poglavitna naloga je zaščita proizvodov, je s svojo funkcijo eden ključnih elementov proizvodnega procesa, ne glede na vrsto surovine, ki jo obdaja ali vsebuje. V analiziranem primeru je ključnega pomena predvsem suha embalaža, ki ne dopušča vstopa umazanije, prahu in vlage. V nasprotnem primeru je ovit proizvod poškodovan s korozijo in kot takšen neuporaben za končnega kupca. Embalažo je potrebno primerno skladiščiti in poskrbeti za njen odvoz. V analiziranem primeru je skozi vse proizvodne faze prikazana celotna logistična pot proizvoda in embalaže. Analizirali smo prvo naročilo, ki je poskrbelo da je stroj sliter, začel z delovanjem. S tem so v podjetju upravičili njegov nakup. Kljub vsem težavam je podjetje X uspešno opravilo naročilo in si pridobilo izkušnje, na podlagi katerih sedaj stroj deluje produktivno in s polno zmogljivostjo.
Keywords:embalaža, razrez pločevine, stroj sliter, proces pakiranja
Place of publishing:Celje
Publisher:[J. Korošec]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72445 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:512959037 New window
Publication date in DKUM:03.12.2018
KOROŠEC, Jožef, 2018, Embalirni sistem za končnega kupca v izbranem podjetju [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Celje : J. Korošec. [Accessed 21 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72445
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Title:Packaging system for the final customer in a company X
Abstract:Packaging is one of the key elements of the production process. In our studied case, the key element is all dry packaging, especially wood sticks that are meant to separate coils on one pallet. If packaging material is not dry, we have a chemical reaction called ''white rust'', and this is not acceptable for the end user. Packaging must be dealt with care, laws and demands of clients and market. Throughout the diploma thesis, we described the initial state, the order and final state with all the steps in-between. Our main analysis was an order for our sheet metal cutting machine, that was not in use before this order. Our main goal was to make it run. Due to all problems and extra cost we have successfully finished our first real order and got all the experience to be competitive on Slovenian market.
Keywords:packaging, cutting of sheet metal, slitter machine, packaging system


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