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Title:Petrol klub: Analiziranje in oblikovanje lojalnostnega programa (nalepke)
Authors:ID Voh, Matic (Author)
ID Perko, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 0389A4DB556866207DFC10284BD1B09A
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7cb3473d-3ad6-466d-b552-b372b24a51a9
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:V današnjem času je boj za potrošnika med konkurenčnimi podjetji vedno ostrejši. Vsako podjetje se zaveda ključnega pomena zadovoljstva in zvestobe med potrošnikom in podjetjem. Ugotovili so, da za vzdrževanje visokega nivoja zadovoljstva in zvestobe potrebujejo orodje, ki se imenuje program zvestobe. Zaradi vse večje konkurence na trgu morajo podjetja za dolgoročni poslovni uspeh analizirati in posodabljati svoj program zvestobe. Z vsako posodobitvijo programa zvestobe se želijo podjetja približati potrošniku. Tisti, ki bo uspel na preprost način z zanimivimi ponudbami zadovoljiti potrošnika, bo zmagovalec boja. Zaradi digitalizacije, ki je danes prisotna na vsakem našem koraku in potrošniku ponuja ogromno informacij, je takšen način pristopa do potrošnika posebej težaven. Že vsaka malenkost, ki izstopa iz povprečja, pomeni dodana vrednost programu zvestobe. Zato smo v diplomskem delu na primeru Petrol kluba analizirali in predstavili nov predlog za lojalnostni program zbiranja nalepk za prihodnost. Diplomski projekt je oblikovan tako, da ga sestavljata dva dela. V prvem oziroma teoretičnem delu so predstavljena štiri poglavja, namenjena spoznavanju bistvenih sestavnih delov programa zvestobe. Prične se z uvodom, kjer se najprej predstavi področje, nameni projekta, hipoteze in raziskava. V nadaljevanju spoznamo definicije potrošnika in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na potrošnikovo nakupno vedenje. Pregledamo bistvene elemente zadovoljstva in zvestobe. Zaključimo pa pri osnovnih delitvah programa zvestobe. Drugi del, poimenovan empirični, vsebuje predstavitev podjetja Petrol d.d., analizo Petrol klub programa zvestobe in predlog o nadgradnji trenutnega lojalnostnega programa zbiranja nalepk. Predstavili smo svoj predlog virtualnega lojalnostnega programa zbiranja nalepk ter izvedli ustrezno raziskavo. Pri raziskavi smo si pomagali z virtualnim anketnim vprašalnikom. Takšna vrsta ankete je omogočila anketirancem lažji in hitrejši dostop. Vsi anketiranci so anketo reševali prostovoljno in anonimno. Iz ankete smo pridobili potrebne podatke za obrazložitev zastavljenih hipotez in odziv anketirancev na predlog zbiranja virtualnih nalepk. Pridobljeni podatki so nam omogočili primerjavo trenutnega lojalnostnega programa zbiranja nalepk s predlaganim virtualnim lojalnostnim programom zbiranja nalepk. Analiza rezultatov nam je pokazala, da je možen preskok iz klasične oblike nalepk na virtualno obliko brez večjih posledic za podjetje Petrol.
Keywords:potrošnik, zadovoljstvo, zvestoba, program zvestobe, Petrol klub
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Voh]
Year of publishing:2019
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72441 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:13275420 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.03.2019
VOH, Matic, 2019, Petrol klub: Analiziranje in oblikovanje lojalnostnega programa (nalepke) [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : M. Voh. [Accessed 22 January 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72441
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Secondary language

Title:Petrol Club: Analyzing and Creating Loyalty Programs (Label)
Abstract:Recently, the strife for gaining a competitive edge among the companies, in respect to attract new customers, becomes very keen and stiff. Each of the company is aware of the key importance of the satisfaction and loyalty established in the close relationship between the customers and the company. It has been ascertained that to be attained the highest level of satisfaction and loyalty relationship, is to be extended tools - Loyalty Program. Facing permanently an increased competition on the markets, they are forced to achieve their long-term business success by analyzing and updating own Loyalty Program. The intention of the companies with their new updated Loyalty Program is to become closer to their customers. Those, who will gain the simplest way in satisfying customers, will win the market struggle. Nowadays, due to the digitalization, found in any segment, customers have an access to a huge amount of information, which makes the approach to the customers more difficult. Even the smallest trifle getting out of the average means, reflects additional value to the Loyalty Program. Taking all these into consideration, in this Diploma work, on the example of Petrol Club, was analyzed and extended a new proposal for loyalty program stickers, that should be collected in the future. The Diploma work has been designed in two integral parts. In the first part - named theoretical, are presented four chapters referring to fundamental parts of the Loyalty Program. On the beginning, the introduction deals with presentation of the domain, purpose, hypotheses, and research. Further on, are developed definitions about the customer and actions taken, that have an impact over the customers’ consumption behaving. We are reviewing the principal parts in regards to satisfaction and loyalty. Finalizing with the fundamental parts of the Loyal Program. The second part named - empiric, refers to the presentation of the company Petrol, an analysis about Petrol Club - loyalty program, sating further superstructures of the current program for loyalty with collection of the stickers. It is introduced our proposal for virtual loyalty program for collecting stickers, together with, performance of an adequate research. Throughout our performance of the research, we had an assistance in using a questionnaire. That form and scope of the questionnaire helped and enabled the customers for a rapid access. All the interviewed customers have answered voluntarily and anonymously. The questionnaire provided us with necessary data, enabling us to expose the established hypothesis, as well as a response for proposals for collection of virtual stickers. Gathered information enabled us to compare the present loyalty program for collection of stickers with our proposed virtual loyalty program for collection of stickers. Analysis of such data showed us that it is possible to leap over from classical form of stickers in to virtual form without any seriously outcome for company Petrol.
Keywords:customer, satisfaction, loyalty, loyalty program, Petrol Club


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