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Title:Razmnoževanje paradižnika v in vitro pogojih
Authors:ID Germ, Manja (Author)
ID Šiško, Metka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 2B40A7468BB35C2A159432F172F374E1
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fd3cc848-7f9c-49f2-acc4-d950aec62798
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2017 smo opravili poskus, v katerem smo testirali vpliv treh različnih gojišč na rast in razvoj paradižnika. V gojišča smo dodali različne koncentracije proteina kazein hidrolizata (0 g/l, 0,1 g/l in 0,04 g/l) in citokinina benzil amino purina v treh različnih koncentracijah 0 mg/l, 112,65 mg/l in 1 mg/l (CH + BAP). V poskus smo vključili štiri različne lokalne genotipe paradižnika. Kot izhodiščni material smo uporabili plodove paradižnika, ki smo jih površinsko sterilizirali in iz njih pobrali sterilna semena. Iz semen smo na indukcijskem gojišču vzgojili rastline, ki smo jih prenesli na tri različna gojišča. Vsak poganjek smo pred inokulacijo na gojišče za razraščanje stehtali. Po 30 dneh smo poganjke ponovno stehtali in iz razlike obeh mas izračunali prirast zelene mase na posameznem gojišču. Najboljši prirast mase je bil pri vseh genotipih na gojišču G1 (brez dodanega CH in BAP), najmanjši prirast pa na gojišču G3, ki je vsebovalo 0,04 mg/l CH in 1 mg/l BAP. Ugotovili smo, da med gojiščem in genotipom ni bilo interakcije. Kazein hidrolizat in BAP v našem poskusu nista pokazala pozitivnega učinka na rast paradižnika in vitro.
Keywords:paradižnik / mikropropagacija / tkivne kulture / kazein hidrolizat / BAP
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-72345 New window
Publication date in DKUM:01.10.2018
GERM, Manja, 2018, Razmnoževanje paradižnika v in vitro pogojih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Maribor. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from: https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=eng&id=72345
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Secondary language

Title:In vitro propagation of tomatoes
Abstract:In 2017, we tested the impact of three mediums on the growth and the development of a tomato. We added different concentrations of casein hydrolysate (0 g/l, 0,1 g/l in 0,04 g/l) and cytokinin benzylaminopurine in three different concentrations 0 mg/l, 112, 65 mg/l and 1 mg/l to the mediums (CH + BAP). The experiment included four different local genotypes of a tomato that we pre-sterilized and from which we picked sterile seeds. We transferred the seeds into the induction culture medium and later on transplanted the plants into three different mediums. Before transplantation we weighed every shoot. After 30 days, we weighed the shoots again and calculated the increase in the green mass for each medium. The increase in shoot weight was the highest in medium G1 (without CH and BAP) for all four genotypes and the lowest in medium G3 with 0,04 mg/l CH and 1 mg/l BAP added. The results showed that there was no interaction between the medium and the genotype. The results of our experiment showed that casein hydrolysate and BAP do not have positive impact on the growth of the tomato in vitro.
Keywords:tomato / micropropagation / tissue culture / casein hydrolysate / BAP


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