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Title:Pojem pametne pogodbe
Authors:ID Ahlin, Aleksander (Author)
ID Samec Berghaus, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Drnovšek, Klemen (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Ahlin_Aleksander_2018.pdf (449,10 KB)
MD5: BB65C37A55A7EB78B6C2B566C96AC146
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/e449340c-7820-44df-9cdb-a717e883aa30
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Pojem pametne pogodbe je odraz splošnega tehnološkega razvoja. Preko avtomatizacije z uporabo programske opreme se skuša racionalizirati pogodbena razmerja; tako v sklenitveni kot tudi v izpolnitveni fazi. Pametne (pravne) pogodbe so pravne pogodbe ali elementi pravne pogodbe, ki so reprezentirane in izvedene s strani programske opreme. Posebna oblika sklenitve, na specifični digitalni platformi, vključuje programsko opremo v funkcionalni spekter pravne pogodbe in jo tako naredi 'pametno'. Programsko opremo v okviru pametnih pogodb načeloma predstavlja digitalna platforma, zgrajena na podlagi tehnologije veriženja blokov ali sorodne tehnologije. Tako opredeljena pametna pogodba odpira množico pravnih vprašanj z vidika samega poimenovanja, možnih zlorab, pravne definicije idr. V diplomski nalogi so obravnavana zlasti naslednja vprašanja: kam umestiti pametne pogodbe v okviru obligacijskega prava in prava varstva potrošnikov, kakšna je pravna narava pametnih pogodb, ali lahko pametne pogodbe podredimo obstoječim splošnim pravnim aktom pogodbenega prava ali pa moramo morda oblikovati nove. Ugotovimo lahko, da gre pri pametnih pravnih pogodbah za poseben način sklenitve oz. izpolnitve pogodbenih obveznosti, ki neposredno ni urejen v pozitivnopravni zakonodaji; lahko pa se pozitivnopravna zakonodaja skupaj s pravno dogmatiko na tem področju uporablja pri presoji veljavnosti pametnih pogodb kot tudi glede nastalih pravnih učinkov.
Keywords:pametna pogodba, smart contract, tehnologija veriženja blokov, avtomatizacija, samoizvršljivost, začetna ponudba žetonov, kripto žeton, kripto valuta
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Ahlin]
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72402 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5675051 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.11.2018
AHLIN, Aleksander, 2018, Pojem pametne pogodbe [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor : A. Ahlin. [Accessed 25 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72402
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Secondary language

Title:The concept of smart contracts
Abstract:The notion of smart contracts is a reflection of the general technological development. Through automation with the use of software, smart contracts are an attempt to rationalize contractual relationships; both in concluding and in the fulfillment phase. Smart (legal) contracts are legal contracts, or elements of legal contracts, which are represented and executed by software. A special form of conclusion, based on a specific digital platform, includes software in the functional spectrum of the legal contract and thus makes it 'smart.' Software, in the context of smart contracts, is in principle represented by a digital platform built on the basis of blockchain, or a related technology. The so-called smart contracts as a concept, raise a multitude of legal issues ranging from concept phrasing, providing a legal definition, possibilities of abuse, etc. Amongst others, the main legal questions in this graduation thesis are: placement of smart contracts in the context of law of obligations and the consumer protection law, what is the legal nature of smart contracts; whether we can subordinate smart contracts to existing general legal acts of contract law, or do we, perhaps, have to create new ones. We can conclude that smart contracts are a special way of conclusion or fulfillment of contractual obligations, which is not directly governed by positive law; but positive law, together with legal dogmatics in this area, can be used to assess the validity of smart contracts as well as the legal effects that have arisen.
Keywords:smart contract as a concept, blockchain technology, automatization, (enforced) self-execution, representation and execution by software, initial coin offering, crypto token, crypto currency


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